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[미국특허] Double-walled, vacuum-insulated container having inner coating cured at high temperature 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-081/38
  • A47J-041/02
  • B23K-031/02
출원번호 US-0100594 (2013-12-09)
등록번호 US-9555948 (2017-01-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nemeth, Christopher P.
  • Olson, Gunnar B.
  • Stroud, Brandon L.
  • Xia, Sichong
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 9


A double-walled, vacuum-insulated container is manufactured with a cured inside coating. To form the container, an inner liner is disposed in an outer body. The inner liner has an inner sidewall, an inner bottom, and an inner lip, and the outer body has an outer sidewall and an outer lip. The inner


1. A container manufacturing method, comprising: forming a double-walled container having a plenum enclosed between an inner body and an outer body;creating a vacuum at least partially in the plenum using a seal having a first melt point;applying a paint coating to an inside surface of the inner bod

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Allen Michael P. (Nashville TN) DeGrow Gary C. (Goodlettsville TN) Wyatt W. Burk (Brentwood TN), Double wall beverage container having a wide base.
  2. Kelly, Jason; Duecker, Elaine A.; Palmisano, Michael, Double walled beverage container and method of making same.
  3. Toida Shouji (Tokyo JPX) Tsuchiya Shigeru (Tokyo JPX) Ariga Keiki (Tokyo JPX) Itoh Seiichi (Tokyo JPX) Ohta Hidetoshi (Tokyo JPX), Method for making double-walled insulating metal container.
  4. Cho Sang-Ku,KRX, Method for sealing a vacuum double wall container made of metal and associated sealed thereof.
  5. Yasuda Shinya,JPX ; Takatsuki Toyohiko,JPX ; Fujiyama Mamoru,JPX ; Haita Hiroshi,JPX, Method for sealing vacuum structure.
  6. Nagai Kiyoshi (Nishinomiya JPX), Method of sealing vacuum bottle evacuation chambers.
  7. Pinelli, Steven N., Travel container having drinking orifice and vent aperture seals.
  8. Posnansky Mario (Melchenbhlweg 18 3006 Bern (Canton of Bern) CHX) Utiger Urs (Obernz CHX), Vacuum flask.
  9. Kitabatake Akihiro (Nara JPX) Kamata Akihiro (Nara JPX) Nishikawa Kazuhiro (Itami JPX) Fujiyama Mamoru (Nara JPX) Kawamoto Ikuo (Bankok THX), Vacuum-insulated, double-walled metal structure and method for its production.
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