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[미국특허] Multiple evaporator control using PWM valve/compressor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F25D-011/02
  • F16K-011/074
  • F16K-001/06
  • F25B-031/00
  • F25B-041/04
  • F25B-005/02
  • F16K-031/06
  • F25D-011/00
  • F25D-023/06
출원번호 US-0176295 (2016-06-08)
등록번호 US-9970698 (2018-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gomes, Alberto Regio
  • Paganini, Raffaele
출원인 / 주소
  • Whirlpool Corporation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 29


A refrigeration system including a condenser; a (single) linear compressor that is activated and deactivated by a pulse width modulation switching device; a pulse width modulation refrigerant flow switch; at least two evaporators operably connected in parallel with one another with at least one evap


1. An air conditioning system comprising: a compressor having an outlet and an inlet;a condenser operably coupled to the compressor outlet and configured to receive refrigerant fluid from the compressor;a plurality of evaporators each operating and coupled in parallel to the condenser and each havin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (29)

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  2. Moon, Joong-Ki; Kim, Young-Man; Moon, Jae-Myoung; Lee, Jung-Min; Kim, Jong-Youb; Cho, Il-Yong, Air conditioner control system and control method thereof.
  3. Pham,Hung M; Singh,Abtar; Caillat,Jean Luc; Bass,Mark, Compressor with capacity control.
  4. Aoki Kazumi (Gunma JPX) Fujiu Minoru (Omama JPX), Control device for a refrigerating apparatus of a vending machine.
  5. Kopko William Leslie, Control system for a refrigerator with two evaporating temperatures.
  6. Moon, Joong-Ki; Kim, Young-Man; Moon, Jae-Myoung; Lee, Jung-Min; Kim, Jong-Youb; Cho, Il-Yong, Control system for starting of air conditioner and control method thereof.
  7. Healy, John Joseph; Wu, Man Wai; Ng, Mark Lai Yuen; Pham, Hung M., Cooling system with isolation valve.
  8. Pham, Hung M; Singh, Abtar; Caillat, Jean-Luc; Bass, Mark, Cooling system with variable capacity control.
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  10. Cur Nihat O. (Royalton Township ; Berrien County MI) Kuehl Steven J. (Lincoln Township ; Berrien County MI) Khanpara Jatin C. (St. Joseph Township ; Berrien County MI) LeClear Douglas D. (St. Joseph , Dual evaporator refrigerator with non-simultaneous evaporator.
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  13. Roseen Rutger A. (LidingSEX), Insulation for refrigerators and freezers.
  14. Shin, Kyu-Ho; Cho, Sung-Ho; Yoo, Woo-Yeol, Method of controlling multi-compartment type kimchi refrigerator.
  15. Cur Nihat O. (Royalton Township ; Berrien County MI) Kuehl Steven J. (Lincoln Township ; Berrien County MI) LeClear Douglas D. (St. Joseph Township ; Berrien County MI) Chen Kenneth P. (Benton Harbor, Multi-temperature evaporator refrigerator system with variable speed compressor.
  16. Kopko William Leslie, Reciprocating compressor with auxiliary port.
  17. Horie,Munehiro, Refrigerant leak detector compressor.
  18. Behr John A., Refrigerated merchandiser with modular evaporator coils and EEPR control.
  19. Sasaki Yoshihisa (Isesaki JPX) Sunaga Mamoru (Ota JPX), Refrigerating apparatus.
  20. Kuwahara Eiji (Fuji JPX), Refrigerating apparatus with single compressor and multiple evaporators.
  21. Healy, John Joseph; Wu, Man Wai; Ng, Mark Lai Yuen; Pham, Hung M., Refrigeration control.
  22. Hansen Kim,DKX ; Bendtsen Christian,DKX, Refrigeration system.
  23. Quesnoit, Jacques, Refrigeration unit comprising compartments at different temperatures.
  24. Day James (Scotia NY), Sensor for pressure controlled switching valve for refrigeration system.
  25. Hamel, Tim A.; Wilson, Mark W.; Rafalovich, Alexander Pinkus; Bandaru, Sathi, Soft freeze assembly for a freezer storage compartment.
  26. Moon, Joong-Ki; Kim, Young-Man; Moon, Jae-Myoung; Lee, Jung-Min; Kim, Jong-Youb; Cho, Il-Yong, System for controlling starting of air conditioner and control method thereof.
  27. Park Brian V. (Austin TX) Smith ; Jr. Malcolm C. (La Porte TX) McGrath Ralph D. (Granville OH) Gilley Michael D. (Rowlett TX) Criscuolo Lance (Dallas TX) Nelson John L. (Garland TX), Thermoelectric refrigerator.
  28. Kirby,David; Martinella,Luigi; Giudici,Giorgio, Vacuum insulated refrigerator cabinet and method for assessing thermal conductivity thereof.
  29. Wilson Raymond G. (Lincoln Township ; Berrien County MI) Frohbieter Edwin H. (Lincoln Township ; Berrien County MI), Variable capacity binary refrigerant refrigeration apparatus.
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