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[미국특허] Incorporation of nano-size particles into aluminum or other light metals by decoration of micron size particles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22F-001/00
  • B22F-003/105
  • B22F-003/14
  • C22C-021/02
  • B22F-003/16
  • C22C-021/08
  • B22F-001/02
  • B22F-009/04
  • B22F-009/14
  • C22C-032/00
출원번호 US-0684037 (2015-04-10)
등록번호 US-10058917 (2018-08-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harrigan, Jr., William C.
  • Sommer, Alfred W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Gamma Technology, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Crowell & Moring LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 14


Powder metallurgy technology is used to form metallic composites with a uniform distribution of nano-meter size particles within the metallic grains. The uniform distribution of the nano-meter particles is achieved by attaching the nano-meter particles to micron sized particles with surface properti


1. A process for manufacturing a metal matrix composite consisting of: placing nano-meter size particles in a polar fluid;deagglomerating the nano-meter size particles in the polar fluid;combining the deagglomerated nano-meter size particles with micron size particles in the polar fluid;high-shear b

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hildeman, Gregory J.; Sanders, Jr., Robert E., Aluminum powder alloy product for high temperature application.
  2. Ray Ranjan (Waltham MA) Polk Donald E. (Washington DC) Giessen Bill C. (Cambridge MA), Aluminum-transition metal alloys made using rapidly solidified powers and method.
  3. Haynes, III, Thomas G.; Walcher, Martin; Balog, Martin, Atomized picoscale composite aluminum alloy and method thereof.
  4. Adam Colin M. (Tequesta FL), Dispersion strengthened aluminum alloys.
  5. Pickens Joseph R. (College Park MD) Schelleng Robert D. (Suffern NY) Donachie Stephen J. (New Windsor NY) Nichol Thomas J. (Cheshire CT), High strength aluminum alloy and process.
  6. Pickens Joseph R. (Ringwood NJ) Schelleng Robert D. (Suffern NY) Donachie Stephen J. (New Windsor NY) Nichol Thomas J. (Cheshire CT), High strength aluminum alloy and process.
  7. Peng,Jack Y.; van den Bergh,Mark; Harrigan, Jr.,William C., Manufacturing method for aluminum matrix nanocomposite.
  8. Weber John H. (Sloatsburg NY), Method of producing Al-Li alloys with improved properties and product.
  9. Parker, Gerard E.; Parker, Andrew P., Pyrospherelator.
  10. Parker, Gerard E.; Parker, Andrew P., Pyrospherelator.
  11. Adam Colin M. (Morristown NJ) Bye Richard L. (Morristown NJ) Das Santosh K. (Randolph NJ) Skinner David J. (Long Valley NJ), Rapidly solidified aluminum based silicon containing, alloys for elevated temperature applications.
  12. Adam Colin M. (Morristown NJ) Bye Richard L. (Morristown NJ) Das Santosh K. (Randolph NJ) Skinner David J. (Long Valley NJ), Rapidly solidified aluminum based, silicon containing alloys for elevated temperature applications.
  13. Adam Colin M. (Morristown NJ) Bye Richard L. (Morristown NJ) Das Santosh K. (Randolph NJ) Skinner David J. (Long Valley NJ), Rapidly solidified aluminum based, silicon containing alloys for elevated temperature applications.
  14. Peng,Jack Y.; van den Bergh,Mark R.; Harrigan,William C., Three-phase nanocomposite.

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