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[미국특허] Man-rated fire suppression system and related methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A62C-011/00
  • A62C-099/00
  • A62D-001/06
  • A62C-005/00
  • A62C-013/22
출원번호 US-0792903 (2013-03-11)
등록번호 US-9919173 (2018-03-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Blau, Reed J.
  • Rozanski, James D.
  • Truitt, Richard M.
  • Lund, Gary K.
  • Sampson, William P.
출원인 / 주소
  • Orbital ATK, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 140


A fire suppression system for producing an inert gas mixture having a minimal amount of carbon monoxide, particulates, or smoke. The inert gas mixture may be generated by combusting a gas generant. The gas generant may be a composition that includes hexa(ammine)-cobalt(III)-nitrate. The fire suppres


1. A fire suppression system comprising: a plurality of gas generators positioned within a defined space where a fire is to be suppressed, each gas generator of the plurality of gas generators having a solid gas generant composition positioned within a combustion chamber, separate from any other com

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (140) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cox, Matthew A.; Smith, Bradley W.; Taylor, Robert D.; Lund, Gary K.; Jordan, Michael P., Additives for liquid-cooled inflators.
  2. Iwai, Yasunori; Nakashima, Yoshihiro; Katsuda, Nobuyuki; Yamazaki, Masayuki; Oda, Shingo, Airbag gas generator and an airbag apparatus.
  3. Walker Kerry C. ; Jackson Scott A. ; Fulmer Brian H., Airbag inflator with consumable igniter tube.
  4. Hock Christopher, Airbag inflator with direct electrical ignition for small sized gas generant bodies.
  5. Johnson Darrin L. ; Hussey Brett,DEX ; Rink Linda M., Airbag inflator with venturi effect cooling and gas supplement.
  6. Galbraith Lyle D. (Redmond WA) Holland Gary F. (Snohomish WA) Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Mitchell Robert M. (Issaquah WA), Apparatus and method for suppressing a fire.
  7. Galbraith Lyle D. (Redmund WA), Apparatus and method for suppressing a fire.
  8. Roberts Daryl (Winchester MA) Butz James R. (Denver CO), Apparatus and method to control deflagration of gases.
  9. McClure William F. (SRA Box 1707 Anchorage AK 99507) Brown David L. (P.O. Box 581 Boyertown PA 19512), Apparatus for fire extinguishing system for floating-roof tanks.
  10. Galbraith Lyle D. (Redmond WA) Holland Gary F. (Snohomish WA) Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Mitchell Robert M. (Issaquah WA), Apparatus for suppressing a fire.
  11. Galbraith Lyle D. (Redmond WA) Holland Gary F. (Snohomish WA) Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Mitchell Robert M. (Issaquah WA), Apparatus for suppressing a fire.
  12. Felipe Garcia, Aqueous foam generating system and method for generating foam having long wet-to-dry transition times.
  13. Thompson,Robert, Automotive fire suppression system with a composite reservoir having a combination lower closure and propellant base.
  14. Hamilton Brian (Littleton CO) Renz Robert (Mesa AZ), Automotive inflatable safety system propellant with complexing agent.
  15. Thompson, Robert H., Automotive onboard fire suppression system reservoir having multifunction control valve.
  16. Thompson,Robert, Automotive onboard fire suppression system reservoir with pressure-configurable orifices.
  17. Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Wilson Michael A. (Bothell WA), Azide gas generating composition for inflatable devices.
  18. Poole, Donald R., Azide-free gas generant composition with easily filterable combustion products.
  19. Lambertsen Christian J. (Ardmore PA) Santangelo Joseph G. (Allentown PA), Breathable fire extinguishing gas mixtures.
  20. Smith Bradley W. ; Larsen Alan R., Chemical cooling of airbag inflation gases.
  21. Lundstrom Norman H. ; Greso Aaron J. ; Scheffee Robert S., Chemical delivery systems for fire suppression.
  22. Holland Gary F. ; Wilson Michael A., Chemically active fire suppression composition.
  23. Chandler Michael J. (Eden Bridge GB3), Cleaner device for swimming pools and the like.
  24. Bennett Joseph Michael, Compact affordable inert gas fire extinguishing system.
  25. Bennett Joseph Michael, Compact affordable inert gas fire extinguishing system.
  26. Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Wilson Michael A. (Bothell WA), Composition and process for inflating a safety crash bag.
  27. Olander Donald E., Compositions and methods for suppressing flame.
  28. Luxton Russell E. (Adelaide AUX) Nathan Graham J. (Happy Valley AUX), Controlling the motion of a fluid jet.
  29. Blomquist Harold R., Cool burning gas generating composition.
  30. Kozo Okuda JP; Yoshitsugu Shigehisa JP, Counterweight for construction vehicle.
  31. Paczkowski Marian (Katowice PLX), Device for production of inert gases.
  32. Sears Richard F. (Kenly NC) Simpson Terence (Wilson NC), Discharging fire and explosion suppressants.
  33. Mitchell Robert M. ; Wierenga Paul H., Dual stage fire extinguisher.
  34. Christopher P. Ludwig ; Robert S. Willhelm ; John Bednarz ; Glade L. Hansen ; Martin J. Muir ; Gregory J. Scaven, Dual stage inflator.
  35. Bennett Joseph M., Engine fire extinguishment system.
  36. Taylor Robert D. (Hyrum UT) Andros Marc R. (North Ogden UT), Extrudable gas generant for hybrid air bag inflation system.
  37. Cabrera Raul, Filtration system for gas generators.
  38. Italiane, John R.; Arnot, Nicholas R.; Holland, Gary F., Fire extinguisher.
  39. Thevis Paul (Oberndorf DEX) Mller Tilo (Oberndorf DEX), Fire extinguisher and liquid dispensing apparatus.
  40. Hardge Lawrence J., Fire extinguishing agent and method of preparation and use thereof.
  41. Filter Harold E. (Midland MI) Stevens Don L. (Sanford MI), Fire extinguishing composition.
  42. Spector Yechiel (Tel Aviv ILX) Jacobson Esther (Tel Aviv ILX) Naishtut Vida (Kiriat Gat ILX) Vittenberg Michael (Beersheva ILX) Beinert Zohar (Beersheva ILX), Fire extinguishing methods and systems.
  43. Thomas Orrett H., Fire extinguishing system for automotive vehicles.
  44. Cramer Frank B., Fire safety system.
  45. Cramer Frank B., Fire safety system.
  46. Galbraith Lyle D. (Redmond WA) Holland Gary F. (Snohomish WA) Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA) Mitchell Robert M. (Issaquah WA), Fire suppressing apparatus for generating steam from a water-ice mixture.
  47. Wucherer Edward J. ; Holland Gary F., Fire suppression composition and device.
  48. Olander, Donald E.; Schall, Michael L., Fire suppression system and solid propellant aerosol generator for use therein.
  49. Hsieh Shih-yung (Apt. 4G ; 41-70 Union St. Flushing NY 11355), Fireproof cabinet system for electronic equipment.
  50. Reed ; Jr. Russell (Ridgecrest CA) Brady Vicki L. (Ridgecrest CA), Flame extinguishing pyrotechnic and explosive composition.
  51. Cunningham Donald J. (North Ogden UT) Smith Bradley W. (Ogden UT), Flash ignition system.
  52. Barnes Michael W. ; Swanson Kristy Woodward ; Hock Christopher, Gas forming igniter composition for a gas generant.
  53. Burns Sean P. ; Khandhadia Paresh S., Gas generant composition.
  54. Knowlton, Gregory D.; Ludwig, Christopher P., Gas generant composition with coolant.
  55. Cabrera Raul ; Grzelczyk Cezary, Gas generant compositions containing guanidines.
  56. Johnson Steven ; Barr Larry H. ; Smith Brian E., Gas generant compositions methods of production of the same and devices made therefrom.
  57. Barnes Michael W. (Brigham City UT) Deppert Thomas M. (Brigham City UT) Taylor Robert D. (Hyrum UT), Gas generant compositions using dicyanamide salts as fuel.
  58. Canterberry J B ; Schlueter Samuel Steven ; Adams John Herman ; Walsh Robert Keith, Gas generating compositions containing phase stabilized ammonium nitrate.
  59. Mendenhall, Ivan V.; Lund, Gary K., Gas generating compositions having glass fibers.
  60. Lewis, Donald J.; Olander, Donald E.; Magenot, Michael C., Gas generating device.
  61. Parkinson, David W.; Smith, Bradley W., Gas generator.
  62. Ruckdeschel Rolf,DEX ; Tieu Anh-Dung,DEX ; Lindner Markus,DEX ; Laucht Horst,DEX ; Winterhalder Marc,DEX ; Fink Martin,DEX ; Hinterberger Christof,DEX ; Leifheit Markus,DEX, Gas generator with cooling device.
  63. Eiichiro Yoshikawa JP; Ryo Minoguchi JP; Akihiko Kuroiwa JP; Takeshi Kanda JP; Kenjiro Ikeda JP; Makoto Iwasaki JP; Akihiko Tanaka JP; Eishi Sato JP; Dairi Kubo JP; Kaoru Masuda JP; Moriyos, Gas-generating agent for air bag.
  64. Zeuner, Siegfried; Hofmann, Achim; Schropp, Roland; Rodig, Karl-Heinz, Guanidine-thermite igniter composition for use in gas generators.
  65. Gupta, Alankar, Helium gas total flood fire suppression system.
  66. Bennett Joseph Michael, Highway vehicle fuel tank fire protection device.
  67. Wang,Jing Huei; Tsai,Tai Ho; Tsai,Long Ming, Hybrid gas inflator.
  68. Moore Walter A. ; Lewis Robert E. ; Clark Marcus T. ; Matzl Bryan D., Hybrid inflator with reduced solid emissions.
  69. Kotliar, Igor K., Hyperbaric hypoxic fire escape and suppression systems for multilevel buildings, transportation tunnels and other human-occupied environments.
  70. Igor K. Kotliar, Hypoxic fire prevention and fire suppression systems and breathable fire extinguishing compositions for human occupied environments.
  71. Igor K. Kotliar, Hypoxic fire prevention and fire suppression systems for computer cabinets and fire-hazardous industrial containers.
  72. Kotliar Igor K., Hypoxic fire prevention and fire suppression systems for computer rooms and other human occupied facilities.
  73. Igor K. Kotliar, Hypoxic fire prevention and fire suppression systems with breathable fire extinguishing compositions for human occupied environments.
  74. Green David J. ; Lauritzen Donald R., Igniter for gas bag inflator.
  75. Mendenhall Ivan V. ; Taylor Robert D. ; Parkinson David W. ; Hess Gregory B., Ignition enhanced gas generant and method.
  76. Taylor Robert D. ; Mendenhall Ivan V. ; Lund Gary K., Ignition enhanced gas generant and method.
  77. Sobolev ; Georgy Georgievich ; Kozljuk ; Anatoly Ivanovich ; Kolyshen ko ; Mikhail Vasilievich ; Makarenko ; Valery Leonidovich ; Vasilenko ; Valentin Vasilievich ; Vishnevsky ; Leonid Denisovich ; K, Inert gas generator based on air jet engine.
  78. Kim, Soo-Yong; Im, Ye-Hoon; Yoo, Il-Su; Muravchenko, Oleg F., Inert gas generator for fire suppressing.
  79. Wagner,Ernst Werner, Inert rendering method with a nitrogen buffer.
  80. Wagner, Ernst Werner; Schütte, Volker, Inerting method and apparatus for preventing and extinguishing fires in enclosed spaces.
  81. Goetz George W. (Detroit MI), Inflatable restraint system.
  82. McCormick,David M., Inflator.
  83. Parkinson David W. ; Smith Bradley W. ; Lewis Robert E., Inflator based fire suppression system.
  84. Cabrera Raul ; Grzelczyk Cezary, Inflator for use with gas generant compositions containing guanidines.
  85. Cox, Matthew A.; Smith, Bradley W.; Parkinson, David W., Inflator-based fire suppression.
  86. Sundholm Goran,FIX, Installation for fighting fire.
  87. Sundholm Goran,FIX, Installation for fighting fire.
  88. Cox, Matthew A.; Smith, Bradley W.; Parkinson, David W.; Parks, Brent A., Liquid cooled hybrid.
  89. Bradley W. Smith ; William B. Richardson ; David W. Parkinson ; E. Lee Helms, Liquid or foam fire retardant delivery device with pyrotechnic actuation and aeration.
  90. Barnes Michael W. ; Letendre Guy R. ; Hussey Brett, Liquid pyrotechnic fire extinguishing composition producing a large amount of water vapor.
  91. Mendenhall Ivan V. ; Taylor Robert D. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K. ; Doll Daniel W., Low particulate igniter composition for a gas generant.
  92. Poole Donald R., Low-residue azide-free gas generant composition.
  93. Manole,Leon R.; Gilman,Stewart; Nodarse,Robert; Perich,Andrew; Ribe,Floyd, Marker projectile.
  94. Hinshaw Jerald C. (Farr West UT) Doll Daniel W. (North Ogden UT) Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT) Lund Gary K. (Ogden UT), Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  95. Hinshaw Jerald C. ; Doll Daniel W. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K., Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  96. Hinshaw Jerald C. ; Doll Daniel W. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K., Metal complexes for use as gas generants.
  97. Jerald C. Hinshaw ; Daniel W. Doll ; Reed J. Blau ; Gary K. Lund, Metal hydrazine complexes for use as gas generants.
  98. Birk Aviezer, Method and apparatus for dispensing liquid with gas.
  99. Drakin Nikolay Vasilyevich,RUX, Method and apparatus for extinguishing fires.
  100. Kozyrev Valeriy Nikolaevitch,RUX ; Yemelyanov Valeriy Nilovitch,RUX ; Sidorov Alexey Ivanovitch,RUX ; Andreev Vladimir Andreevitch,RUX, Method and apparatus for extinguishing fires in enclosed spaces.
  101. Drakin Nikolay Vasiljevich,RUX, Method and apparatus for fire extinguishing.
  102. Cohrt Claus,DEX ; Schaper Juergen,DEX, Method and apparatus for fire fighting.
  103. Lund, Gary K.; Rozanski, James D., Method and apparatus for suppression of fires.
  104. Lund,Gary K.; Rozanski,James D., Method and apparatus for suppression of fires.
  105. Grabow, Thomas; Kallergis, Konstantin, Method and system for extinguishing fire in an enclosed space.
  106. Hindstrm Rolf (Turku FIX) Punju Jorma (Tampere FIX), Method for cleaning the filter plates of a suction drier.
  107. Norman H. Lundstrom ; Aaron J. Greso ; Robert S. Scheffee, Method for the gas-inflation articles.
  108. Spector Yechiel (5 Avner Tel Aviv ILX) Jacobson Esther (16 Shmariahu Levin Tel Aviv ILX) Naishtut Vida (7/17 Iftah Hagiladi Kiriat Gat ILX) Vittenberg Michael (10 Yochanan H\Aroni Beersheva ILX) Bein, Method of generating non-toxic smoke.
  109. Knowlton Gregory D. ; Ludwig Christopher P., Method of safely initiating combustion of a gas generant composition using an autoignition composition.
  110. Olander Donald E., Methods for suppressing flame.
  111. Kotliar, Igor K., Mobile firefighting systems with breathable hypoxic fire extinguishing compositions for human occupied environments.
  112. Smith,Bradley W.; Lindsey,David W.; Clark,Marcus T., Modular fire detection and extinguishing system.
  113. Lundstrom Norman H., Monopropellant and propellant compositions including mono and polyaminoguanidine dinitrate.
  114. Jacobson Michael D. ; Burgner Gary R., Multi-ignition controllable solid-propellant gas generator.
  115. Kirchoff George F. (Brigham City UT) Schneiter Fred E. (North Ogden UT), Multi-level cool gas generator.
  116. Cox, Matthew A.; Jordan, Michael P., Multi-stage inflator.
  117. Lund Gary K. (Ogden UT) Stevens Mikel R. (Fayetteville AR) Edwards W. Wayne (Tremonton UT) Shaw ; III Graham C. (Garland UT), Non-azide gas generant formulation, method, and apparatus.
  118. Smith Benjamin D. (Colonial Beach VA), On demand, non-halon, fire extinguishing systems.
  119. Spector Yechiel (Tel Aviv ILX) Jacobson Esther (Tel Aviv ILX) Naishtut Vida (Kiriat Gat ILX) Vittenberg Michael (Beersheva ILX) Beinert Zohar (Beersheva ILX), Portable system for extinguishing a fire.
  120. Kern Mark T. (Goleta CA) Heath Richard C. (Lewes GB2) Streater John (Henfield GB2), Powder discharge apparatus.
  121. Poole Donald R. (Woodinville WA), Process for preparing azide-free gas generant composition.
  122. Kassuelke Gregory T. ; Candland Calvin T. ; Kennedy James L., Propellant system.
  123. Reed ; Jr. Russell (Ridgecrest CA) Chan May L. (Ridgecrest CA) Moore Kenneth L. (Cabin John MD), Pyrotechnic fire extinguishing method.
  124. Lundstrom Norman H. ; Greso Aaron J. ; Scheffee Robert S., Pyrotechnic gas generant composition including high oxygen balance fuel.
  125. Homer W. Fogle, Jr., Pyrotechnic igniter with radio frequency filter.
  126. Tone Melvin N. (Dubuque IA) Zimmer Larry J. (Dubuque IA) Jewett James W. (Dubuque IA), Single control for gas actuated fire extinguishers.
  127. DiGiacomo Michael ; Scheffee Robert S., Solid propellant/water type hybrid gas generator.
  128. Grzyll Lawrence R., Solid-solid hybrid gas generator compositions for fire suppression.
  129. Nielson Daniel B. ; Lund Gary K. ; Blau Reed J., Supplemental-restraint-system gas generating device with water-soluble polymeric binder.
  130. Richardson,Adam Tartar, System and method for suppressing fires.
  131. Richardson,Adam Tartar; Bennett,Joseph Michael, System and method for suppressing fires.
  132. Hinshaw Jerald C. (Ogden UT) Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT), Thermite compositions for use as gas generants.
  133. Hinshaw Jerald C. (Farr West UT) Blau Reed J. (Richmond UT), Thermite compositions for use as gas generants comprising basic metal carbonates and/or basic metal nitrates.
  134. Rich ; Alan H., Toxic gas control for RF absorber fires.
  135. Kotliar, Igor K., Tunnel fire suppression system and methods for selective delivery of breathable fire suppressant directly to fire site.
  136. Paxton Donald B. (Brigham City UT) Lauritzen Donald R. (Hyrum UT) Anderson Scott R. (Syracuse UT), Two-stage automotive gas bag inflator using igniter material to delay second stage ignition.
  137. Hinshaw Jerald C. ; Doll Daniel W. ; Blau Reed J. ; Lund Gary K., Using metal complex compositions as gas generants.
  138. Canterberry J B ; Bowers Donald ; Solomon Daniel Steven, Variable output inflator.
  139. Faigle Ernst M., Vehicle occupant protection apparatus with multiple stage inflator.
  140. Schneiter Fred E. (North Ogden UT), Wafer grain gas generator.

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