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[미국특허] Systems and methods for detecting descented material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-033/00
  • A61L-002/20
출원번호 US-0707448 (2012-12-06)
등록번호 US-9759701 (2017-09-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Elrod, Scott A.
  • Rooney, Peter C.
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    Holland & Hart
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 86


Systems and methods for detecting presence of a thing, the thing treated with a descenter, one method including in an area in which it is possible that a thing treated with a descenter is present, using a detector to detect a descenter level in the area, producing a detected descenter level, compari


1. A method of detecting a thing that has been treated with a descenting material, the method comprising: determining a first descenting material level in an area without a thing that has been treated with a descenting material in the area;determining a second descenting material level in the area w

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (86) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Takeshi Fukunaga JP; Takuya Noro JP; Takenori Hirano JP, Adsorbing device, method of deodorizing therewith, and method of supplying high concentration oxygen.
  2. Brais Normand,CAX ITX J7A 4K6, Air purifier.
  3. Monagan, Gerald C., Air purifier.
  4. Kasting ; Jr. John R. (Waxhaw NC) Potter Ronald G. (Monroe NC), Apparatus with safety means for sterilizing articles with ozone.
  5. Dhaemers Gregory L., Bag with air distributor and ozone generator.
  6. Antonoplos Patricia A. ; Hui Henry K. ; Ebrahim Alireza ; Feldman Leslie A. ; Kohli Nitu, Chemical indicator for oxidation-type sterilization processes using bleachable dyes.
  7. Nagata Masanori,JPX ; Sutoh Teiko,JPX ; Sagara Makoto,JPX, Chemical indicator sheets and packaging bags for sterilization made with the use of the same.
  8. Matz Warren W., Closed container inspection and treatment apparatus.
  9. Matz Warren W., Closed container inspection and treatment apparatus.
  10. Liang Chao-Jung (No. 75 ; Long Chang Road I-Lan TWX), Cloth drying machine.
  11. Fore John C., Clothing deodorizer for deer hunters.
  12. Kim Chun T. (Suwon KRX), Compact sterilizing deodorizing and freshness-preserving apparatus for use in a refrigerator.
  13. Miyakami Junji (Suita JPX) Yoshioka Yuzo (Takatsuki JPX) Otozi Kazuhiko (Yao JPX) Nakagawa Hiroyasu (Kashihara JPX) Shirouzu Toshiyuki (Yao JPX) Yada Fumio (Yao JPX), Deodorizing apparatus.
  14. Aibe Toshio,JPX, Deodorizing apparatus and a toilet provided with the apparatus.
  15. Hirai Yoichi (Ohbu JPX) Ito Toshikazu (Nagoya JPX), Deodorizing apparatus and method.
  16. Siklosi Michael P. (Cincinnati OH) Roetker Timothy C. (Fairfield OH), Dry cleaning process.
  17. Cole William Lesley,GBX, Ductwork purification system.
  18. Taylor Charles E. ; Lau Shek Fai, Electro-kinetic air refreshener-conditioner with optional night light.
  19. Taylor Charles E. ; Lau Shek Fai, Electro-kinetic ionic air refreshener-conditioner for pet shelter and litter box.
  20. Hiraoka Chikara,JPX ; Kumada Katsumi,JPX ; Onose Katsuyoshi,JPX, Electrograph apparatus enabling removal of offensive substances.
  21. Steinitz Kurt (7 Kingswood Road Danbury CT 06810), Electronic air purifier with ozone suppression.
  22. Miller Vernon B. (Willis TX), Equipment container.
  23. You Jing-Feng ; Saslow Julius ; Wise Rodney Mahlon ; Rogers Steven Barrett ; Greene Cathy Lynne, Fabric care bag.
  24. Yeazell Bruce Albert, Fabric treatment in venting bag.
  25. Treddenick George A. (234 Kingston Row Winnipeg ; Manitoba CAX R2M 0T4), Firefighter safety badge.
  26. Porter Michael T. (R.R. 1 Box 819 Walloomsac Rd. Bennington VT 05201), Game scent dispenser with scent warmer.
  27. Landes Scott D. (9906 Kell Ave. S. Bloomington MN 55437), Garment bag apparatus.
  28. Davis Maxwell Gregory (Forest Park OH) Barron Bradford Scott (Cincinnati OH) Wnuk Andrew Julian (Wyoming OH) Saslow Julius (West Chester OH), Heat resistant dry cleaning bag.
  29. Read, David M., Hydrogen peroxide indicator and method.
  30. Morrison, Todd; Thralls, Veronica V.; Jurik, Franklin A., Hydrogen peroxide indicator employing enzyme and dye.
  31. Leba, Minh; Maldonado, John; Pham, Ninh, Ice chest.
  32. Taylor Charles E. ; Lau Shek Fai, Ion emitting grooming brush.
  33. Foster ; Jr. Robert W. (Hinsdale IL), Ionizer.
  34. Sarracino, Maximo, Mailbox.
  35. Peiper Uri,ILX ; Litinsky Gregory,ILX ; Grinshpon Yosef,ILX ; Alper Yekutiel,ILX, Method and a device for ozone sterilization of objects.
  36. Garbutt Cornelius D. (St. Augustine FL) Moxley Douglas A. (Ponte Vedra FL), Method and apparatus for disinfecting an enclosed space.
  37. Conrad Wayne Ernest,CAX ; Conrad Helmut Gerhard,CAX ; Szylowiec Ted,CAX, Method and apparatus for purifying water.
  38. Park, Han Oh, Method and apparatus for sterilizing and disinfecting bedclothes using ultraviolet rays and ozone.
  39. O'Neill, Hugh J.; Brubaker, Kenneth L., Method and apparatus for the gas phase decontamination of chemical and biological agents.
  40. Baltes Hans (Dortmund DEX), Method for detoxication, aeration, drying and sterilization of fabrics.
  41. Lima, Carles, Method for diffusing ozone in a closed environment.
  42. Michael J. Wilson ; David A. Goerz, Method for improving performance of highly stressed electrical insulating structures.
  43. Antonoplos Patricia A. ; Hui Henry K. ; Ebrahim Alireza ; Feldman Leslie A. ; Kohli Nitu, Method for indicating exposure to an oxidative sterilant or disinfectant.
  44. Stevens Samuel R. D. (Thornhill CAX) Brown Pauline M. (Toronto CAX), Method for removing malodorous or toxic gases from an air stream.
  45. Nakshbendi Ghassan F. (300 Central Park Ave. Hartsdale NY 10530), Method for treating air containing odoriferous substances.
  46. Anders Kristiansson SE; Jan Andersson SE, Method of sterilizing closed containers.
  47. Noyes, Anna Vadimovna; Radomyselski, Arseni V.; Severns, John Cort; France, Paul Amaat, Methods and apparatus for particulate removal from fabrics.
  48. Louis B. Johnson, Methods of using odor eliminating items for hunting.
  49. Weinberg Stanley (575 Tigertail Rd. Los Angeles CA 90049), Miniature air purifier.
  50. Margaret Lecko Gibson ; John James Lajza, Jr. ; Harold George Linde, Monitor for verification of ozone reaction.
  51. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  52. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  53. Sesselmann Gregory J., Odor absorbing clothing.
  54. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), Odor absorbing clothing.
  55. Wasinger Eric (551 Boyd St. Wichita KS 67212) Hall David (Auburn AL 36830), Ozone decolorization of garments.
  56. Inoue Yoshitaka (Neyagawa JPX) Sato Teruo (Yahata JPX) Hiromi Tutomu (Kyoto JPX), Ozone deodorizer for refrigerators.
  57. Curry Millard R. ; Curry Albert M., Ozone distribution in an enclosed space.
  58. Hoffman G. E. Bud (Brampton CAX), Ozone dryer.
  59. Maruo, Yasuko; Ogawa, Shigeo; Sakata, Seizou; Tanaka, Tohru, Ozone gas sensing element, detection apparatus, and measurement method.
  60. Cole William L.,GBX ; Coleman Harold S.,GBX, Ozone generator.
  61. Cole William Lesley,GB3, Ozone generator.
  62. Khatchatrian Robert G. ; Khatchatrian Ashot P. ; Aruntyunyan Asmik ; Nikolaevich Morev Sergey,RUX, Ozone generator.
  63. Barnes, Ronald L., Ozone generator and light source for enclosed spaces.
  64. Khatchatrian, Robert G.; Khatchatrian, Ashot P.; Aruntyunyan, Asmik; Nikolaevich, Morev Sergey, Ozone generator for deodorizing shoes.
  65. Takeshi Omatsu JP; Hiroshi Inoue JP, Ozone indicator and ozone sensor ink.
  66. Tai Paul Ling, Ozone injection system for a livestock building.
  67. Koutrakis Petros (Cambridge MA) Wolfson Jack M. (Jamaica Plain MA), Ozone monitors.
  68. Tenney Robert I. (32 Coldstream Cir. Deerfield IL 60015) Eckstrom William R. (14709 Kenwood Dolton IL 60419), Ozone sterilizing apparatus.
  69. Naaman,Chibbi, Personal air conditioning.
  70. Lau, Shek Fai; Taylor, Charles E., Personal electro-kinetic air transporter-conditioner.
  71. Lau, Shek Fai; Taylor, Charles E., Personal electro-kinetic air transporter-conditioner.
  72. Goswami D. Yogi, Photocatalytic system for indoor air quality.
  73. Legan Robert W. (Houston TX), Photochemical process for decontaminating gaseous or vaporous streams.
  74. Weinberg Stanley (Los Angeles CA), Portable personal corona discharge device for destruction of airborne microbes and chemical toxins.
  75. Hirvela George T. (6816 Tower Ave. Superior WI 54880), Scent dispenser.
  76. Grinarml Robert (R.D. #2 ; Box 189-B Cambridge Springs PA 16403), Scent dispenser for attachment under a shoe.
  77. Kowalkowski David (8698 Wall Rd. Armstrong Creek WI 54103), Scent distributing method for hunters.
  78. Hess,Daniel G.; Heath,Brad, Scent elimination system for hunters.
  79. Lee James S. W. (Long Island NY) Kwan Chiu K. (Kowloon HKX), Scented toy jewelry using water sprayed over a scented bead.
  80. Waters William A. (3648 E. 49th St. Tulsa OK 74135), Self-contained air conditioning unit for persons.
  81. Lovell,William S., Self-powered, wearable personal air purifier.
  82. Cipelletti Alberto (San Fiorano ITX), Sterilizing device for an ice-cream or similar delivering machine.
  83. Tsai Sam,TWX, Suit hanger with air freshener.
  84. Sesselmann Gregory J. (Muskegon MI), System and method for odor absorption.
  85. Geisinger George H. (358 Summit Rd. Mountainside NJ 07092) Fitzpatrick Kenneth R. (56 Pine Hill Dr. Upper Saddle River NJ 07458) Scott L. J. (133 Red Oak Dr. Flower Mound TX 75028), Unit test kit and method for qualitative identification of an illicit drug.
  86. Centanni,Michael A., Visual detector for vaporized hydrogen peroxide.

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