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[미국특허] Hypersonic laminar flow control 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-021/10
  • F15D-001/08
  • B64C-030/00
출원번호 US-0443992 (2013-11-19)
등록번호 US-10071798 (2018-09-11)
국제출원번호 PCT/US2013/070798 (2013-11-19)
국제공개번호 WO2014/120328 (2014-08-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Zhong, Xiaolin
  • Fong, Kahei Danny
  • Wang, Xiaowen
출원인 / 주소
  • The Regents of the University of California
대리인 / 주소
    Lortz, Bradley K.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 18


A novel passive control technique for laminar flow over air transportation vehicles and space reentry vehicles flying at high supersonic and hypersonic speeds is disclosed. The control of laminar flow can be achieved by applying an array of surface roughness elements in the region before the laminar


1. A supersonic vehicle, comprising: an exterior surface section having a leading edge for receiving compressible fluid flow over the exterior surface; andone or more surface roughness elements disposed on the exterior surface section to damp disturbances of the flow over the exterior surface;wherei

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18)

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  2. Exton, Reginald J, Boundary layer flow disruptors for delaying transition to turbulent flow.
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  4. McKeon, Beverley J.; Yu, Christopher, Dynamic roughness for aerodynamic applications.
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  6. Munro,Alexander S.; Mazurkiewicz,Andrew J., Method and apparatus for reducing drag and noise for a vehicle.
  7. Kamiadakis George Em ; Du Yiging, Method and apparatus for reducing turbulent drag.
  8. Blackwelder Ron F. (30531 Rue Langlois Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90274) Gad-el-Hak Mohamed (15275 Hunting Ridge Trail Granger IN 46530), Method and apparatus for reducing turbulent skin friction.
  9. Whitmore, Stephen A.; Saltzman, Edwin J.; Moes, Timothy R.; Iliff, Kenneth W., Method for reducing the drag of blunt-based vehicles by adaptively increasing forebody roughness.
  10. Lurz Werner (Hamburg DEX), Method for stabilizing laminar separated boundary layers.
  11. Mullender Andrew J. (Nottingham GB2) Rodgers Leonard J. (Derby GB2), Method of manufacturing a porous material.
  12. Lang, Amy W., Micro-array surface for passive drag modification.
  13. Falcimaigne Jean,FRX ; Palermo Thierry,FRX ; Rojey Alexandre,FRX, Modified surface for reducing the turbulences of a fluid and transportation process.
  14. Lang, Amy Warncke, Passive micro-roughness array for drag modification.
  15. Bertolotti,Fabio P., Perforated skin structure for laminar-flow systems.
  16. LaRoche Ulrich,CHX ; La Roche Hans Lucas,CHX, Process for forming a surface for contact with a flowing fluid and body with such surface regions.
  17. Krohmer,Christoph; Lorenz,Hans; Brand,Norbert, Solid body with microstructured surface.
  18. Fedorov Alexander V.,RUX ; Malmuth Norman D., Use of absorbing walls for laminar flow control.
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