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[미국특허] Rotary piston type actuator with a central actuation assembly 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F15B-015/12
  • F15B-015/02
  • B64C-013/40
출원번호 US-0921904 (2013-06-19)
등록번호 US-9816537 (2017-11-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kim, Joseph H.
  • O'Hara, Robert P.
  • Hydari, Shahbaz H.
  • Sobolewski, Pawel A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Woodward, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Fish & Richardson P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 64


A rotary actuator includes a housing, a rotor assembly rotatably journaled in said housing and including a rotary output shaft, a central actuation assembly including a central mounting point formed in an external surface of the rotary output shaft, said central mounting point proximal to the longit


1. A rotary actuator comprising: a housing;a rotor assembly rotatably journaled in said housing and including a rotary output shaft;a central actuation assembly including a central mounting point formed in an external surface of the rotary output shaft, said central mounting point proximal to the lo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (64) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sande Kurt (Rislokka 47A N-1600 Fredrikstad NOX) Heim Edgar J. (Nymannsveien 165 N-4015 Stavanger NOX) Staaland Torbjorn (Krystallveien 14 N-4875 Nedenes NOX), Actuator for transfer of forward and backward rotational movement.
  2. Kota,Sridhar; Hetrick,Joel A., Adaptive compliant wing and rotor system.
  3. Eichhorn, Jochen; Dostmann, Tom; Schlipf, Bernhard, Adjusting mechanism for kinematic guidance of an adjustable body during its adjustment on a supporting structural component, adjusting mechanism for kinematic adjustment of a high lift body, and high lift system comprising a like adjusting mechanism.
  4. Parker, Simon John, Aerofoil.
  5. Morgan, Brian Herman; Hagen, David LeRoy, Aircraft attitude control configuration.
  6. Uchida, Minoru; Yamanouchi, Hiroshi, Aircraft control surface operating device.
  7. Wiers, Andreas; Suchy, Rainer; Kunze, Steffen; Steer, Matthias, Aircraft door arrangement.
  8. Sakurai, Seiya; Wheaton, James M.; Fox, Stephen J.; Che, Sharon Xiangdong, Aircraft flap mechanism having compact large fowler motion providing multiple cruise positions.
  9. Lawson, Bobby Wayne, Aircraft passenger seat recline mechanism.
  10. Weyer Paul P. (48811 284th Southeast Enumclaw WA 98022), Combined linear and rotary actuator and floating ring gear.
  11. Potter,Calvin C.; Hanlon,Casey; Wingett,Paul T., Component position determination circuit using a brushless DC motor commutation sensor.
  12. Hoffenberg, Robert, Compound leading edge device for aircraft.
  13. Durand Yves,FRX, Conical rotary actuator and its application to the control of a rudder.
  14. Haverdings, Hendrik, Control lever assembly for a tilt-rotor aircraft.
  15. Bogrash, Philip, Cycloidal rotor with non-circular blade orbit.
  16. Bushnell, Glenn S., Deployable aerodynamic devices with reduced actuator loads, and related systems and methods.
  17. Sakurai, Seiya; Fevergeon, Matthew D., Door assembly for laminar flow control system.
  18. Hein, Jeffrey M.; Williams, Nicholas A.; Sheoran, Yogendra Y.; Lam, Cecilia S.; Cowans, Ora Morency; Higuera, Benjamen Kurt; Peduchi, Andrew Stephen; Sellahewa, Ravisha Pramod; Brown, Daniel, Dual action inlet door and method for use thereof.
  19. Hanlon, Casey; Wingett, Paul T.; Potter, Calvin C., Electric flight control surface actuation system for aircraft flaps and slats.
  20. Recksiek, Martin; Greif, Stefan; Schwinn, Robert, Flap adjusting system of an aircraft with a regulating flap.
  21. Schweighart, Samuel Adam; Dietrich, Carl Curtis; Heafitz, Andrew, Folding wing root mechanism.
  22. Amraly, Stefan; Vasilescu, Paul; Turek, Daniel, High torque aerial lift (HTAL).
  23. Lauwereys, Guy; Paulis, Frédéric; Ramirez Garcia, Miguel; Ramirez Ramirez, Juan-Carlos; Vandegaer, Stijn; Vandenbulcke, Yvon, High-lift device track having a U-shaped to H-shaped cross-section.
  24. Flatt, James E., Jam tolerant electromechanical actuation systems and methods of operation.
  25. Flatt, James E., Jam tolerant electromechanical actuation systems and methods of operation.
  26. Elliott, Nicholas; Didey, Arnaud, Jam-tollerant actuator.
  27. Griffin, John William, Landing gear.
  28. Sheahan, Jr., James J.; Morris, Charles E.; Kersens, Paul, Linear-rotary actuator operation.
  29. Beyer, Kevin W.; Sakurai, Seiya, Link mechanisms, including Stephenson II link mechanisms for multi-position flaps and associated systems and methods.
  30. Yount, Larry J.; Hanlon, Casey; Johnson, Andrew T.; Jackson, Joseph, Load optimized redundant flight control surface actuation system and method.
  31. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram, Low noise wing slat system with deployable wing leading edge elements.
  32. Shmilovich, Arvin; Yadlin, Yoram, Low noise wing slat system with rigid cove-filled slat.
  33. Pesyna, Kenneth M.; Henkle, Jeffrey P., Mechanism for a vectoring exhaust nozzle.
  34. Zeumer, Claus M, Method and apparatus for deploying an auxiliary lift foil.
  35. Keller, Nicolas; De Pindray, Albert; Campbell, Edouard; Ducos, Dominique; Dubois, Sebastien, Method for operating a landing gear assembly with a breaker strut.
  36. Oyama, Hiroki; Fujino, Michimasa, Pedal operated apparatus for controlling an aircraft nose wheel steering system.
  37. Perez Sanchez, Juan, Pivoted flap mechanism for adjusting an aerodynamic pivoted flap associated with a wing.
  38. Kendall Giles A. (Burbank CA), Rotary actuator.
  39. Scobie William B. (Houston TX) Frenzel Robert A. (Waller TX), Rotary actuator.
  40. Zhao,Shen, Rotary actuator.
  41. Scobie William B. (Houston TX), Rotary actuator and method for forming a rotary piston.
  42. Garceau Patrick (St Marcel FRX), Rotary actuator device having an annular piston rod.
  43. Tiedeman Robert K. (Wayne NJ) Palma Michael A. (Parsippany NJ), Rotary actuator for leading edge flap of aircraft.
  44. Gemmati, Bernard; Biest, Romuald, Rotary actuator incorporating a force relationship, and a method of reducing angular slack in such a rotary actuator.
  45. Werkhoven, Gary L., Rotary actuator with internal brake mechanism.
  46. Sekiya Mutsuo,JPX ; Fukuhara Katsuyuki,JPX ; Sugawara Masafumi,JPX, Rotary hydraulic actuator including groove-like fluid supply paths in a face of a bracket.
  47. Glynn, Christopher Charles; Zatorski, Darek Tom; Dinsmore, Nicholas Rowe; Miller, Brandon Wayne, Rotary hydraulic actuator with hydraulically controlled position limits.
  48. Holtgraver Edward G. (Spring TX), Rotary valve actuator.
  49. Collet Corbin L. ; Price Jay B., Sliding visor.
  50. Francis, Colin M., Spacecraft payload positioning with respect to a virtual pivot point.
  51. Dhall, Sanjay, Telescopic wing with articulated structural spar.
  52. Horner, Darrell, Thrust recovery, or other valve, containing two independently actuated doors and control system.
  53. Karem, Abe; Waide, William Martin; Patt, Dan, Tilt actuation for a rotorcraft.
  54. Kells, James Antony, Toroidal ram actuator.
  55. Morris, Stuart, Trailing edge flap.
  56. Good, Mark Steven; Prichard, Alan Keith, Trailing edge flap system.
  57. Dostmann, Tom; Schlipf, Bernhard; Eichhorn, Jochen, Trailing-edge flap system.
  58. Bunyard, Adam; Bunyard, Alan, Valve actuator.
  59. Pankey, William W; Wilson, Jr., Jack W., Variable inlet guide vane with actuator.
  60. Lutke, Kevin Reed; Kutzmann, Aaron Jonathan, Variable pitch airfoils.
  61. Horner, Darrell Wayne, Variable set point all-electric pressure relief valve and control, independent from the automatic cabin pressure control system.
  62. Vormezeele, Alexandre; Cnop, Christophe; Bloemen, Dietmar; O'Beirne, Eoin, Wing.
  63. Miller, Gerald D., Wing tip load alleviation device and method.
  64. Perez Sanchez,Juan, Wing with extendable aerodynamic pivoted flaps.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schmidt, Robert Kyle, Aircraft landing gear assembly.

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