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[미국특허] Film for making packages 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-99
출원번호 US-0503371 (2014-09-25)
등록번호 US-D772069 (2016-11-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sanfilippo, James J.
  • Feld, Eric
  • Butkus, Michael
  • Alianello, Michael
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 184


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a film for making packages, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (184) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Inoo, Katsuyuki, Adhesive skin patch.
  2. Inoo, Katsuyuki; Kikuchi, Yasuharu, Adhesive skin patch.
  3. Inoo, Katsuyuki; Kikuchi, Yasuharu, Adhesive skin patch.
  4. Inoo, Katsuyuki; Kikuchi, Yasuharu; Uematsu, Masanori, Adhesive skin patch.
  5. Uematsu, Masanori, Adhesive skin patch.
  6. Kim Chang Ho,KRX, Airtight container.
  7. Grundler ; Bruno ; Heinzer ; Hans ; Muller ; Werner, Apparatus for forming, filling and closing bags.
  8. Reaves, Jerry Mike; White, Jeryl Edwin, Apparatus for providing end seals on vertical stand-up packages.
  9. Adkins Brad, Baby accessories carrying device.
  10. Sasaki Hitoshi,JPX ; Ohba Mitsuru,JPX ; Kuge Raizo,JPX ; Niwa Susumu,JPX, Bag for bag-in-box and bag-in-box.
  11. Takita, Masanori; Yashima, Hiroshi; Fujita, Michiaki; Shimazu, Tomoaki; Hasumi, Motomitsu; Nishimura, Hiroshi, Bag having a deformable member attached thereto.
  12. Paul R. Schmidt, Bag in-pack enclosure.
  13. Saffran Mortimore H. (Westville CT), Bandage strip can with cover having wrap around flange.
  14. Hoffman Ronald J. (Collierville TN) Neff Steven W. (Clinton IA), Bottle cap opener.
  15. Blankitny Efraim (Natanya ILX), Box.
  16. Miller Charles D. (Rockford IL) Kornick Joseph M. (Chicago IL) Pritchard Robert W. (Pittsburgh PA), Box.
  17. Patrick J. Sumpmann ; Gordon H. Meier ; Sarah J. Moberg, Canister.
  18. Fallen Floyd F. (Richmond VA) Wilson Calvin L. (Richmond VA), Carton blank.
  19. Zorn Shelley Marie ; Block Steve John, Carton for food products.
  20. Staples, Robin, Chewing gum tin.
  21. Martin, Douglas S.; Wennerstrom, Joel, Combined container and closure.
  22. Park, Cheol Woo; Chau, Yamn; Lee, Shiuan-Hung, Communication device.
  23. Park, Cheol Woo; Lee, Shane; Shang, Wei, Communication device.
  24. Elzea Lorene E. (Redwood City CA) Atwood Robert G. (Foster City CA), Computer disc container.
  25. Alizard Michel (New York NY), Container.
  26. Balzar Tammy Jo ; Christianson Rodney Carlton ; Cole Douglas Bryan ; Huang Yung Hsiang ; Studee Stephen Bernard, Container.
  27. Brown,Larry Edgerton; Velazquez,Herb Flores; Cammarota,Mark T., Container.
  28. Buczwinski Carey Alix ; Larson Todd Christopher ; Serbiak Annamaria ; Astoreca Alfred Jack ; Piscopo Peter Anthony ; Seager Richard Herman, Container.
  29. Friedland,Jason; Wadalawala,Matthew; MacLellan,Angus; Heck,John; Shull,Glenn; Chisholm,Gary, Container.
  30. Green, Dale; Kapp, Nico; Nehus, Uwe; Vollborth, David, Container.
  31. Hill Simon David Julian,DEX, Container.
  32. Hill Simon David Julian,DEX, Container.
  33. Joubert, Jacques-Francois, Container.
  34. Liebe,Thomas; Wichowski,Artur, Container.
  35. Narsutis Joellen N. (Oak Park IL), Container.
  36. Peter Piscopo ; Richard Seager ; Joe Everard, Container.
  37. Snedden,Craig; Golota,George A., Container and lid with recess.
  38. Buchanan Jerry E. ; Sketo Larry ; Buchanan Rodney A., Container and method of manufacturing same from a web of flexible material.
  39. Irace John J. ; Maffit Terry E., Container blank for adhesively secured flat bottom bag.
  40. Cormack Judith,GBX, Container for impregnated wipes.
  41. Tronchetti Sauro (Lucca ITX) Tronchetti Renzo (Lucca ITX), Container for paper sheets.
  42. Sams, Stephen; Sams, Bernard; Young, Kenneth; Kammerer, Heike; Zethoff, Martin, Container for wet wipes.
  43. Buczwinski Carey Alix ; Larson Todd Christopher ; Serbiak Annamaria ; Astoreca Alfred Jack ; Piscopo Peter Anthony ; Seager Richard Herman, Container for wet wipes having an improved closure mechanism.
  44. Geller Avner,ILX, Container having a rectangular base and its manufacturing.
  45. Geller Avner,ILX, Container having rectangular base and its manufacturing.
  46. Decottignies Laurent (Vittel FRX) Chatourel Daniel (Vittel FRX), Container made of synthetic material with improved rigidity.
  47. Frederick Allan Buck ; Andrew Kuo ; Yvette Lynn Hammonds ; John David Amundson GB, Container with domed inner cover.
  48. Schuh Robert R. (Kaukauna WI) Terrell Nancy E. (Stamford CT) Kreiseder Walter J. (Barrington IL) Vogel Allen J. (Long Grove IL), Container with hinged cover.
  49. Armstrong David R. (Otsego MI), Container with hinged lid.
  50. Collins Steve,GBX ; McDonald Ian,GBX ; Van Ravensteijn Rob,NLX ; Massia Frank,DEX, Container with lid.
  51. Tasker Peter John,NZX, Container with lid.
  52. Behrend Grace A. (Englishtown NJ), Container with reclosable lid latch.
  53. Lindsay, Brendan Jon, Container with removable lid.
  54. Clark, James A.; O'Brien, Patrick L.; Foster, David T.; Piercy, Matthew N., Container with wide pour spout.
  55. Koza,Michelle, Cork packaging block.
  56. Correll,John D., Cover panel of a box blank.
  57. Meeuwesen, Antonius; Lambie, Johannis; Vermaat, Adrianus Arie; Romijn, Barend Bastiaan, Device for manufacturing tubular bag packages.
  58. Maxwell Holly A. (Minneapolis MN) Esse Robert L. (Monticello MN), Dual compartment food package.
  59. Dalea Lisa M. (Maple Grove MN) Esse Robert L. (Monticello MN) Shee Francis M. (Brooklyn Park MN), Easily expandable, flexible paper popcorn package.
  60. Prater Donald R. (Beaverton OR), End fill microwavable and/or ovenable container.
  61. Chesson Sharon (Bradenton FL) Stone James (Grand Rapids MI), Fabric softener sheet dispenser cartons.
  62. Watkins Jeffrey T. (Eden Prairie MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Edina MN), Flat bottomed stand-up microwave corn popping bag.
  63. Watkins Jeffrey T. (Bloomington MN) Brandberg Lawrence C. (Edina MN), Flat-faced package for improving the microwave popping of corn.
  64. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible container and lid.
  65. Sanfilippo,John E.; Sanfilippo,James J.; Skaggs,Jeanne M.; Speer,Roy D., Flexible container and lid.
  66. Andersson, Thomas; Norlin, Carl-Olof, Flexible package and method of producing the same.
  67. Clark, Jr., James J.; Hannah, Deborah S.; Marnocha, James R., Flexible package with opening feature.
  68. Clark, Jr., James J.; Hannah, Deborah S.; Marnocha, James R., Flexible package with opening feature.
  69. Hamilton Peter Worthington ; McGuire Kenneth Stephen ; Tweddell ; III Richard ; Garth Shirley Florence ; Oney ; Jr. Jack Lee, Flexible storage bag with selectively-activatible closure.
  70. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container and method and system for manufacturing same.
  71. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container including a lid and package body folded from a single sheet of film.
  72. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container used for storing a quantity of product and method for manufacturing same.
  73. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable sealed package having corner seals and formed from a sheet of film.
  74. Jewell Donald K. (Naperville IL), Foam package for breakfast foods.
  75. Tucker, Lewis Alexander; Zimmer, Gregory Alan; Marcus, Wayne Stuart, Food container.
  76. Tucker, Lewis Alexander; Zimmer, Gregory Alan; Marcus, Wayne Stuart, Food container.
  77. Tzifkansky Guy (Fontenay aux Roses FRX) Marchais Jean-Claude (L\Hay les Roses FRX), Food container.
  78. Krupa Calvin S. (Medina MN), Food package with hinged lid.
  79. Zimmerman,Larry Gene, Food storage container.
  80. Conti Rino (Stoughton MA), Food storage container or the like.
  81. Doyen Leon (79 ; RUE DE Bourgogne Lyon 9 (Rhone) FR) Doyen Louis (79 ; RUE DE Bourgogne Lyon 9 (Rhone) FR), Free-standing container.
  82. Bustin Franz (Rochester NY), Free-standing thermoplastic bag construction.
  83. Prater Donald R. (Beaverton OR), Frozen food container.
  84. Kimple, Michael; Cooner, Damon H., Glove dispenser.
  85. Burr, Brian M.; Truly, Carl Wesley, Handle.
  86. Oberloier Robert Joseph, Herb container.
  87. Rosine,Lyle A.; Anderson,Torrence, Jumbo storage bin.
  88. Ray ; III George C. (Battle Creek MI) Otto Michael J. (Kalamazoo MI) Price Charles E. (Delton MI), Laminated container structure incorporating a peelable panel section having a heat transferable image.
  89. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Lid for a flexible container.
  90. Sanfilippo,John E.; Sanfilippo,James J.; Skaggs,Jeanne M.; Speer,Roy, Lid for a flexible container.
  91. Bois Henri,FRX, Machine and a method for automatically forming, filling, and closing bags.
  92. Visona', Sergio; Trani, Giorgio; Sterner, Marion, Method and apparatus for manufacturing tube-shaped packages made of flexible material.
  93. Jentsch Hans G. (Daimler Strasse 4 43 Essen DT), Method for making plastic bags.
  94. Takita, Masanori; Yashima, Hiroshi; Fujita, Michiaki; Shimazu, Tomoaki; Hasumi, Motomitsu; Nishimura, Hiroshi; Saito, Tadashi, Method of attaching deformable member to a bag.
  95. Edwards, Simon P.; Gianneschi, Benjamin A.; Lu, Nancy; Hsu, Joe, Method of designing a standup bag.
  96. Richison Cecil (Hudson WI) Bell Gary M. (Crystal MN), Method of making a vented pouch.
  97. Edwards, Simon P.; Gianneschi, Benjamin A.; Lu, Nancy; Hsu, Joe, Method of manufacturing a standup bag.
  98. Ielmini Angelo (Patterson CA), Microwave carton.
  99. Moseley Jennifer D. ; Little John C. ; Narramore Richard W. ; Main Charles A. ; Berens ; Jr. Alan Paul, Microwave popcorn bag with continuous susceptor arrangement.
  100. Moseley Jennifer D. ; Little John C., Microwave popcorn bag with cross mitre arrangement.
  101. Ruebush Richard P. ; Danis P. Elaine ; Olsheski Dennis A., Microwaveable bag for cooking and serving food.
  102. Chung, In-Sik, Mobile communication terminal.
  103. Han, Woo-Seung; Lee, Young-Keun, Mobile phone.
  104. Jeong, Jong-II, Mobile phone.
  105. Niki Yoshifumi,JPX ; Nakanishi Hirofumi,JPX ; Watahiki Yuji,JPX ; Saito Yutaka,JPX, Moist wipe package.
  106. Scholz Matthew T. (Woodbury MN) Eull Patricia A. (Mahtomedi MN) Edgar Jason L. (Bloomington MN) Drake Gerald E. (Oakdale MN) Novak Barry J. (St. Louis Park MN) Bartizal Dennis C. (Lakeland MN) Campag, Moisture-proof resealable pouch and container.
  107. Scholz Matthew T. ; Eull Patricia A. ; Edgar Jason L. ; Drake Gerald E. ; Novak Barry J. ; Bartizal Dennis C. ; Campagna Anthony J., Moisture-proof resealable pouch and container.
  108. Koza,Michelle, Moving image cork packaging block.
  109. Ramirez,Richard L.; Bergeron,Mark A., One-compartment container.
  110. Carlsson Lars C. (Blentarp SEX), Opening of containers.
  111. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Wilmington DE), Ovenable carton with removable lid.
  112. Dragoo Jerry L. ; Lash Glen R., Package containing absorbent articles and inserts.
  113. Cotert,Filiz, Package for compressible flat articles.
  114. Koyama Yasuhiro,JPX ; Bando Takeshi,JPX ; Iida Yukiko,JPX ; Saitou Ikuya,JPX, Package formed of soft sheet.
  115. Vogt, Carole Anne; Sierra-Gomez, Gladys Odette; Weber, Jeffrey Thomas; McDermott, Elizabeth A.; Philipsen, Douglas H., Package integrity indicator for container closure.
  116. Ljunstrom Tommy,SEX ; Moss Sheila, Package with extended top panel and a blank therefor.
  117. Galomb, David E., Packages for dispensing flowable materials and dispensing systems using such packages.
  118. Yashima,Hiroshi; Shimazu,Tomoaki, Packaging bag.
  119. De Muynck, Marc, Packaging carton.
  120. De Pietri Tonelli, Roberto; Barbieri, Marcello; Marchetti, Marco; Morciano, Davide; Costa, Stefano, Packaging container blank.
  121. Reil ; Wilhelm, Packaging means.
  122. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Wilmington DE), Packaging tray for food or the like.
  123. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Wilmington DE), Packaging tray for food or the like.
  124. Rausing Hans (Wadhurst Park GB2), Packing container for liquid contents.
  125. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton E. (Wilmington DE), Paperboard carton.
  126. Price Charles E. (Delton MI) Ray ; III George C. (Battle Creek MI) Grieve Harold R. (Battle Creek MI) Tomich Robert G. (Battle Creek MI), Peelable on-package coupon and method for making same.
  127. Herrington ; Jr. F. John (Holcomb NY), Plastic bag dispenser.
  128. Ross,Michael A., Product container.
  129. Martini,Pietro, Product packaging.
  130. Kohl,Garrett William; Reaves,Jerry Mike; Tucker,Steven Kenneth; White,Jeryl Edwin, Quick change module with adjustable former attachments.
  131. Westerman, Frank E.; Westerman, Frank G., Quick erecting foldable portable cooler.
  132. Thomas Toby R., Reclosable stand-up bag.
  133. Imer Rodney Haydn,ESX, Rectangular thin film pack.
  134. Imer Rodney Haydn,ESX, Rectangular thin film pack.
  135. Imer Rodney Haydn,ESX, Rectangular thin film pack.
  136. Nakamura Kenji (3-7 ; Nishiawaji 6-chome Higashiyodogawa-ku ; Osaka JPX), Resealable dispenser-container.
  137. Nakamura Kenji,JPX ; Nakamura Koji,JPX, Resealable dispenser-container.
  138. Nakamura Kenji (Osaka JPX) Nakamura Koji (Osaka JPX), Resealable dispenser-container for wet tissues.
  139. Sierra-Gomez, Gladys Odette; Peters, Eva Marie; Stiener, Joseph; Flynn, IV, Charles Francis; Mandle, James Spencer, Resealable food container.
  140. Scott Barry M. ; Konicke James F., Resealable label flap including label stop.
  141. Julius, Robert P.; Vance, Gary, Resealable perforated label for consumer products.
  142. Vandiver Barry W. (103 Cactus Ct. Lenoir NC 28645), Reusable top for use with a disposable storage container.
  143. Bonora Anthony C. (Menlo Park CA) Wartenbergh Robert P. (Woodside CA) Jain Sudhir (Fremont CA) Davis Mark R. (Mountain View CA), Sealable transportable container having improved liner.
  144. Kan Osamu (Kyoto JA), Self-standing bag.
  145. Moravek Lawrence R. (1919 Buckingham Dr. Wheaton IL 60187), Self-supporting polymer bag and method of manufacture.
  146. Drut, Henry, Shaping shoulder and a device for producing longitudinally shaped webs.
  147. Schwarz Ingo,DEX ; Vogel Christian,DEX, Six-edge container.
  148. Randall Catherine Jean ; Hupp Matthew Todd ; Kerfoot Jennifer Kay, Stackable, self-supporting container with sliding mechanical closure.
  149. Edwards, Simon P.; Gianneschi, Benjamin A.; Lu, Nancy; Hsu, Joe, Stand up bag.
  150. Schulz, Werner, Stand-up bag.
  151. Takahashi,Sakaru; Inagaki,Hiromichi, Stand-up packaging pouch, package body and feed roll, and manufacturing methods therefor.
  152. Erickson Laurence R. (Midland MI) Behr R. Douglas (Midland MI) Vrooman Roger D. (Midland MI), Stand-up plastic bag and method of making same.
  153. Takahashi, Sakaru; Inagaki, Hiromichi, Stand-up pouch.
  154. Takahashi, Sakaru; Inagaki, Hiromichi, Stand-up pouch.
  155. Bochet Thierry (Pontchateau FRX) Moriniere Jean-Pierre (Bouzielle ; Lire FRX), Stand-up type sachet intended to contain a liquid, pasty or pulverulent product.
  156. May, Timothy J.; Styer, Robert; Ericson, Mark, Stay-open towel dispensing container.
  157. Farnham, Mark P.; Warwicker, Clive, Storage unit.
  158. Galomb,David E., System and package for dispensing flowable material and method for product dispensing.
  159. Seum,Susan Marie; Romanos,Demetrius Michael; Tanghal,Emmanuel Venci; Hunt,David Lewis, Tablet container.
  160. Goebel Henry R. (Camarillo CA) Flynn Joseph (Camarillo CA), Tissue carton.
  161. Cassel Timothy S. (Arlington MA), Tote with hinged cover.
  162. Arkins,Thomas Daniel, Tub.
  163. Forbes ; Jr. Hampton H. (Newark DE), Tub for packaging food or the like.
  164. Kuss, Gerhard; Ohrisch, René; Braun, Harald; Baur, Walter, Tubular bagging machine.
  165. Schoeler Wolfgang, Tubular bagging machine with an asymmetrical forming shoulder and tubular bags with an edge-side longitudinal seam.
  166. Capy Gilbert,FRX ; Buchberg Akiva, Unfolding cup with prefolded convex bottom.
  167. Gehring, Jay Edward; Knoerzer, Anthony Robert; Kohl, Garrett William; Tucker, Steven Kenneth, Variable tension gusseting system.
  168. Cecil Richison ; Gary M. Bell, Vented pouch arrangement and method.
  169. Richison Cecil (Hudson WI) Bell Gary M. (Crystal MN), Vented pouch arrangement and method.
  170. Richison Cecil (Hudson WI) Bell Gary M. (Crystal MN), Vented pouch arrangement and method.
  171. Richison Cecil ; Bell Gary M., Vented pouch arrangement and method.
  172. Richison Cecil ; Bell Gary M., Vented pouch arrangement and method.
  173. John A. Schmidt, Vertical form fill seal bag with recloseable seal and method of making thereof.
  174. Schmidt, John A., Vertical form fill seal bag with recloseable seal and method of making thereof.
  175. Kohl, Garrett William; Tucker, Steven Kenneth, Vertical stand-up pouch quick change module.
  176. Kuhn, Roland; Kuss, Gerhard; Ohrisch, Rene; Baur, Walter, Vertical tubular bagging machine.
  177. Neff Paul A. (Pascoag RI), Watch box.
  178. Gregor Mittersinker ; Soojung Ham, Watch with trapezoidal face and sweep dial.
  179. Boyea Nancy ; Lesenskyj George ; Piscopo Peter ; Seager Richard, Wipes container.
  180. Richard S. Chomik ; Charles John Renz ; Javier Verdura, Wipes container.
  181. Igwebuike, Henning; Nielsen, Jesper Sejer; Gundersen, Boerge, Wound dressing.
  182. Igwebuike, Henning; Nielsen, Jesper Sejer; Gundersen, Boerge, Wound dressing.
  183. Igwebuike, Henning; Nielsen, Jesper Sejer; Gundersen, Boerge, Wound dressing.
  184. Weiss, Adrienne, Wrap strip.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Sanfilippo, II, James J., Package.
  2. Yang, Yinghua; Tao, Ran, Package.

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