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[미국특허] Deployable and disposable container assemblies with bendable support members 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45C-007/00
  • B65F-001/00
  • B65F-001/14
출원번호 US-0042506 (2013-09-30)
등록번호 US-9469474 (2016-10-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Austin, Ed
  • Ritter, William J.
  • Albini, Martin
출원인 / 주소
  • Evergreen Innovation Partners I, LP
대리인 / 주소
    Perkins Coie LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 97


Collapsible containers and associated methods are disclosed herein. Certain aspects of the invention are directed toward a collapsible container assembly that includes a foldable support member that has a length and a width. The support member has a concave cross-section that causes the support memb


1. A collapsible assembly, comprising: a frame comprising a base, a top member and a pair of monolithic support members spaced apart from each other and extending between the base and the top member, each support member having a middle portion extending between a top end coupled to the top member an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (97) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Knutson Roger C., Adjustable bracing structure for yard bags.
  2. Vadnais Kenneth (Livonia MI), Adjustable plastic film bag mouth support.
  3. Marshall William H. (Houston TX) Williams Robert E. (Houston TX) Bennett John K. (Houston TX), Apparatus for electrical connection of glove monitor to patient.
  4. Anderson Robert F. (4718-10th St. Menominee MI 49858), Article carrier.
  5. Ground Damon R. (St. Paul MN), Attaching assembly.
  6. Corsaut ; III Otho O. (2018 Cass Blvd. Berkley MI 48072) Timmons Donald (30257 Longfellow Heights Madison Heights MI 48071), Bag holder.
  7. O'Hanlon Frances Parnell,IEX, Bag holder.
  8. Paloian,Michael; Paloian,Andrea, Bag opening support method and device.
  9. Bier Rosalie J., Basket and method of use.
  10. Callan George (226 Cranbrook Ave. Toronto ; Ontario ; M5M 1M7 CAX), Collapsible bag holder.
  11. Kirkley David C. (2112 Firestone Dr. League City TX 77573) Bereck James L. (1811 San Jose Friendswood TX 77564), Collapsible container.
  12. Schneider, Paul A., Collapsible container with durable bottom shell.
  13. Zheng Yu, Collapsible containers.
  14. Priefert Lonnie ; Priefert Edward ; Donnelly Kelly, Collapsible garbage bag stand.
  15. Chan Chin Chung,TWX, Collapsible garbage receptacle.
  16. Ho Stanley (Warren NJ) Ho Mark (Taipei TWX), Collapsible hamper for storage of laundry and other items.
  17. Ho Stanley (Warren NJ) Ho Mark (Taipei TWX), Collapsible hamper for storage of laundry and other items.
  18. Ziglar Paul S., Collapsible hamper for the storage of laundry and other items.
  19. Birkestrand Orville J., Collapsible hard case.
  20. Jessie Donald K. ; Bergman David C., Collapsible insect container.
  21. Barnes Charles F. (29 Melbourne Road Chichester ; West Sussex ; PO19 4nd GB3), Collapsible lampshades.
  22. Hsu Peyson (Changhua Hsien TWX), Collapsible laundry container structure.
  23. Cooper Sandra Robin, Collapsible multi-purpose container.
  24. Zheng,Yu, Collapsible shade structure.
  25. Stewart, John, Collapsible storage device with movable closure element.
  26. Berman Joseph J. (55 Mountain View Ter. Hillsdale NJ 07642) Chang S. J. (13-3 Samjung-Dong Joon-Ku Buchun City Kyunggi-Do KRX), Collapsible structured luggage.
  27. Zheng Yu, Collapsible structures.
  28. Zheng Yu, Collapsible structures.
  29. Zheng Yu, Collapsible sunshields, partitions and shade structures having overlapping support loops.
  30. Starchevich Jovanka, Combination holding and stabilizing device.
  31. Fowler Charles A. (Huntington Downs ; Apartment 322 Greenville SC 29650), Commercial laundry collection apparatus.
  32. Erickson, Bradley E.; Riley, Brian L., Compressible waste receptacle.
  33. Ayotte Bertrand J., Conformable bag holder with flat frame storage.
  34. Peska, Lawrence, Container with swinging partition.
  35. Walton David,GB3, Containers.
  36. Alan Mark Crawley NZ, Containers with variable volume.
  37. Nolan,Michael; Bassily,Samir F.; Gehle,Richard W.; Lake,Jerry Miles, Deployable antenna with foldable resilient members.
  38. Elmer Frederick L. (Anaheim CA), Device for supporting a limp container.
  39. Shaw,Edward Emil, Devices incorporating a bi-stable ribbon spring.
  40. Dotts Antionette R., Disposable standing trash bag.
  41. Kitamura Takayuki (Yokosuka JPX) Yamashiro Koichi (Zama JPX), Extendable mast.
  42. Daton-Lovett Andrew J.,GBX, Extendible member.
  43. Benton Max D. (175 Salisbury Goleta CA 93117) Robbins ; Jr. William M. (1540 Holliday Hill Rd. Goleta CA 93117), Extendible structures.
  44. Peterson John M. (Madison AL), Fast, erectable, easily transportable structures.
  45. Geoff Marks, Flattenable foldable boom hinge.
  46. Hafer Harold Franklin ; Apostoluk Peter Roman, Flexible bulk container with supporting side beams.
  47. Hafer Harold F., Flexible container with supporting side beams.
  48. Hafer Harold Franklin, Flexible container with supporting side beams.
  49. Harold F. Hafer, Flexible container with supporting side beams.
  50. Harold F. Hafer, Flexible container with supporting side beams.
  51. Gonella, Federico, Flexible self-standing bag.
  52. Gregory B. Kennedy, Flexible support.
  53. Vaughn Daniel L. (Powell OH), Flower pot container.
  54. Jones Paul, Foldable bowl.
  55. Peter A. Warren, Foldable member.
  56. Warren Peter A., Foldable member.
  57. Wang, Wen Tsan, Folding collapsible combination storage box assembly.
  58. Wang Wen-Tsan,TWX, Folding collapsible storage box.
  59. Wang Wen-Tsan,TWX, Folding collapsible storage box.
  60. Ebert Gerd (Amundsenstr. 26 90453 Nurnberg DEX), Glove with bistable spring element.
  61. Ziglar Paul S., Hamper apparatus and methods.
  62. Prescott Charles R., Insulator apparatus for a beverage container.
  63. Max L. Woods, II, Insulator wrap for beverage container.
  64. Wakeman Alfred W. (Durham CT), Joint forming tape for a collapsible cylindrical container.
  65. McAtarian Mark F., Land-based spill collection system.
  66. Hsu Peyson (Changhua Hsien TWX), Laundry basket.
  67. Sawyer Warren D. (3868 Circle Dr. Indianapolis IN 46220) Sawyer Mark W. (3868 Circle Dr. Indianapolis IN 46220), Laundry hamper.
  68. Rey Zabat Mendoza ; Wilhelmina Navarro Mendoza, Laundry roll hamper.
  69. Jones Hubert B. (7908 Brynwood Ct. Louisville KY 40291), Lawn and leaf bag frame.
  70. Blackaby Colin T. (3021 Perrysburg Rd. Logansport IN 46947) Blackaby Yvonne M. (3021 Perrysburg Rd. Logansport IN 46947), Lawn bag support frame.
  71. McVicker Richard E., Light barrier, screen or reflector.
  72. Hsueh Yu-Sheng,TWX, Light reflection band device.
  73. Yuan, Shih-Hwa, Multi-functional rack.
  74. Hull Harold L. (401 Canyon Way #43 Sparks NV 89434) Burnett William G. (1826 Quail Run Rd. Reno NV 89523), Navigator display plotter and method of use.
  75. Dire George (1313 Mesa Verde Farmington NM 87401), Plastic bag supporting device.
  76. Easter Scott D., Pop-up collapsible protective device.
  77. Mosley Coley (150 Coleman Cir. ; P.O. Box 524 Pacolet SC 29372), Portable pail.
  78. Chipman Robert Gerard, Receptacle frame.
  79. Basore Wayne (Cordova TN) Zander Susan (Memphis TN) Kiernan Arthur (Lomoke AR), Removably-supported hamper bag and foldable support therefor.
  80. Cardulla Richard (801 Independence Ave. ; S.E. Washington DC 20003), Self supporting trash bag.
  81. Stern Marilyn (Washington DC), Self-closing bag.
  82. Bernard Duperray FR; Alain Donzier FR; Jacques Sicre FR, Self-driving, self-locking and damping hinge strap, and a hinge fitted with such straps.
  83. Yoon Young W., Self-erecting loop structure.
  84. Miano R. Ross, Self-wrapping carrying device.
  85. Tsai, Bi-Hau, Size adjustable trash bag holder.
  86. Rouh-Farm Tsui TW, Size-adjustable detachable portable garbage bag rack.
  87. Sheng-Bin, Hsieh, Soft storage container with zip-fastened bottom.
  88. Hurwitz Gregory J. (38 Cecelia Terr. Rochester NY 14622), Soft-sided luggage with collapsible frame.
  89. Weder Donald E. (Highland IL), Spring strip wrapping and method for using same.
  90. Warren, Peter A., Stiffener reinforced foldable member.
  91. Baxter, Doug; Sloan, Frank, System, apparatus, and methods for dispensing scent blocker and animal lure and marking trail during hunting and other outdoor excursions.
  92. Murphey,Thomas W; Pollard,Eric L, Tape-spring deployable hinge.
  93. Stevens Harry C. (Box 128 Almena KS 67622), Trash bag holder.
  94. Yardas Douglas (4523 Buckmoor San Antonio TX 78217), Trash bag support system.
  95. Jelincic James J. (3323 Pinkerton Ct. San Jose CA 95148), Trashbag holder with flat edge.
  96. Ussen, Bakhytbek Z., Universal semi-automatic foldable box.
  97. Fan Jianhua, Wide opening leaves bagger.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Strawn, Kenneth B.; McCord, Benjamin E., Dry trim and sift bag apparatus and method of use.

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