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[미국특허] Bodysuit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 02-02
출원번호 US-0538491 (2015-09-03)
등록번호 US-D780406 (2017-03-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brown, Timothy W.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 105


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a bodysuit, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (105) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cabrera Juan Pablo ; Cabana Daniel, Abdominal support belt.
  2. Fleischman-Ament Edie ; Krueger Susan K., Active-wear garment.
  3. Lyden Robert M., Anatomical and shock absorbing athletic pants.
  4. Yoshihara Hiroshi (27-10 ; Minamidai 3-chome Nakano-ku ; Tokyo 164 JPX), Apparel structure and process for making apparel.
  5. Jeffrey,M. Neil; Daht,Esther M., Arm sling apparatus.
  6. Brandt Dieter (Dsseldorf DEX) Szlema Ingeborg (Kempen DEX) Wetz Hans H. (Uerikon DEX), Articular bandage.
  7. Atwater William D. (Yanceyville NC) Atwater Mark V. (Blanch NC), Athletic compression shorts.
  8. Derderian Thomas (Portland OR), Athletic garment.
  9. Fischer, Randi J., Athletic garment.
  10. Wiens,Joel J., Athletic garment.
  11. Schreiber Hinda (Burlington VT) Lindahl Eugenie Z. (Burlington VT), Athletic shirt.
  12. Joseph Michel (Saverne FRX), Bathing suit.
  13. Joseph Michel (Saverne FRX), Bathing suit.
  14. Harmande, Carol, Bathing suit design.
  15. Martz, Natalie Anne, Bra.
  16. McManus, Niamh Siobhan, Bra.
  17. Palladino, Anne T., Bra.
  18. Dicker Timothy P., Bra sport top.
  19. Gallo, Christopher; Leonardo, Marc; Catalano, Ryan J., Brassiere.
  20. Lipov Sergei (2320 Central Evanston IL 60201), Buttock and leg support.
  21. Aitch, Lauren, Combined underarm gusset and back panel.
  22. Smith, Veronica C., Compression garment for dorsocervical surgeries.
  23. Morell Lori A. (Alpharetta GA) Wessel Joyce A. (Acworth GA), Coverall with elastomeric panels.
  24. Ozbey Ahmet M. (3010 Mount Pleasant St. NW. Washington DC 20009), Derriere exerciser.
  25. Averianov,Andrei Igorevich; Semenova,Ksenia Alexandrovna; Chugunov,Vitaly Vitorovich, Device for users suffering from sequels of central nervous system and locomotrium affection of body.
  26. Orloff, Glennis J., Devices for use during physical activity.
  27. Angelo Salvucci ; Gary Bradley ; Christopher Proctor, Dynamic arm sling.
  28. Senn Urs (Basel CHX) Segesser Bernhard (Riehen CHX), Elastic knee bandage.
  29. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure garment.
  30. Dicker Timothy P. ; Wilkinson William T., Energy expenditure/training garment.
  31. Wirth Cynthia (144 Roxbury Dr. ; #3 Beverly Hills CA 90210), Exercise leotard.
  32. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Lakeview Terrace CA), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  33. Dicker Timothy P. (11359 Dornfield Ter. Lakeview Terrace CA 92353), Exercise suit with resilient reinforcing.
  34. Givler, Victoria; Mohr, Paul, Flaccid upper extremity positioning apparatus.
  35. Fiona Fairhurst GB; Jane Cappaert, Garment.
  36. Schindler, Heather Thomson, Garment.
  37. Suarez, Victor Alfonso, Garment.
  38. Callahan, Nicole, Garment top with a control layer.
  39. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  40. Torry, Michael Ray, Garment with enhanced knee support.
  41. Citron,Lowell A.; Feinberg,Michael A., Golf posture brace and garment.
  42. Joseph Michel (Saverne FRX), Gymnast\s suit.
  43. Turner, Inigo, Jersey.
  44. Albert ; William J., Knee brace with kneecap-encircling flexible resilient pad.
  45. Detty Garnett E. (525 General Muhlenberg Rd. King of Prussia PA 19406), Knee sleeve.
  46. Ostrow Alvin (Englewood NJ) Grinshpon Grigory (Englewood NJ), Magnetotherapy apparatus.
  47. Kuhn Louis (136 Sutton Pl. South Lawrence NY 11559), Method of enhancing posture using garment pocket structure.
  48. Byrnes, Lauretta Anne, Multi-piece article of clothing.
  49. Maas Richard D., Orthopedic garment for dynamic scapular and acromio-clavicular stabilization, including dynamically enhancing proper po.
  50. Richard D. Maas, Orthopedic garment for dynamically enhancing proper posture.
  51. Lerman Max (1950 Carla Ridge Beverly Hills CA 90210), Orthopedic supports and material for making same.
  52. Martz, Natalie, Pair of bra straps.
  53. Zawacki Barbara A. (Rte. 1 ; Box 361 Rocky Point NC 28457), Pants like apparel having seamless crotch-inner panel.
  54. Cohen Theo Jose (Rio de Janeiro BRX), Postural bra.
  55. Brown, Timothy W., Posture improvement device and method of use.
  56. Dean Joetta G., Rehabilitative shoulder support.
  57. Grim Tracy E. ; Bobroff Alec D. ; Bourne John Morgan ; Iglesias Joseph Michael, Resilient orthopaedic support with independently stretchable layers.
  58. Darmour, Rob, Shirt.
  59. Gallo, Christopher; Leonardo, Marc; Catalano, Ryan J., Shirt.
  60. Kenney, Kimberly; Nelson, Marguerite Hill, Shirt.
  61. Murphy, Lee, Shirt.
  62. Nigro Aniello (6720 Via Regina Boca Raton FL 33433), Shirt.
  63. Pankhurst, Sean; Murphy, Lee, Shirt.
  64. Gunnerson Lane Nathan, Shirt decoration.
  65. Kajino, Tomihiro; Sakata, Kazuya; Banba, Tatsuya; Inagaki, Mayumi; Gokitani, Emi; Asano, Mineharu; Nakamura, Kenji, Shirt for sports.
  66. Kanada, Tsuguhiro; Arai, Gen; Ito, Ryota, Shirt for sports.
  67. Kanada, Tsuguhiro; Arai, Gen; Ito, Ryota, Shirt for sports.
  68. Boyer, Marie-Ange; Wesseling, Floor, Shirt with label.
  69. Jones, Gavin; Chung, Corie, Short sleeve T-shirt.
  70. Jones, Gavin; Chung, Corie, Short sleeve T-shirt.
  71. Yamaguchi Mitsukuni,JPX ; Fujii Takako,JPX ; Saka Risa,JPX, Shoulder and arm support garment.
  72. Maejima Seiichi (Nara JPX), Ski pants.
  73. Lee,Diane, Specific pelvic compression belt.
  74. Kapounek Frank A. (Munster Hamlet CAX) Withnall Christopher R. P. (Ottawa CAX), Spine protector.
  75. Pinner, Patricia, Sports bra with center storage pocket.
  76. Scott-Curran, Stewart, Sports jersey.
  77. Lambertz, Bodo W., Sports shirt underwear.
  78. Lambertz, Bodo W., Sports shirt underwear.
  79. Shiono Katuaki (Hatogaya JPX), Supporter.
  80. Zarabi, Frank, Supportive apparel.
  81. Zarabi, Frank, Supportive apparel.
  82. Zarabi, Frank, Supportive apparel.
  83. Zarabi, Frank, Supportive apparel.
  84. Last Anthony J. (191 King St. Oakville ; Ontario CAX), Surface vibration absorbing strap.
  85. Brown, Adam; Sorensen, Wayne, Swimsuit.
  86. Davies Eve,GBX ; Smedley-Roberts Susan Margaret,GBX ; Simmons Melanie Ann,GBX, Swimsuit.
  87. DiFrancesco, Bernadette, Swimsuit.
  88. Dottinger Konrad (Reutlingen DT), Swimsuit.
  89. Thunstedt,Anna, Swimsuit.
  90. Waldman, Mark, Swimsuit top.
  91. O'Mahony,David, T-shirt.
  92. Cheatham, Wilson, T-shirt with front opening.
  93. Iamartino, Antonia, Tank top.
  94. Hollingshead Donald W. (Eugene OR) Phillips Cecil E. (Eugene OR), Therapeutic musculoskeletal support sleeve and method of manufacturing same.
  95. Donnelly,Jennifer B., Thermally-insulative, breast-supportive undergarment.
  96. Tronc Nicolas,FRX, Tight-fitting garment, notably for sportswear such as diving suits.
  97. Webley, Rachel; Collins, Valentina, Undergarment.
  98. Staley William L. (10265 Gandy Blvd. ; #1214 St. Petersburg FL 33702), Undergarment having stretch panels.
  99. Uno, Hidekazu; Sakaguchi, Tatsuo; Kaname, Eiji; Osada, Shoji, Undershirt.
  100. Antonio S. Davis, Ventilated shirt.
  101. Rickerl Peter (Wiehl DEX), Warp knitted V-shaped briefs.
  102. Fujimoto Masami (Kyoto JPX), Wearing article for wearing in pressed relation to human body surface.
  103. Fujimoto Masami (Kyoto JPX), Wearing article for wearing in pressed relation to human body surface.
  104. Osborne, Eva Faye, Weaving process for production of a full fashioned woven stretch garment with load carriage capability.
  105. Stampley, Heidi Angel, Women's undergarment top.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Harris, Donavan, Garment.
  2. Harris, Donavan; LaRosa, Justin, Garment.
  3. Abramowitz, Rachel, Leotard.
  4. Brown, Tiimothy W., Shirt.
  5. Kandarian, Brie; Lee, Jamie, Shirt.
  6. Flockton, Karen; Hardman, Ben; Sharpe, Tim; Johnson, Chris; Nixon, Dawn; Santry, Joseph, Swimsuit.
  7. Musciacchio, Giuseppe, Swimsuit.
  8. Musciacchio, Giuseppe, Swimsuit.
  9. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  10. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  11. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  12. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  13. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  14. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.
  15. Butler, Mylitta, Swimwear apparatus.

활용도 분석정보


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