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[미국특허] Systems and methods for compressing plasma 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G21B-001/05
  • H05H-001/16
  • H05H-003/06
  • G21B-003/00
  • H05H-001/54
출원번호 US-0200919 (2016-07-01)
등록번호 US-9875816 (2018-01-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Laberge, Michel Georges
  • Richardson, Douglas H.
출원인 / 주소
  • General Fusion Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 150


Embodiments of systems and methods for compressing plasma are described in which plasma pressures above the breaking point of solid material can be achieved by injecting a plasma into a funnel of liquid metal in which the plasma is compressed and/or heated.


1. A method of compressing a plasma, the method comprising: generating a toroidal plasma;accelerating the toroidal plasma along a longitudinal direction;introducing the accelerated toroidal plasma into a passage in a liquid funnel, the passage having a first size at a first end of the passage and a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (150) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Laberge, Michel; Steiner, Thomas W.; Karasyuk, Valentin, Absolute position Moire type encoder for use in a control system.
  2. Airhart Tom P. (Plano TX), Acoustic pulse generator.
  3. Winterberg, Friedwardt M., Amplification of energy beams by passage through an imploding liner.
  4. Horvath Stephen (St. Ives AUX), Apparatus and method for energy conversion.
  5. Miley, George; Momota, Hiromu, Apparatus and methods for controlling charged particles.
  6. Miley,George; Momota,Hiromu, Apparatus and methods for controlling charged particles.
  7. Laberge, Michel G.; Reynolds, Meritt, Apparatus for accelerating and compressing plasma.
  8. Paul M. Koloc, Apparatus for generating a compound plasma configuration with multiple helical conductor elements.
  9. Ayers Richard A. (10801 DeWitt Ct. El Cajon CA 92020) Wesley Richard H. (19511 Ricelake La. Houston TX 77084), Apparatus for generating a pulsed plasma in a liquid medium.
  10. Tominaga Hiroshi (Yokohama JA) Yasunami Kazuo (Amagasaki JA) Saito Shinroku (Yokohama JA) Takamatsu Masanobu (Yokohama JA) Sawaoka Akira (Yokohama JA), Apparatus for generating shock waves by means of a supersonic projectile.
  11. DeLuze, James Robert, Apparatus for hot fusion of fusion-reactive gases.
  12. Rostoker, Norman; Binderbauer, Michl, Apparatus for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  13. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl, Apparatus for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  14. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl, Apparatus for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  15. Turchi Peter J. (Alexandria VA) Jenkins Daniel J. (Vienna VA), Axisymmetric stabilized liner implosion system.
  16. Bohachevsky Ihor O. (Los Alamos NM), Beam heated linear theta-pinch device for producing hot plasmas.
  17. Schaffer Michael J. (San Diego CA), Blanket design for imploding liner systems.
  18. Lemelson Jerome H. (85 Rector St. Metuchen NJ 08840), Chemical reaction.
  19. Turchi,Peter J., Combined plasma source and liner implosion system.
  20. Ahern Brian S. ; Clark ; Jr. Harry R. ; Johnson Keith H., Combustion of nanopartitioned fuel.
  21. Caporaso,George J.; Sampayan,Stephen E.; Kirbie,Hugh C., Compact accelerator.
  22. Leung, Ka-Ngo; Lou, Tak Pui, Compact neutron generator.
  23. Paul M. Koloc, Compound plasma configuration, and method and apparatus for generating a compound plasma configuration.
  24. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  25. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  26. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  27. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  28. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  29. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  30. Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Rostoker, Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  31. Monkhorst,Hendrik J.; Rostoker,Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  32. Monkhorst,Hendrik J.; Rostoker,Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  33. Monkhorst,Hendrik J.; Rostoker,Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  34. Monkhorst,Hendrik J.; Rostoker,Norman, Controlled fusion in a field reversed configuration and direct energy conversion.
  35. Bussard Robert W. (Arlington VA) Coppi Bruno (Winchester MA), Controlled nuclear fusion apparatus.
  36. Putterman Seth J. (Sherman Oaks CA) Barber Bradley Paul (Northridge CA) Hiller Robert Anthony (Los Angeles CA) Lofstedt Ritva Maire Johanna (Los Angeles CA), Converting acoustic energy into useful other energy forms.
  37. Krishnan, Mahadevan; Thompson, John R., Dense plasma focus apparatus.
  38. Thode Lester E. (Los Alamos NM), Device and method for imploding a microsphere with a fast liner.
  39. Kindel, Eckhard; Lembke, Norbert; Stieber, Manfred; Titze, Ruediger; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Hellwig, Lutz, Device for generating a non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma.
  40. Sciard Alain (Paris FRX), Device for propelling a liquid projectile in a liquid medium with a view to creating a shock wave.
  41. Caporaso George J. ; Sampayan Stephen E. ; Kirbie Hugh C., Dielectric-wall linear accelerator with a high voltage fast rise time switch that includes a pair of electrodes between.
  42. Navratil ; Gerald A. ; Neil ; George R., Electrode structures for high energy high temperature plasmas.
  43. Heyne Carl J. (Hampton Township ; Allegheny County PA) Deis Daniel W. (Churchill Borough PA), Electromagnetic launcher with high repetition rate switch.
  44. Quick, Richard T., Electromagnetic systems with double-resonant spiral coil components.
  45. Yamaki, Toshihiro; Nakamura, Minoru; Onohara, Yoshinori, Electromagnetic valve controller.
  46. Sampayan Stephen E. ; Caporaso George J. ; Kirbie Hugh C., Enhanced dielectric-wall linear accelerator.
  47. Lewis John G. (Ann Arbor MI), Expandable chamber fusion reactor system.
  48. Laberge Michel,CAX, Fault tolerant laser diode array.
  49. McBride, William Earl; Thompson, Kenneth E., Fluid powered actuator.
  50. Rostoker, Norman; Binderbauer, Michl, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  51. Rostoker, Norman; Binderbauer, Michl; Garate, Eusebio; Bystritskii, Vitaly, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  52. Rostoker, Norman; Binderbauer, Michl; Garate, Eusebio; Bystritskii, Vitaly, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  53. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Garate,Eusebio; Bystritskii,Vitaly, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  54. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Garate,Eusebio; Bystritskii,Vitaly, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  55. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Qerushi,Artan; Tahsiri,Hooshang, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  56. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Qerushi,Artan; Tahsiri,Hooshang, Formation of a field reversed configuration for magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma.
  57. John E Stauffer ; John C. Stauffer, Fuel pellets for thermonuclear reactions.
  58. Stauffer J. Christian (Six Pecksland Rd. Greenwich CT 06830) Stauffer John E. (Six Pecksland Rd. Greenwich CT 06830), Fuel pellets for thermonuclear reactions.
  59. Baker, Jr., Robert M. L., Gravitational wave generator utilizing submicroscopic energizable elements.
  60. Greatbatch, Wilson, HE fusion device with direct electrical conversion.
  61. Tidman Derek A. (McLean VA), Hybrid electrothermal light gas gun and method.
  62. Kuvshinov Viktor A. (Novosibirsk RUX) Ermolaev Vladimir M. (Novosibirsk RUX) Rusin Sergei V. (Novosibirsk RUX) Goldobin Vyacheslav A. (Novosibirsk RUX), Hydraulic device for driving piles.
  63. Heck Siegfried (Sindelfingen DEX), Hydraulic drive apparatus and method for instrumented penetration and tensile-impact testing.
  64. Bystriskii, Vitaly; Garate, Eusebio; Song, Yuanxu; Anderson, Michael, Inductive plasma source for plasma electric generation system.
  65. Sanns, Jr., Frank, Inertial electrostatic confinement fusion.
  66. Gelbart, Daniel, Interferometric torque and power sensor.
  67. Sudan Ravindra N. (Ithaca NY), Ion-ring ignitor for inertial fusion.
  68. Suponitsky, Victoria; Barsky, Sandra Justine; Laberge, J. Michel G.; Richardson, Douglas Harvey; Kostka, Peter Leszek, Jet control devices and methods.
  69. Schoen, Neil C., Laser accelerator produced colliding ion beams fusion device.
  70. Lasche George P. (Arlington VA), Laser or charged-particle-beam fusion reactor with direct electric generation by magnetic flux compression.
  71. Larson,Delbert J., Low energy electron cooling system and method for increasing the phase space intensity and overall intensity of low energy ion beams.
  72. Cotter, Jonathan P., Low impact gas spring.
  73. Budzich Tadeusz (80 Murwood Dr. Moreland Hills OH 44022), Lubrication and sealing of a free floating piston of hydraulically driven gas compressor.
  74. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Qerushi,Artan; Tahsiri,Hooshang, Magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma with tuning of electrostatic field.
  75. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Qerushi,Artan; Tahsiri,Hooshang, Magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma with tuning of electrostatic field.
  76. Rostoker,Norman; Binderbauer,Michl; Qerushi,Artan; Tahsiri,Hooshang, Magnetic and electrostatic confinement of plasma with tuning of electrostatic field.
  77. Lungu Cornelius (Rossbuhlstrasse 11 ; D-7582 Buhlertal DEX), Magnetic drive with a permanent-magnet armature.
  78. Mayer Frederick J. (Ann Arbor MI), Materials processing using chemically driven spherically symmetric implosions.
  79. Ohkawa Tihiro (LaJolla CA), Mechanical compression plasma device.
  80. Bussard Robert W. (Manassas VA), Method and apparatus for creating and controlling nuclear fusion reactions.
  81. Koloc Paul M. (Box 222 College Park MD 20740), Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration.
  82. Koloc Paul M. (Box 222 College Park MD 20740), Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration.
  83. Koloc Paul M. (Box 222 College Park MD 20740), Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration.
  84. Pless Irwin A., Method and apparatus for generating large velocity, high pressure, and high temperature conditions.
  85. Wells Daniel R. (Miami FL), Method and apparatus for generation of thermonuclear power.
  86. Wells ; Daniel R., Method and apparatus for heating and compressing plasma.
  87. Wells Daniel R. (Miami FL), Method and apparatus for heating and compressing plasma.
  88. Wells Daniel R. (Miami FL) Packo Joseph J. (Austin TX), Method and apparatus for heating and compressing plasma.
  89. Lerner,Eric J.; Blake,Aaron, Method and apparatus for producing x-rays, ion beams and nuclear fusion energy.
  90. Robert D. Woolley, Method and apparatus to produce and maintain a thick, flowing, liquid lithium first wall for toroidal magnetic confinement DT fusion reactors.
  91. Schmidt, Martin; Lebert, Rainer Helmut; Stamm, Uwe, Method and device for producing extreme ultraviolet radiation or soft X-ray radiation.
  92. Boscoli, Renzo, Method and machine for producing energy by nuclear fusion reactions.
  93. Flynn Hugh G. (55 Council Rock Ave. Rochester NY 14610), Method and means for converting graphite to diamond.
  94. Keim,Norbert; Ott,Christof; Bayha,Wulf Siegfried; Krohn,Martin; Huber,Bernd; Dorfschmid,Jens; Semler,Juergen, Method for controlling an electromagnetic valve, in particular for an automatic transmission of a motor vehicle.
  95. Richardson, Douglas, Method for cross-connecting optical signals at high speed.
  96. Gelbart, Daniel, Method for imaging a continuously moving object.
  97. Hendricks Charles D. (Livermore CA) Koo Jackson C. (San Ramon CA) Rosencwaig Allan (Danville CA), Method for introduction of gases into microspheres.
  98. Hassanein,Ahmed; Konkashbaev,Isak; Rice,Bryan, Method for plasma formation for extreme ultraviolet lithography-theta pinch.
  99. Friedwardt M. Winterberg (P.O. Box 11661 Reno NV 89510), Method for the initiation of fusion reactions for the controlled release of energy.
  100. Winterberg F. (5395 Goldenrod Dr. Reno NV 89511), Method for the release of thermonuclear energy combining impact, magnetic and inertial confinement fusion.
  101. Patten, Scott Andrew; Steiner, Thomas W.; Laberge, Michel, Method of automated setting of imaging and processing parameters.
  102. Flynn Hugh G. (55 Council Rock Ave. Rochester NY 14610), Method of generating energy by acoustically induced cavitation fusion and reactor therefor.
  103. Biermann Udo Klaus Paul (Eindhoven NL) Lynch Brian (Eindhoven NL) VAN DE Wijgert Willibrordus Maria (Eindhoven NL), Method of manufacturing articles from metal coated with a zirconium nitride layer.
  104. Richardson Douglas,CAX ; Laberge Michel,CAX, Method of multi-channel thermal recording.
  105. Sutekiyo Uozumi (Hachiogi JPX), Method of obtaining mechanical energy utilizing H2O plasma generated in multiple steps.
  106. Parks, Paul B.; Perkins, Francis W., Microwave-powered pellet accelerator.
  107. Noren Carl Anders (Saltsjo-Boo SW) Sundin Bertil Waldemar (Enskede SW), Motor driven by a pressurized fluid medium for operating an impacting tool in a linear direction.
  108. Russell ; Jr. Wayne B. (3895 Lugo Ave. Lynwood CA 90262), Multi-stage extendible and contractible shaft with shock absorption.
  109. Goldberg Leon (9921 Bedfordshire Ct. Potomac MD 20854), Neutron generator.
  110. Nordberg, John T., Nuclear fusion reactor incorporating spherical electromagnetic fields to contain and extract energy.
  111. Nordberg,John T., Nuclear fusion reactor incorporating spherical electromagnetic fields to contain and extract energy.
  112. Gelbart Daniel,CAX ; Laberge Michel G.,CAX, Optical coordinate measuring machine.
  113. Gelbart Daniel (Vancouver CAX) Laberge Michel G. (Vancouver CAX), Optical coordinate measuring system for large objects.
  114. Laberge, Michel; Steiner, Thomas W.; Karasyuk, Valentin, Optical cross connect switch having improved alignment control system.
  115. Laberge, Michel; Steiner, Thomas W.; Karasyuk, Valentin, Optical cross-connect switch.
  116. Baird James K. (Clinton TN), Parabolic lithium mirror for a laser-driven hot plasma producing device.
  117. Petersen,Christian; Lassen,Heinz Otto; Nommensen,Marten; Iversen,Frank Holm, Piston arrangement.
  118. Fowler T. Kenneth (Walnut Creek CA) Condit William C. (Livermore CA), Plasma confinement apparatus using solenoidal and mirror coils.
  119. Meacham G. B. Kirby, Plasma extrusion dynamo and methods related thereto.
  120. Shumlak, Uri; Golingo, Raymond; Nelson, Brian A., Plasma-based EUV light source.
  121. Shumlak,Uri; Golingo,Raymond; Nelson,Brian A., Plasma-based EUV light source.
  122. Sundin Bertil Waldemar (Enskede SW), Pneumatic impact device.
  123. Potter David K. (Pasadena CA) Ahrens Thomas J. (Pasadena CA), Polycrystalline diamond and method for forming same.
  124. Zanarini Franco (Via Curiel ; 27 Castelmaggiore (Bologna) ITX 40013), Positive displacement hydraulic-drive reciprocating compressor.
  125. McIlwraith, Lon; Senger, John; Montgomery, Darcy; Richardson, Douglas H.; Kostka, Peter; Bell, Kristin; Zindler, Ryan; Laberge, Michel Georges, Pressure wave generator with movable control rod for generating a pressure wave in a medium.
  126. Upadhye Ravindra S. (Pleasanton CA) Henning Sten A. (Dalby SEX), Production of hollow aerogel microspheres.
  127. Roller Johannes (A-1070 Wien Siebensterngasse 43 Vienna ATX), Projectile-casting ingot mold.
  128. Sugita Mitsuro,JPX, Projection exposure apparatus and device manufacturing method using the same.
  129. Fischer Albert G. (Preinstr. 132 46 Dortmund-Wellinghofen DEX), Pulsed nuclear fusion reactor.
  130. Bentley Arthur P. (P.O. Box 1952 Roswell NM 88201), Pump with rotary sonic pressure wave generator.
  131. Nishimura Kazuya,JPX ; Kato Michio,JPX ; Rintsu Yuko,JPX ; Nagakura Masaaki,JPX ; Miyake Yoshinobu,JPX, Sealed neutron tube.
  132. Schaffer Michael J. (San Diego CA), Self-imploding liner system for magnetic field compression.
  133. Caporaso, George J.; Nelson, Scott D.; Poole, Brian R., Sequentially pulsed traveling wave accelerator.
  134. Kendall ; Jr. James M. (Pasadena CA) Wang Taylor G. (Glendale CA) Elleman Daniel D. (San Marino CA), Shell forming system.
  135. Lemelson Jerome H. (85 Rector St. Metuchen NJ 08840), Shock wave processing apparatus.
  136. Venier, Nicholas O.; Bitsakis, Nicholas, Small device launch system.
  137. Bogatu, Ioan-Niculae, Soft x-ray laser based on z-pinch compression of rotating plasma.
  138. Kaesser Merle L. (Waterloo IA) Wood Homer J. (Sherman Oaks CA), Supersonic shock wave compressor diffuser with circular arc channels.
  139. Sugimoto Kimiyasu (Saitama JPX) Yoshino Hajime (Saitama JPX), Swashplate type hydraulic device having a ball joint connection.
  140. Clark Joseph A., System for focused generation of pressure by bubble formation and collapse.
  141. Laberge, Michel Georges; Richardson, Douglas H., Systems and methods for compressing plasma.
  142. Laberge, Michel Georges; Richardson, Douglas H., Systems and methods for compressing plasma.
  143. Howard, Stephen James; Laberge, Michel Georges; McIlwraith, Lon; Richardson, Douglas Harvey; Gregson, James, Systems and methods for plasma compression with recycling of projectiles.
  144. Howard, Stephen James; Laberge, Michel Georges; McIlwraith, Lon; Richardson, Douglas Harvey; Gregson, James, Systems and methods for plasma compression with recycling of projectiles.
  145. Kotschenreuther, Michael T.; Mahajan, Swadesh M.; Valanju, Prashant M., Tokamak reactor for treating fertile material or waste nuclear by-products.
  146. Ohkawa Tihiro (La Jolla CA), Tokamak with liquid metal for inducing toroidal electrical field.
  147. Ohkawa Tihiro (La Jolla CA), Tokamak with mechanical compression of toroidal magnetic field.
  148. Douglas Richardson CA; Amos Michelson CA, Two dimensional fiber optic output array.
  149. Lemelson Jerome H. (85 Rector St. Metuchen NJ 08840), Wave generating apparatus and method.
  150. Malcolm W. McGeoch, Z-pinch plasma X-ray source using surface discharge preionization.

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