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[미국특허] Guided cable storage assembly with switchbacks 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65H-075/48
  • H02G-011/02
  • B65H-075/44
  • B65H-075/36
출원번호 US-0873665 (2013-04-30)
등록번호 US-9722407 (2017-08-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Marcouiller, Thomas
  • Rudenick, Paula
출원인 / 주소
  • CommScope Technologies LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant & Gould P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 120


A cable handling assembly is adapted to store and pay-out a telecommunications cable. The assembly includes first and second sets of pulleys, a housing, and a cable route. The first and second sets of pulleys are spaced from each other by a take-up distance that decreases upon the cable being paid-o


1. A rack assembly for organizing a plurality of telecommunications cables in a telecommunications rack, the rack assembly comprising: a plurality of cable handling assemblies each adapted to store and pay-out a telecommunications cable, the cable handling assemblies each including a plurality of pu

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (120) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hsiao Tien J. (4FL. ; No. 304 ; Shih Dong Rd. Taipei TWX), Automatic rewinding device for the conductor of a telephone transmitter.
  2. Pauley Helena R. (Rte. 1 ; Box 416A Ashland City TN 37015), Bathroom tissue container.
  3. Gniadek, Jeff; Gronvall, Erik; Marcouiller, Tom; Cobb, III, John Clifton, Cable payout systems and methods.
  4. Sauber Charles J. (10 N. Sauber Rd. Virgil IL 60182), Cable pulling and reeling apparatus having anti-spill device and method.
  5. Kawamura, Koushi, Cable reel.
  6. Maegawa Akihito,JPX ; Sugata Shoichi,JPX, Cable reel and assembling method thereof.
  7. Utley ; Jr. Stephen Field, Cable rotary joint.
  8. Holman, John C.; Smith, Trevor D.; Tinucci, Thomas C., Cable storage cartridge.
  9. Wu,Sung Chiang, Cable winder.
  10. Huang,Chin, Cable winder apparatus.
  11. Meneian Harry (St. Catharines CAX), Cable winder system.
  12. Manda Venakata Krishna Roa, Cable winding housing.
  13. Kikuchi,Kiku, Case for housing a paper towel.
  14. Finzel Lothar (Munich DEX) Kreuz Monika (Munich DEX) Bachel Ernst (Geltendorf DEX), Cassette for spare lengths of light waveguides to be used at the site to be spliced.
  15. Ida Yuichi (Miyagi JPX) Ohashi Yoshihiro (Miyagi JPX) Matsumoto Mitsunori (Miyagi JPX) Bannai Hiroyuki (Miyagi JPX) Kato Hironori (Miyagi JPX), Clock spring connector including cable stowage grooves.
  16. Hasegawa Masahiro (Kameyama JPX) Ueno Seiichi (Kameyama JPX), Connector device.
  17. Shrum Ralph E. (Newton NC) Hall David C. (Keller TX), Connectorized optical fiber cable reel.
  18. Zimmerman, Larry Gene, Container.
  19. Hirano, Masaaki; Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Tsuruga, Masaki, Container for accommodating optical fiber coil and optical fiber module having the container.
  20. Cormack Judith,GBX, Container for impregnated wipes.
  21. Stokes William H. (Fostoria OH), Container/pallet for annular packages of strand material.
  22. Bertagna Richard A. (Monrovia CA) Westover Dwight G. (Sierra Madre CA), Cord retractor mechanism.
  23. Marsden,Andrew W., Cord shortener.
  24. Gordon O. Salmela, Coupling device.
  25. Huang Harrison,TWX, Device for dispensing plastic film roll.
  26. Schauer Friedrich (Heroldsberg DEX), Device for the transmission of signals between two terminals.
  27. Baro Anthony (Boca Raton FL) Witzky Hans (Pompano Beach FL), Dispenser for different width label rolls and method of using.
  28. McInerny John (25 Central Sq. Grafton MA 01519), Dispenser for fluids and paper towels.
  29. Wachowicz Walter J. (708 Amos St. Rocky Mount NC 27803), Dispenser for rolled paper products.
  30. Barnett Sharon R. (P.O. Box 86 Thornton TX 76687), Dispenser for supplies.
  31. Washington,Glen; Lloyd,David, Dual reel unwinder/rewinder with a slack take-up mechanism.
  32. Graybill Larry Dean (1995 Stoney Battery Rd. Troutville VA 24175), Electrical cord storage and dispensing organizer.
  33. Pera Ivo E. (Pembroke Pines FL), Extensible and self-retractable cable device.
  34. Reitmeier Wade P. ; Knudsen Clinton M., Fiber optic cabinet and tray.
  35. Elliott,Stephen J., Fiber optic cable device with retractable operation.
  36. Kline,James R.; Kline,Thomas J.; Sene,Dustin S., Fiber optic cable protective apparatus.
  37. Donnie R. Clapp, Jr. ; Kevin L. Strause ; Kelly J. Smith ; Manuel A. Torres, Fiber optic closure with couplers and splice tray.
  38. Kowalczyk, Scott C.; Smith, Trevor D.; Kaml, Jonathan; LeBlanc, Thomas G.; Beck, Ronald A., Fiber optic enclosure with external cable spool.
  39. Kowalczyk, Scott C.; Coan, Jonathan Walter; Kaml, Jonathan R., Fiber optic enclosure with internal cable spool.
  40. Kowalczyk, Scott C.; Smith, Trevor D.; Kaml, Jonathan R.; LeBlanc, Thomas G., Fiber optic enclosure with tear-away spool.
  41. Kline,James R.; Kline,Thomas J.; Sene,Dustin S., Fiber optic protective carrier.
  42. Kewitsch,Anthony, Fiber optic rotary coupling and devices.
  43. Davis Carol A. (Los Angeles CA), Fiber optic rotary joint.
  44. MacCulloch David B. (Saugus CA), Fiber optic rotary joint.
  45. Bumgarner, Kirk P.; Murphy, Michael T., Fiber optic spools and methods of making the same.
  46. Kline,James R.; Kline,Thomas J.; Sene,Dustin S., Fiber optic storing and dispensing apparatus.
  47. Lapinski Richard (Fairfield West AUX), Fishing line caster.
  48. Carlson James B. (17208 N. 7th St. Phoenix AZ 85022), Flexible hose retractor.
  49. Kristian Engberg SE; Stefan Hansson SE; Thomas Hanspers SE, Handling of optical fibres in confined or limited spaces.
  50. Shack,Andrew; Driessen,Natalie; Palmer,Robert H.; Schmucker,Charles J.; Tierney,Nathan J., Headset cable retraction system.
  51. Shober ; Jr. Robert C. (P.O. Box 143 Alvaton KY 42122) Watson Robert L. (1600 Singletree Way Bowling Green KY 42103), IV tube support assembly.
  52. Elkins, II, Robert B.; Luther, James P.; Nielsen, Lars K.; Szentesi, Otto I.; Tran, Hieu V., Interconnection enclosure having a connector port and preterminated optical connector.
  53. Katayama Makoto,JPX ; Kobayashi Kenji,JPX, Line dispenser and dispensing method.
  54. Smrha, Mark; Sjodin, Chad James; Tinucci, Thomas C., Locking spool for telecommunications cable and method.
  55. Jackson Kenneth Wade ; Lever Clyde Jefferson, Low loss optical fiber reel.
  56. Joseph, II, Michael A., Method and apparatus for handling optical components.
  57. Cooper William D., Method and apparatus for packing wire in a storage drum.
  58. Araki Nobuo (Tokyo JPX) Tabata Kazufumi (Tokyo JPX) Yokoi Kiyomi (Tokyo JPX) Ashidate Tadami (Tokyo JPX) Hattori Osamu (Tokyo JPX), Method and apparatus for passing threadlike pieces through tubular products.
  59. Takahashi, Fumio, Method of winding optical fiber on reel.
  60. Chang, Wen-Han, Multi-stages retractable coiling cord device.
  61. Pulido Jacqueline J., Optical fiber organizer.
  62. Putnam, Stephen M., Optical fiber spool assembly.
  63. Thebault,Fabrice; Desaunay,Jean Louis; Louboutin,Jean Pierre, Packaging reel with an optical fiber unwinding device.
  64. Gabler John R. (Etters PA) Gallagher ; Sr. Robert E. (Harrisburg PA) Hersh Joan I. (Spring Grove PA) Kandolf ; I Michael P. (Newport PA), Packaging system and method.
  65. Hayes ; Hugh V., Paper tape canister.
  66. Harris ; Jr. Bennie, Paper towel dispenser.
  67. Bing Xue ; Stefan Ignaczak ; Dan Dan Yang CA, Patch cord caddy.
  68. Lorscheider Jorg ; Zalesky Dean R. ; Lotinsky Peter J., Patch panel with retractable patch cord.
  69. Huang,Kui Hsien, Positioning device for a reel.
  70. Chung Yu-Lin,TWX, Power adapter with cable storage device.
  71. Jeffrey Doss ; Charles Lord, Power converter device.
  72. Heyda Robert J. (Doraville GA) Iyengar Rama (Lilburn GA) Lever ; Jr. Clyde J. (Buford GA) Paxton John M. (Powder Springs GA), Protected optical fiber package.
  73. Kewitsch, Anthony Stephen, Protective fiber optic union adapters.
  74. DeLucia Eugene (4 Cleveland St. Valhalla NY 10595) Marino Pat (3300 Polo Pl. Bronx NY 10465), Receptacle mounted, retractable, extension cord.
  75. Kakii Toshiaki (Yokohama JPX) Ishida Hidetoshi (Yokohama JPX) Ueda Tomohiko (Yokohama JPX) Maruyama Kyoji (Yokohama JPX) Haibara Tadashi (Mito JPX) Tomita Shigeru (Mito JPX), Redundant length treatment mechanism for optical fiber at terminal of optical cable.
  76. Kawamoto Akio,JPX ; Watanabe Kiyoshi,JPX ; Takano Yoshiaki,JPX ; Kaneko Kazuhiro,JPX, Reel device for cable.
  77. Yamamoto Takatatsu,JPX, Reel device for wire harness.
  78. Barberg Daniel A., Reel inside bucket.
  79. Tanaka Hiraku,JPX ; Ishikawa Satoshi,JPX, Relaying apparatus between relative rotary members.
  80. Cooper William D. (Concord OH) Matthews ; III Herbert H. (Willoughby OH) Seufer Lee E. (Cleveland OH) Tokarz Steven J. (Euclid OH), Retainer ring for welding wire container disclosure.
  81. Walters Mark D. ; Mitchell Todd E. ; Morgan Kevin L., Retractable cable reel.
  82. Leatherman Michael, Retractable cable system.
  83. Tsoi,Chung Haap; Chan,Frederick Ying shu, Retractable cable winder.
  84. Edwards, Bruce Philip; Janik, Craig M.; Poutiatine, Andrew Ivan, Retractable cord device.
  85. Bassel Hage Daoud, Retractable fiber slack storage device.
  86. Hurley, William C., Retractable module for patch cords.
  87. Pons, Sean M., Retractable optical fiber assembly.
  88. Hurley, William Carl, Retractable optical fiber tether assembly and associated fiber optic cable.
  89. Vinding,Donald R., Retractable reel for flexible tubing.
  90. Ellis David A. (18234 Gary Rd. Dade City FL 33525), Retractable speaker wire.
  91. Hill John O. (545 N. James St. Hazelton PA 18201), Rewinder device.
  92. Shepherd, Ian Andrew, Roll-form toilet wipes and dispenser.
  93. Kewitsch,Anthony Stephen, Shape-retaining fiber optic cables having limited bend radius.
  94. Smrha, Mark, Spool for telecommunications cable and method.
  95. Whitaker, Jerad, Spool for telecommunications cable and method.
  96. Olson Leslie C. (Minneapolis MN), Sterile surgical cord and tube retractor.
  97. Dino A. Mastrangelo, Storage assembly.
  98. Little Joe, Storage device for hooks and leaders.
  99. Ishikawa Satoshi (Shizuoka-ken JPX), Structure for fixing a flat cable to a cylindrical rotator.
  100. Tanaka, Shigeru; Sasaoka, Eisuke; Sakabe, Itaru; Tsurumi, Takeo; Ito, Yasushi, Submarine optical cable, optical fiber unit employed in the submarine optical cable, and method of making optical fiber unit.
  101. Gregory, Peter, System and method of winding a fog coil.
  102. Shafii-Kahany Hooshang (Portland OR) McCart Larry D. (Lake Oswego OR), Takeup reel for combined hose and cable.
  103. Tinucci, Thomas C.; Holman, John C.; Smith, Trevor D., Telecommunications cable storage spool.
  104. Stinson Constance E. (33 Franklin Ave. Quincy MA 02170), Tissue roll holder.
  105. Michele Renee Hoo Kong CA, Toilet paper roll dispenser.
  106. Lin, Chen Che; Wei, Te Kuang, USB cable adapter with cable winding mechanism.
  107. Peterson Edwin R. ; Wheeler Edwin L., Uni-directional cord take-up device.
  108. Peterson, Edwin R.; Harris, Buckner A.; Wheeler, Edwin L., Uni-directional cord take-up device.
  109. Heuckroth ; Carl C., Welding wire spool shroud.
  110. Dragoo Robert K. ; Beckner Curtis C., Welding wire storage and shipping container.
  111. Amundson,John David; Abuto,Frank P.; Clare,Timothy P.; Foley,Edward John; Winder,Eric Michael; Schmidt,Paul R.; Joseph,Wael R.; McDonald,Duane Lyle, Wet wipe dispensing system.
  112. Blanc Floral (Verrieres le Buisson FRX) Lordet Jacques (Des Fosses FRX), Winder-unwinder for optical fibre cables.
  113. Steff Josef (Hagenbuchring 19 8831 Meinheim DEX), Winding device for winding up and unwinding a tube, cable or hose.
  114. Hugo Marie J. R. (R.R. #2 New Sarepta ; Alberta CAX) Hugo Ross (R.R. #2 New Sarepta ; Alberta CAX T0B 3M0 ), Window blind cord winding apparatus.
  115. Brown Maurice H. (11655 S. Mayfield Worth IL 60482), Wire control mechanism.
  116. Hosbein Hugh W. (Fort Wayne IN), Wire dereeling apparatus.
  117. Tajima Keiichi (Shizuoka JPX) Tsukamoto Toshiyuki (Shizuoka JPX), Wire guide structure for power window.
  118. Kovaleski Joseph J. (Easton CT), Wire pay-off cap assembly for wire spools.
  119. Lai Cheng-Ting,TWX, Wire receiving device.
  120. Sheng-Hsin Liao TW, Wire winding box for short distance use.

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