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[미국특허] Insulating device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 03-01
출원번호 US-0503060 (2014-09-23)
등록번호 US-D787187 (2017-05-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Seiders, Roy Joseph
  • Keller, Christopher M.
출원인 / 주소
  • YETI Coolers, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 216


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for an insulating device, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (216) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Christiansen James S. (5288 Austin Rd. Santa Barbara CA 93111), Adjustable beverage container holder.
  2. Williams Garry L. (2990 SW. Cornell Ave. Palm City FL 33990), Adjustable multi-purpose drink holder with detachable insulator blanket.
  3. Raab Reginald S. (Middleville MI), Adjustable refrigeratable beverage wrap around holder.
  4. Armstrong, Stephen G., Apparatus for storing articles.
  5. Crandall, Kevin Duane, Backpack.
  6. Woo,Wallace, Backpack.
  7. Lori Harris ; Pat Harris, Backpack cooler.
  8. Klifa, Jean-Pierre, Bag.
  9. Hayes, Donetta, Bag for carrying a plastic bladder of wine.
  10. Mogil Melvin S. (Toronto CAX), Bag handle with support loop.
  11. Weldon Henry H. (17207 N. 49th Ave. Glendale AZ 85308), Bag with overlapping closure flaps.
  12. Ponx, David A., Beach/pool bag with hidden compartment.
  13. Slonim Melissa, Belt and bicycle mountable beverage holder.
  14. Bollis, Christopher Wartman, Beverage can holder and cooler technology.
  15. Kelly ; Jr. C. Brantley (2615 Elk Grove Rd. Carrollton TX 75006), Beverage container cooler.
  16. Fleming Keith A. (Star Rte. 31 Ellsworth ME 04633), Beverage container holder.
  17. Guridi Jose Javier Silva, Beverage container insulator apparatus.
  18. Beggins, Thomas M., Bottle cooler apparatus with quick plunge insertion feature.
  19. Mann Howard (6904 Mill Falls Dr. Dallas TX 75248) Fredrick J. Stanley (3509 Wingren Irving TX 75062), Bottle/container holder for transporting the bottle/container.
  20. Rabinowitz Harold (Midlothian VA), Carrying case.
  21. Jackson,David L.; O'Flynn,Jennifer A.; Zachary,Kimberly J., Carrying case for a container.
  22. Clarke Joseph,AUX ; Forshaw Brian,AUX, Chilling apparatus.
  23. Nashmy,Richard T., Clear utility bag.
  24. Sosnovsky, David, Closed tool bag.
  25. Christensen Robert F. (Miles City MT), Collapsible and reusable container insulator.
  26. Mann David G. ; Paletti Steve ; Rausch Kevin ; Teufel Rainer B., Collapsible container.
  27. McCoy, Ryan; Baer, Angela L., Collapsible container.
  28. Pulli Brett F., Collapsible container for a beer or soda keg.
  29. Ericson John C. (4828 Hannibal Way Las Vegas NV 89130), Collapsible cooler apparatus.
  30. Kastanek, Raymond S.; Nicholls, Dale F.; Wilson, Weston R., Collapsible cooler pack with barrier film.
  31. Kieling, Melissa Renee; Brisacher-Dirksen, Jeannette Marie, Collapsible insulated container.
  32. Bellofatto, Richard C.; Salander, Mark T., Collapsible insulated cooler.
  33. Lockhart, Edward A.; Ozechowsky, Mervin S., Collapsible insulated food delivery bag.
  34. Whitlock, Paul; Whitlock, Valerie, Collapsible insulated picnic basket.
  35. Ells James R., Collapsible thermal insulating container.
  36. Lehman Joseph ; Siders Linda ; Musgrave Dwight ; Krivoruchka Mark W. ; Prodoehl Stephen D., Collapsible vacuum panel container.
  37. Book Steven C. (North Hollywood CA), Collapsible, portable, multiple use, insulated bag with companion attachable multiple use bag.
  38. Tulp,David W., Combination coaster and sleeve apparatus.
  39. Armstrong, Stephen G., Combined apparatus for storage.
  40. Rausch Kevin, Compartmentalized soft-sided container.
  41. Chan,Chik Sum, Container.
  42. Perry,James P.; McCardell,Craig A.; McBroom,Jeremy; Compeau,David; Gohlke,Ashley A.; Hook,William J.; Jordan,Katherine J.; Walczak,Frank S.; Clarke,Peter B.; Clay,J. Kevin, Container.
  43. Melk Thomas J., Container covering.
  44. Campi, Edoardo Maria, Container for the thermostatic preservation of liquids.
  45. Melk Thomas J., Container having a rigid liner and a flexible cover.
  46. Adkins George H. (4511 Dickey Dr. La Mesa CA 92041), Container holder.
  47. Branscum Tony E. (Winfield KS), Container holder.
  48. Mogil,Melvin S.; Greenstein,Mark J.; Ramundi,Michael; Birutis,Andrius S., Container with cover.
  49. Mogil, Melvin S.; Greenstein, Mark J.; Ramundi, Michael; Birutis, Andrius S., Container with cover and closure member.
  50. Mogil, Melvin S., Container with expandable portion.
  51. Paquin, Paul; Lacasse, Johanne; Subirade, Muriel; Turgeon, Sylvie, Continuous process of dynamic high-pressure homogenization for the denaturation of proteins.
  52. Brockhaus Peter B. (Rte. 1 Owen WI 54460), Convertible cooler and cushion.
  53. Bellofatto, Jr., Richard C.; Salander, Mark T.; Reese, Quincy L., Cooler.
  54. Bellofatto, Jr., Richard C.; Salander, Mark T.; Reese, Quincy L., Cooler.
  55. Collie James, Cooler.
  56. Collie, James E., Cooler.
  57. Kyu-Hyun Jeong KR, Cooler.
  58. Mills, David; Cormier, Claude; Bartlett, Glenn J., Cooler.
  59. Sumter,Mary A., Cooler.
  60. Whitlock, Paul; Whitlock, Valerie, Cooler.
  61. Whitlock, Paul; Whitlock, Valerie, Cooler.
  62. Li, Daniel Dai, Cooler bag.
  63. Bernhard, Jr., Felix T.; Popp, Robert J., Cooler for transporting an animal carcass.
  64. Zorn,Manfred, Cooling box.
  65. Hewlett Kenneth M. (702 17½St. SE. Rochester MN 55904), Cooling wrap.
  66. Omori Toshiyuki (Tokyo JPX) Oda Kinji (Tokyo JPX) Kikuchi Tamaki (Tokyo JPX) Inose Takeshi (Tokyo JPX), Device for holding article.
  67. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Divided insulated container.
  68. Lee Leif,TWX, Double-layer water-proof zipper.
  69. Spence, Jr., Meredith, Dual compartment insulated bag.
  70. Beggins,Tom, Dual function insulating holder for bottle or can.
  71. Fuller David G. (Prince George CAX), Dual function jacket for bottle-shaped containers.
  72. Krieger,Michael, Expandable cooler.
  73. Godshaw, Donald E.; Redzisz, Andrezj, Expandable storage and carrying case.
  74. Murdoch Douglas H. ; Ewing Lily ; Sturm Michael, Exposed film container.
  75. Turvey, Robert R.; LeBoeuf, William E.; Wilson, Hannah E., Flexible container.
  76. Buchanan,Jerry E.; Buchanan,Rodney A.; Baner,Albert L.; Bennett,Harold; Miles,Todd A.; Ratcliff,John, Flexible container having flat walls.
  77. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler.
  78. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler.
  79. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler.
  80. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler.
  81. Melk Thomas (Chicago IL), Flexible cooler with removable insert.
  82. Lee Richard E. (3829 Lakeshore Dr. Shreveport LA 71109), Flexible insulated container.
  83. Workman, Eleanor, Flexible insulated container.
  84. Hall, Christopher E., Flexible insulated pouch.
  85. Leslie Peter C. (123 S. Justison St. Wilmington DE 19801), Flexible insulative carrier.
  86. Collie James E., Flexible insulative container.
  87. Melk Thomas J. (Chicago IL), Flexible lunch cooler.
  88. Bredderman Ted ; Bredderman Ginny, Flexible storage bag.
  89. Meza, Robert B., Fold up insulated bottle holder.
  90. Mogil, Melvin S., Foldable bag.
  91. Freese Brent ; Finney Donna, Foldable cooler.
  92. Mogil, Melvin S., Foldable insulated bag.
  93. Fowler Margaret E.,CAXITX V4T 2L8, Foldable self-standing carry-all.
  94. Merrill, Therese A., Food and beverage container transport device.
  95. Lanman, John; Trevino, Korie, Front panel for a cooler.
  96. Lanman, John; Trevino, Korie, Front panel for a cooler.
  97. Lanman, John; Trevino, Korie, Front panel for a cooler.
  98. Lanman, John; Trevino, Korie; Holsinger, Philip M.; Davis, Chad; Belton, Antonio J., Front panel for a cooler design.
  99. Cabey, Bernard Lewis, Fully insulated snack holder.
  100. Cassegrain,Philippe, Handbag.
  101. Beuke, Doyle Keith, Highly adaptable thermal insulator for adapting to an unprecedented range of sizes and shapes of beverage containers.
  102. Sheehan, Donna, Ice chest cover with body and lid pockets.
  103. Bielinski George H., Ice cooler jacket.
  104. Kiedaisch, Gary; Maldonado, John, Iceless chill chamber cooler.
  105. Williamson Alma J. (28167 E. Duluth Mt. Clemens MI 48045), Individual beverage cooler.
  106. Mahvi A. Pascal (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660) Mahvi Caryl (17 Montpellier Newport Beach CA 92660), Infant care bag.
  107. Villagran, Francisco Valentino; Dria, Glenn James; Young, Herbert Thomas; Baughman, John Michael; Chen, Jing, Insoluble protein particles.
  108. Creamer John J. (3207 Illinois Rd. Wilmette IL 60091) Muller John (720 Mountain Rd. West Hartford CT 06117), Insulated backpack.
  109. Bradshaw Charlotte S. (344 139th Ave. San Leandro CA 94578), Insulated bag.
  110. Williams, Benjamin; Grady, Brian E; Campbell, Benjamin J; Feather, William M; Winters, Laurra C; Recke, Edward, Insulated bag.
  111. Aghassipour Xerxes K. (1085 Commonwealth Ave. #187 Boston MA 02215-1023), Insulated bag for beer keg.
  112. Pruchnicki, Renia; Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated bag with lifting apparatus.
  113. Tyler, Timothy G., Insulated bag with single strap.
  114. Kirkendall Vern S. (783 Portal Dr. Chico CA 95926), Insulated beverage box carrier.
  115. Smith Ronald William, Insulated beverage cooler system.
  116. Byrns James E. (1027 2nd Ave. South Clinton IA 52732), Insulated bottle holder.
  117. Mogil Melvin S.,CAX, Insulated bottle structure.
  118. Hughes, Elliott Stanley, Insulated can and longneck bottle beverage container holder.
  119. Schneider Rachel ; Mears Terry ; Sener James T., Insulated container.
  120. Suchecki, Glen R., Insulated container and insert.
  121. Mogil, Melvin S., Insulated container and liner.
  122. Marc A. Hodosh ; Melvin S. Mogil CA; Kenneth L. Bousfield CA, Insulated container and receptacle therefor.
  123. Carter, James Edward, Insulated container for keg beer.
  124. Long Granvill F. (P.O. Box 92 Ratten OK 74562), Insulated container jacket.
  125. Pruchnicki, Renia, Insulated container with asymmetric lifting arrangement.
  126. Yamada Masashi,JPX ; Ito Seiichi,JPX ; Komiya Yasuhiko,JPX, Insulated container, insulating material, and manufacturing method of the insulated container.
  127. Gilliland Linda L. (301 Hickory Dr. Longwood FL 32779) Downs Mary R. (2206 Morriswood Ct. Franklin TN 37064), Insulated heating container.
  128. Owen Michelle L. (5091 Hot Wells Rd. Boyce LA 71409), Insulated holder with cooler pocket.
  129. Hicks Michael E., Insulated jacket for a beverage container and blank and method for fabricating same.
  130. Campbell June H. (P.O. Box 4162 Foster City CA 94404), Insulated lunch bag.
  131. Rueter John R. (2720 Arrowhead Springfield IL 62702), Insulated outer layer for a thermal bottle.
  132. Moser D. Wescott (Trollinger Professional Bldg. ; 200 Worth St. Asheboro NC 27203), Insulated portable beverage container.
  133. Langford Mark H. (7349 Reindeer Trail San Antonio TX 78238), Insulated retainer for a beverage container.
  134. De Lesseux, Lionel de Bazelaire; Stampfli, Robert Gary; Flowers, III, Langdon Strong, Insulated shipping bags.
  135. Farrell, Edwin B., Insulated single beverage container cooler/holder.
  136. Hanson,Ann, Insulated tote for beverage box.
  137. Cardinale Salvatore J., Insulated water-tight container.
  138. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating container.
  139. Karpal David (461-204 Wellesley Dr. Corona CA 91219), Insulating container and method of making same.
  140. Rankin ; Sr. Pleasant P. (R.R. 1 ; Box 375 Tunas MO 65764), Insulating cover for keg beer.
  141. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating device.
  142. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating device.
  143. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating device.
  144. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating device.
  145. Evans John C. (North Webster IN) Campbell Charles E. (Warsaw IN) Blair John E. (North Webster IN), Insulating device for a beverage container.
  146. Foster Carla ; Hardy Donna M., Insulating device for a beverage container.
  147. Simko James F. (620 E. Lincoln Royal Oak MI 48067), Insulating jacket for bottles.
  148. Mahoney ; Jr. Richard M. ; Lyons Daniel K., Insulating sack for beverage containers.
  149. Andrea Douglas J. (165 Brookville La. New York NY 11545), Insulating shell and pouring aid for container and method of making same.
  150. Hudson Cathy, Insulating sleeve.
  151. Leslie Peter C. (1335 Creek Rd. Chadds Ford PA 19317), Large capacity collapsible insulated carrier.
  152. Kornfeldt, Anna; Liljenberg, Thomas; Backa, Stefan; Pecorari, Claudio; Lundberg, Eva, Method and device for monitoring and controlling a process.
  153. Okonogi Shigeo (Tokyo JPX) Kuwahara Kunisuke (Yokohama JPX) Tanaka Katsushige (Hachioji JPX) Iwatsuki Keiji (Yokohama JPX) Shimokawa Toshiaki (Tokyo JPX) Matsuzaki Masaru (Tokyo JPX), Method for preparing milk shake beverage.
  154. Merrill, Richard K.; Blanton, Madison V.; Jaskulka, Frank; Singh, Mayank, Method of making whey protein compounds.
  155. Peterson,Leroy L., Molded cooler.
  156. Mears Terry A., Multi-functional carrying device.
  157. Little Vicki A. (P.O. Box 781 Santa Teresa NM 88008), Multi-purpose utility tote.
  158. Kamin, John Y.; Taylor, Steve C., Multifunctional coolers.
  159. Bolland, Michael J., Multiple container retaining device and method for using same.
  160. Defelice, Terry Robert; Roberts, James R., Nested cooler system.
  161. Yiyun Culp ; Vernon Svitak ; Gary P. Israel, Personal cooler.
  162. Tagliati,Mario; Guy,Kevin, Picnic tote.
  163. White, Richard W.; White, Robert J., Platform insert for portable cooler.
  164. Beyburg, Michael, Portable consumables organizer.
  165. Christopher Gary (6902 E. Gary Rd. Scottsdale AZ 85254), Portable cooler.
  166. Grabijas, III,Martin; Thompson,Jesse Brian, Portable cooler.
  167. Ledoux, Colette; Mitchell, Raymond; Ledoux, Claude, Portable cooler.
  168. Scott Jeff (11531 NW. 23rd St. Pembroke Pines FL 33026), Portable cooler.
  169. Livingston Mark L. (58 W. 650 North Clearfield UT 84015) Babcock Michael (1234 W. 1350 South Syracuse UT 84041), Portable cooler for beverage kegs.
  170. Fuchs, Mark D., Portable cooler with built-in refrigerant cubes.
  171. Morris Richard (P.O. Box 821003 South Florida FL 33082), Portable cooling container.
  172. Wagner Peter P. G.,CAXITX V7W 2B4, Portable food and beverage cooling device.
  173. Rivera Henry C. (700 Pueblo Rd. Milford MI 48042), Portable food carrying device.
  174. Biddison Bradley O. (4834 194th SE. Issaquah WA 98022), Portable insulated container.
  175. Macedo Antone (Manville RI), Portable insulated container with temperature indicator.
  176. Padamsee Alimohamed C. (Sheriss Devki St. P.O. Box 3131 Bombay INX), Portable liquid container.
  177. Merritt-Munson Carolann (4820 Coldwater Canyon ; #101 Sherman Oaks CA 91403), Portable refrigerated cosmetic carrying bag.
  178. Barker,Garen S., Portable soft shell cooler with compartmented rack for individual meal and beverage containers.
  179. Azamy, Wali, Pouch for carrying temperature-sensitive products.
  180. Kaoru Sato JP; Hiroshi Imai JP; Masakazu Horikawa JP; Masami Kawanari JP, Processed whey protein and process for manufacturing the same.
  181. Su, Ho-Chyuan; Yu, Tzu-Cheng, Protective cover for portable eletronic device.
  182. Calkin, Carston R., Quick-release strap attachment system.
  183. McCrory,John, Quilted cooler with insulating gel liner.
  184. Schneider Bernardus J. J. A. (Delfgauw NLX) Steup Ferdinand K. (Noordwijk NLX) Schneider Bernardus J. M. (Rijswijk NLX) Macek Hugo A. G. (Berghem NLX), Rechargeable temperature regulating device for controlling the temperature of a beverage or other object.
  185. Gary Keith Greene, Reusable cooler bag.
  186. Gilbert, Jost, Satchel.
  187. Meldeau, William Brent; Tillman, Tina M., Self-supporting bag with insulated compartment.
  188. Spence, Jr., Meredith, Single compartment insulated bag.
  189. Kawamura,Takashi; Terashita,Toshihiko; Kawaguchi,Shigemi; Nakamura,Tetsuya; Kikuchi,Hidetake, Slide switch.
  190. Ash Fred L. ; Ash ; Jr. William O., Slush beverage dispensing system.
  191. Boroski, Dwayne, Soft cooler.
  192. Boroski, Dwayne, Soft cooler.
  193. DeLoach Terri L., Soft-sided beverage cooler.
  194. Jones Charles E. (7052 Paseo Encantada Camarillo CA 93012), Soft-sided cooler.
  195. Michael Joss, Soft-sided cooler.
  196. Jones Charles E. (911 Fuchsia St. Oxnard CA 93030), Soft-sided cooler with soft-sided freeze pack.
  197. Koehler, Sarah; Perry, Ashleigh, Soft-sided insulated container.
  198. Koehler, Sarah; Perry, Ashleigh, Soft-sided insulated container.
  199. Koehler, Sarah; Perry, Ashleigh, Soft-sided insulated container.
  200. Koehler, Sarah; Whetstone, Shawn, Soft-sided insulated container.
  201. Ramundi, Michael, Soft-sided insulated container with thermal storage member.
  202. Maldonado,John, Softside cooler.
  203. Siegel Gerald (12261 N. 74th St. Scottsdale AZ 85260), Squeeze bottle with insulating jacket.
  204. Lin Shin-Fu Eiken,TWX, Strap lug.
  205. Gretz, Charles; Kandel, Gerald J., Thermally insulated chest.
  206. Bagg Robert D. (387 Chestnut St. Oneonta NY 13820), Thermally insulating sleeve for a cylindrical beverage container.
  207. Conforti,Carl J., Thermally-controlled package.
  208. Hjelle Kurt R. (315 S. East Ave. Viroqua WI 54665), Tote bags equipped with a cooling chamber.
  209. Rachel Schneider ; Terry A. Mears ; James T. Sener, Tote-bag cooler.
  210. Lown,Aaron; Swartz,John Roscoe, Totes for bottles.
  211. Murrer, III, Albert Andrew, Transport container for hazardous material.
  212. Kravitz, David C.; Demuylder, Peter; Otts, Brian; Merkle, Stephan; O'Leary, Jeremiah P.; Svensrud, Christopher E., Transportation bag.
  213. Lustig Harold, Traveling bag with exterior display of interior temperature.
  214. Shyr Michael (1600 S. Curtis Ave. Alhambra CA 91803) Shyr Godfrey (P.O. Box 55-673 Taipei TWX), Utility bag.
  215. Garcia, III, Trinidad; Garcia, Jr., Trinidad, Utility bag having a primary bag and a releasably attached auxiliary bag.
  216. Potts, Kenneth Lee; Potts, Debra Lee, Versatile multi-compartment beverage container carrier.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Backpack cooler.
  2. Eichinger, Todd; Richardson, Curtis R.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Morine, Alan V., Cooler.
  3. Eichinger, Todd; Richardson, Curtis R.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Morine, Alan V., Cooler.
  4. Eichinger, Todd; Richardson, Curtis R.; Rayeski, Jonathan B.; Morine, Alan V., Cooler.
  5. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler.
  6. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler.
  7. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler.
  8. Jacobsen, James Matthew, Cooler.
  9. Sullivan, Derek G.; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl, Cooler.
  10. Sullivan, Derek G.; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl, Cooler.
  11. Sullivan, Derek G.; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl, Cooler.
  12. Sullivan, Derek G.; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl, Cooler.
  13. Sullivan, Derek G.; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl, Cooler.
  14. Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Cavenagh, Ryan J., Cupholder accessory.
  15. Cavenagh, Ryan J.; Eichinger, Todd; Smith, W. Travis, Insulated container.
  16. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating container.
  17. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Chris; Sullivan, Derek G.; Larson, Erik Steven; Baires, Alex; Flores, Laura; Langerak, Brian, Insulating device.
  18. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Keller, Christopher M., Insulating device.
  19. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Sullivan, Derek G.; Bosway, Andrew M.; Fritzsche, Karl; Keller, Chris, Insulating device.
  20. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Sullivan, Derek G.; Larson, Erik Steven; Baires, Alex, Insulating device.
  21. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Sullivan, Derek G.; Larson, Erik Steven; Baires, Alex, Insulating device.
  22. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Sullivan, Derek; Larson, Erik Steven; Baires, Alex, Insulating device.
  23. Guerdrum, Jonathan H.; Nelson, Patrick J.; Li, Shanshan, Table accessory.

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