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[미국특허] Storage container systems 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-023/06
  • B65D-021/02
  • B65D-041/18
  • B65D-043/02
  • B65D-041/16
  • B65D-041/02
출원번호 US-0594768 (2017-05-15)
등록번호 US-10138020 (2018-11-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gosen, Craig R.
  • Wazny, Katie M.
  • Zettle, Jeffrey J.
  • Thurin, Matthew N.
  • Mather, David P.
  • Wlezien, Christopher M.
  • Chaudry, Saad
  • Rathgeber, Martin
출원인 / 주소
  • S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 204


A container system includes a first container including a bottom wall, at least one sidewall, and an open top, with a plurality of indented recesses formed in the bottom wall. A first lid closes the open top of the first container. A second container includes a bottom wall, at least one sidewall, an


1. A container system comprising: a first container including a bottom wall, at least one sidewall, and an open top, with a plurality of indented recesses being formed in the bottom wall;a first lid configured to close the open top of the first container;a second container including a bottom wall, a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (204) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lee, Sang Jin; Jo, Kyoung Sik; Cha, Gu Hoan, Air-tight reclosable processed food container.
  2. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Bowl.
  3. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Bowl.
  4. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Bowl.
  5. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Bowl.
  6. Roth,Henry, Bowl.
  7. Taylor William D. (Wooster OH) Dilyard Richard D. (Wooster OH), Center press outer seal bowl lid.
  8. Coltman ; Jr. Bertram W. (Winnetka IL), Closure for open mouth container.
  9. Lown,John M.; Hickman,Ralph R.; Puckett,Joie L.; Jung,Richard K., Combined airtight lid and container.
  10. Ozery, Guy; Ozery, Alon, Combined container and lid for food products.
  11. Doliwa,Wojciech, Combined square bowl and lid.
  12. Hobson Jody A. (Rocky River OH), Compartmented storage container.
  13. Capraro, Peter I.; Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  14. Gosen, Craig R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  15. Ordiway, Timothy R.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Container.
  16. Sherman,Kevin; Cozza,Marc; Ware,Bryan, Container.
  17. Singh, Rishabh; Monge, Elie; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  18. Singh, Rishabh; Velzy, Allan Freas; Capraro, Peter I., Container.
  19. Stamper,Leonard R.; Chen,Lily, Container.
  20. Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Monge, Elie; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  21. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  22. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  23. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  24. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  25. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  26. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  27. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  28. Thurin, Matthew N.; Singh, Rishabh; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Capraro, Peter I.; Velzy, Allan Freas, Container.
  29. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  30. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Sandoval, Rachel, Container.
  31. Tucker, Edward B.; Ramanujam, Anand; Racana, Lawrence John; Marasligiller, Ares; Phillips, Jason; Dhuru, Yashodhan; Thomas, Gordon D.; Zieker, Scott, Container.
  32. Tucker, Edward B.; Ramanujam, Anand; Racana, Lawrence John; Marasligiller, Ares; Phillips, Jason; Dhuru, Yashodhan; Thomas, Gordon D.; Zieker, Scott, Container.
  33. Porchia Jose ; Zettle Jeffey J., Container Having a selectively detachable lid including an interrupted reinforcing bead.
  34. De Jesus, Luis Manuel Correia, Container and container closure.
  35. Dais, Brian C.; Perushek, Joseph; McCumber, Donald E.; Angell, Charles A., Container and lid.
  36. Andress Bradley W. ; Rude Dale V. ; VanKeuren Dick E., Container assemblies of different sizes which stack, nest and assemble separately and in combinaton.
  37. Stucke, Donald; Kishbaugh, Ronald G., Container assembly and nesting set thereof.
  38. Jason R. Maxwell ; Lawrence John Racana ; Anand Ramanujam, Container for food.
  39. Maxwell Jason ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  40. Tucker Edward (Romeoville IL) Lueken George (Fort Wayne IN) Gross Luke (Churubusco IN) Cruz Mark (Fort Wayne IN) Melvan Jack F. (Oak Forest IL), Container for food.
  41. Tucker Edward ; Lueken George ; Gross Luke ; Cruz Mark ; Melvan Jack F., Container for food.
  42. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  43. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Container for food.
  44. Kim,Chang Ho, Container for storing foods.
  45. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a selectively detachable lid including a rigid tab member.
  46. Zettle Jeffey J. ; Wilson Daniel C. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Container having a snap fit selectively detachable lid.
  47. Stanos,Lawrence C.; Zettle,Jeffrey J.; Evers, Jr.,Peter T.; Hodge,Donald E., Container including a bowl and a lid each having interfitting lips.
  48. Furlong,Brian D., Container lid.
  49. Furlong,Brian D., Container lid.
  50. Jacques Michel,CAX ; Nolet Roch,CAX, Container lid.
  51. Thurin, Matthew N.; Wlezien, Christopher M., Container lid.
  52. Zettle,Jeffrey J.; Smith,David A.; Hodge,Donald E.; Schaper,Eric; Evers,Peter T., Container lid including venting and denesting features, and container having such a lid.
  53. Adams Kathleen (3550 Marlesta Dr. San Diego CA 92111), Container storage system.
  54. Dais, Brian C.; Perushek, Joseph; Gerulski, Kristopher W.; McCumber, Donald E.; Johnson, Angela M.; Lee, Lewis D.; Schroepfer, Peter, Container with pressure relief and lid and method of manufacture therefor.
  55. Drzymala, Frances M., Cooler with removable containers.
  56. Dais, Brian C.; Johnson, Angela M.; Lee, Lewis D.; Schroepfer, Peter, Cooling container having a coolant and pressure relief apparatus.
  57. Tucker Edward ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Corner of container lid.
  58. Ablo,Famia E.; Cautereels,Victor J. J., Cover for a container.
  59. Liu,Anita Suk Ping, Cover for a food container.
  60. Blanchard Richard Lewis (St. Charles IL), Cover for plates and stacking devices therefor.
  61. Liu,Anita Suk Ping, Covered food container.
  62. Daenen Robert H. C. M. (Hekelgem MA BEX) Conti Rino (Stoughton MA), Covered food storage container or the like.
  63. Koefelda,Gerald R.; Bell,Donald L., Crate for bottles and other containers.
  64. McDade, Clinton, Cross-stacking container.
  65. Bowden Thomas A. (Tinley Park IL) Wilt Brian L. (Frankfort IL), Crowned meat tray.
  66. May Timothy J., Disposable container.
  67. Van Melle Hubert (Etobicoke CAX) Durdon Terrance N. (Milton CAX), Disposable drink-through cup lid.
  68. Shelton Kenneth (327 Candry Ter. Baltimore MD 21221), Disposable food tray and container system.
  69. Turvey, Robert R.; Dewane, Nancy F.; Czech, Brian A., Disposable storage container.
  70. Stanos Lawrence C. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Evers ; Jr. Peter T., Divided container.
  71. Andress Bradley W. (Hudson WI) Rude Dale V. (St. Paul MN) VanKeuren Dick E. (River Falls WI), Double seal container.
  72. Littlejohn Mark (Appleton WI) Juneau Michael P. (Neenah WI), Double seal food container.
  73. Woodring Cooper C., Drawer organizer.
  74. Maravich,Milan C; Marin,Jeffrey A; Jochem,David J, Drink cup and lid.
  75. Vovan, Terry; Pho, Jimmy; Yee, Lauren; Rosen, Leon D., Enhanced secure container.
  76. Vovan, Terry; Enriquez, Jose, Enhanced tamper evident container with tear-apart parts.
  77. Bowen Gary D. (Glens Falls NY) Bowen James L. (Fort Ann NY), Fluid tight container and closure assembly.
  78. Hadtke Frederick (New Providence NJ), Food container.
  79. Anthony Demore, Food container lid.
  80. Loew Christopher ; Stoddard John, Food container lid.
  81. John J. Wolf ; Nickolas Latorre ; Richard W. Hofmann, Food container top.
  82. Dees,Jerome G.; Whitmore,Rebecca E.; Van Handel,Gerald J.; Littlejohn,Mark B.; Gross,Luther A.; Cruz,Mark A., Food container with interchangeable lid--base seal provided with undercut sealing profile and asymmetric interlockable stacking ridges.
  83. Pelstring, Tammy Espinoza; Hemmert, Amy Jo, Food container with multiple removable storage compartments.
  84. Seehoff, Gary Stanley; Nguyen, Huy Kha, Food holder.
  85. Tosdale, David R.; Baumann, Mark L.; Frauenfeld, Victor M.; Heimerl, William C.; McGettrick, Ronald J.; Velten, Richard E.; Zank, Jeffrey T.; Boudreau, Cory R.; Lindeman, William C.; Roberts, Sheldon, Food pan configured for nested stacking.
  86. Credle ; Jr. William S., Food service kit.
  87. Jeffrey T. Zank ; Jeffrey C. Mittmann ; Rebecca J. Schreiber-Pethan ; Cory R. Boudreau ; William C. Lindeman, Food serving and pan system.
  88. Furlong,Brian D., Food storage container.
  89. Furlong,Brian D., Food storage container.
  90. Welsh, Thomas, Food storage container.
  91. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container and container system.
  92. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container lid.
  93. Furlong, Brian Douglas, Food storage container lid.
  94. Prophet ; Jr. Wilson B. (South Norwalk CT) Wolfe William G. (Riverside CT) Simmons Thomas J. (Weston CT), Food storage container system.
  95. Miga, Jr., Charles W., Food storage container with contained freezer block.
  96. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  97. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  98. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Food storage system.
  99. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Food storage system.
  100. Wyslotsky Ihor (Rolling Meadows IL) Mello Frank C. (Zeeland MI), Improved method of providing resealable containers and matching lockable lids.
  101. Fiore Joseph Frank ; Peeples Kathleen G., Insulated snap fit container lid.
  102. Iyengar Mike (Chicago IL), Internally-seating container closure.
  103. Samartgis, Jim, Lid and seal for a container.
  104. Conti Rino, Lid for a container.
  105. Conti Rino, Lid for a container.
  106. Conti Rino, Lid for a container.
  107. Roth, Donna; Roth, Henry, Lid for a container.
  108. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Lid for a container.
  109. Roth,Donna; Roth,Henry, Lid for a container.
  110. Doxey Andre (Shaker Heights OH), Lid for a food storage container.
  111. Sina, Christopher L., Lid for container.
  112. Lown, John M., Method of merchandising modular home storage containers to allow consumers to maximize storage space.
  113. Torniainen, Paul M.; Brauner, Arne H., Microwavable food container with reinforcing flange and sidewall.
  114. Vovan, Terry, Multi-compartment container system.
  115. Tenney Brian J. (3371 Merrimac Dr. San Jose CA 95117-3623) Tenney Kerry L. (3371 Merrimac Dr. San Jose CA 95117-3623), Multi-functional space saving container system.
  116. Wang,Soo Chang, Multi-layered container with intermediate lid.
  117. Enriquez,Jose; Pho,Jimmy, Multiple compartment square food container.
  118. Dubois, Jean-Marc, Nest and stacked containers.
  119. Abrums Rolin L., Nestable and stackable storage unit.
  120. Abrums Rolin L. (4243 White Sands Dr. Las Vegas NV 89121), Nestable and stackable storage unit.
  121. Palder,Saul, Nestable container.
  122. Palder,Saul, Nestable containers.
  123. Palder,Saul, Nestable containers.
  124. Herbert,Curtis B.; Kolar,James C.; Brock,Michael J.; Rafferty,Michael S.; Woods,David N., Nestable containers with coverings having a fold.
  125. Sorenson Carl C. (Racine WI) Clausen Scott W. (Racine WI), Nestable disposable drinking receptacles.
  126. McNeeley, Carolyn M.; Sturgin, Leighann, Nestable food storage lids and container base.
  127. Jacques Michel,CAX ; Nolet Roch,CAX, Nestable lid.
  128. Mercier, Doug; Griffith, Richard E., Nesting containers and lids.
  129. Norris,Karen, Nesting system for storing containers.
  130. Foos Douglas E. (Barrington IL) Buck Todd O. (Elburn IL) Partlow ; Jr. Richard L. (Naperville IL), Package tray having reversible nesting and enclosing fastening feature.
  131. Schellenberg Walter (Diepoldsau CHX), Packaging container.
  132. Jeffrey C. Mittmann ; Rebecca J. Schreiber-Pethan ; Cory R. Boudreau ; William C. Lindeman, Pan removal ramp.
  133. Lampe Thomas (3371 Paxton Ct. Marietta GA 30066), Pet food dish.
  134. Bryson, Raymond J.; Miller, Michael G., Plastic food container with leveraged, conical, area seal.
  135. Tucker,Edward; Savicki,Al, Plate container with detachable cover.
  136. Tucker,Edward; Savicki,Al, Plate container with detachable cover.
  137. Kornely Edward B. (Two Rivers WI) Paul Gerald T. (Manitowoc WI), Protective liner for vessels.
  138. Atkin ; Howard D. ; Stachurski ; Zbigniew H. ; Cherry ; Brian W., Re-usable plastic containers.
  139. Scheve, Jody A., Recessed container lid.
  140. Wermund Horst F. (Holzkirchen DEX), Reclosable container and a method of forming and assembling a reclosable container.
  141. Wermund Horst F. (Holzkirchen DEX), Reclosable container and a method of forming and assembling a reclosable container.
  142. Pomfrey, Sarah Nicole, Reclosable container and closure therefor.
  143. Edwards, Jay Anthony; Lange, Nichelle Renee, Reclosable package.
  144. Douglas David (Indian Wells CA), Recloseable container.
  145. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Broen, Nancy L.; Hodge, Donald E., Rectangular container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  146. Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Evers Peter T. ; Hodge Donald E., Rectangular container with lid.
  147. Wu, Jingdong, Rectangular food container.
  148. Roth, Donna; Roth, Hank, Refreezable lid.
  149. Tucker Edward ; Racana Lawrence John ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Reusable container for food.
  150. Tucker Edward ; Racana Lawrence John ; Warner Jim ; Croft Robert ; Yun Insun, Reusable container for food.
  151. Wells Cindie M. (Cambridge WI), Rigid reclosable bacon package.
  152. Oakes, Shawn A.; Swoboda, Dean P., Sealable snack container.
  153. Cai, Cangyang, Sealed food box.
  154. Tucker Edward ; Lueken George ; Gross Luke ; Cruz Mark ; Melvan Jack F., Sealing container.
  155. Tucker, Edward; Lueken, George; Gross, Luke; Cruz, Mark; Melvan, Jack F., Sealing container.
  156. Tucker,Edward; Maxwell,Jason R.; Melvan,Jack; Lueken,George; Gross,Luke; Cruz,Mark, Sealing container.
  157. Malsbury Charles R. (Palmer MA) Lawrence Richard R. (Wilbraham MA), Sealing lid and container.
  158. Edward Tucker ; Jason R. Maxwell ; Jack Melvan ; George Lueken ; Luke Gross ; Mark Cruz, Seating container.
  159. Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Dais, Brian C.; Lasky, Charles L.; Carpiaux, Douglas J.; Roland, David H.; Curliss, Danny R., Short screw-top storage container having a base and a lid.
  160. Dais, Brian C.; Lasky, Charles L.; Carpiaux, Douglas J.; Roland, David H., Short threaded storage container base.
  161. Stanos, Lawrence C.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Short, square container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  162. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffrey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Square container with lid.
  163. Lobman,Matthew; Powers,Richard; Ping,Wu, Stackable and nestable receptacles.
  164. Hernandez, Rolando; Gagnon-Volles, Jacqueline; Welsh, Thomas, Stackable caddy system.
  165. Kipperman, Stuart R.; Fugate, Hagins; Paul, Joseph M.; Nukuto, George, Stackable container.
  166. Savicki,Alan F.; Maxwell,Jason, Stackable container lid.
  167. Lown John M. ; Marcello Thomas J., Stackable containers with removable cover members.
  168. Jeppsson Jan-Bertil (Lomma SEX), Stackable cover member for a container.
  169. Maxwell, Jason R.; Rusnak, John E.; O'Connor, Suchi; Raymond, Kevin A.; Luk, Anthony; Guthrie, Tom, Stackable food container.
  170. Boduch Stanley W. (Ludlow MA), Stackable lid and container.
  171. Grusin Gerald M. (Chicago IL), Stackable storage container.
  172. Vovan, Terry; Rosen, Leon D., Stackable twist-top container system.
  173. Ramanujam, Anand; Coonce, Ryan J., Stacked containers.
  174. Thomson, Gavin, Stacking pan set.
  175. Bitel ; Jr. Vincent J. (Middletown CT), Stacking tray and lid assembly.
  176. DiPietro, Dean; Kennedy, Timothy Jude; Forlee, Sherwood, Storage container.
  177. Welsh, Thomas; Thuma, Michael C.; Morris, Laura, Storage container.
  178. Furlong, Brian D., Storage container and container system.
  179. Furlong, Brian D., Storage container and container system.
  180. Ho Joseph C.,CAX, Storage container lid.
  181. LeBoeuf, William E.; Schofield, Robert T.; Petersen, Sean T.; Boda, James C., Storage container lids.
  182. Havens Petrina L. (39053 Polo Club 104 Farmington Hills MI 48335) Havens Jeffrey L. (Farmington Hills MI), Storage container set.
  183. Wallberg John L., Storage container with attachable lid.
  184. DeMars Robert A. (23221 Ladrillo Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91367), Storage container with reversible lid.
  185. Coonce, Ryan J., System of releasably interlocking container covers.
  186. Zettle,Jeffrey J.; Stanos,Lawrence C.; Schultz,Marissa A. K.; Hodge,Donald E., Tab for a container lid.
  187. Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Dais, Brian C.; Lasky, Charles L.; Carpiaux, Douglas J.; Roland, David H.; Curliss, Danny R., Tall screw-top storage container having a base and a lid.
  188. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L., Tall square container.
  189. Wilson Daniel C. ; Zettle Jeffey J. ; Hodge Donald E. ; Schaper Eric B., Tall square container with lid.
  190. Dais, Brian C.; Lasky, Charles L.; Carpiaux, Douglas J.; Roland, David H., Tall threaded storage container.
  191. Schultz, Marissa A. K.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Stanos, Lawrence C.; Ordiway, Timothy R.; Gosen, Craig R.; Broen, Nancy L.; Enriquez, Nheeda C.; Moore, Devin L.; Hodge, Donald E., Tall, square container comprising a bowl and a lid.
  192. Vovan, Terry, Tamper evident container having a pull-open section.
  193. Vovan, Terry; Enriquez, Jose, Tamper evident container with tear-apart parts.
  194. Marco Leslie S. (Bloomingdale IL), Tamper-evident container.
  195. Urciuoli Henry R. (Brea CA) Urciuoli Robert (Seal Beach CA), Tamperproof/tamper evident container.
  196. Roth, Henry; Roth, Donna, Thermal energy storage system.
  197. Paladino, Jason Joseph, Thin wall closure for use with a container.
  198. Jahnen Ludwig (Urschmitt DEX) Dahler Manfred (Buchel DEX), Thin-walled stackable container lid.
  199. Zettle,Jeffrey J.; Curliss,Danny R., Threaded storage container lid.
  200. Chen Jeffrey, Triple seal container.
  201. Chen Jeffrey, Triple seal container with protrusion.
  202. Coy Peter (2677 South Ave. ; Box 229 Bryn Athyn PA 19009), Valved container closure having nestable spouts.
  203. Maxwell,Jason R., Ventable container assembly.
  204. Maxwell, Jason R., Venting container.

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