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[미국특허] Grille 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 23-04
출원번호 US-0567363 (2016-06-30)
등록번호 US-D837966 (2019-01-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Adrian, John R.
  • Coffey, Brent Elliott
  • Hollingsworth, Jesse Allen
  • Jonas, Kenneth John
  • Pringle, David L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Broan-NuTone LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Barnes & Thornburg LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 387


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a grille, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (387) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tom, Lawrence, 110 CFM bath fan with and without light.
  2. Tom, Lawrence, 110 CFM bath fan with and without light.
  3. Tom, Lawrence, 50 CFM bath fans with lens cover and flaps/ears that allow housings to be mounted to joists.
  4. Corsetti Sheryll L. (P.O. Box 473 Delray Beach FL 33444), Adjusting tool for air delivery register.
  5. Gallagher Kevin J. (Atlanta GA) Miller Jeffrey J. (Atlanta GA), Aerosol dispensing cabinet.
  6. Newell ; John Henry, Air cleaner assembly.
  7. Fukuda Mamoru (Yokohama JPX) Watanabe Takuma (Oiso JPX), Air conditioner.
  8. Fukumoto Tohru (Yokohama JPX) Watanabe Takuma (Kanagawa JPX), Air conditioner.
  9. Hagiwara, Masami, Air conditioner.
  10. Ikeda, Takashi; Takehara, Naho; Tsutsumi, Hiroshi; Yamatani, Takahiro; Nishimiya, Kazunobu; Kawanori, Yukihiko, Air conditioner.
  11. Kato,Manabu, Air conditioner.
  12. Kosuge, Hiroyasu, Air conditioner.
  13. Nagahori,Masataka, Air conditioner.
  14. Nanjo Satashi,JPX, Air conditioner.
  15. Nanjo Satoshi,JPX, Air conditioner.
  16. Nanjo Satoshi,JPX, Air conditioner.
  17. Nanjo Satoshi,JPX, Air conditioner.
  18. Saito Takeshi (Kamakura JPX) Hata Nobuo (Kamakura JPX) Miwa Miyoshi (Kamakura JPX) Horino Eiji (Kamakura JPX), Air conditioner.
  19. Saito Takeshi (Kamakura JPX) Hata Nobuo (Kamakura JPX) Miwa Miyoshi (Kamakura JPX) Horino Eiji (Kamakura JPX), Air conditioner.
  20. Tsuji, Kaichi, Air conditioner.
  21. Tsuji, Kaichi, Air conditioner.
  22. Tsuji, Kaichi, Air conditioner.
  23. Tsuji, Kaichi, Air conditioner.
  24. Tsuji,Kaichi, Air conditioner.
  25. Borges Marcos (Sao Paulo BRX), Air conditioner cabinet front.
  26. Raisanen, Richard L.; Neuenfeldt, Douglas L.; Koehler, Michael J.; Schroeder, Randal A.; Nepsha, William J.; Bachmann, Klaus Peter; Landgraf, Paul H.; Pawlowski, Adam, Air conditioner cover.
  27. Han Chang-Kwon,KRX ; Kim Dae-Won,KRX, Air conditioning ceiling grille.
  28. Weggelaar,Bjorn, Air deodorising apparatus.
  29. Timmons David R. (Newport Beach CA), Air device with flexible mounting system.
  30. Dosmann Thomas R. (Elkhart IN), Air diffuser.
  31. Avari S. R. (Garden City NY), Air directing device.
  32. Moreno, Oscar A., Air filter frame fascia.
  33. Popeil Ronald M. (Beverly Hills CA) Backus Alan L. (Los Angeles CA), Air filtering device.
  34. Becker Egbert,DEX, Air freshener.
  35. Demarest Scott W. (Racine County WI), Air freshener.
  36. Barraclough Andrew Douglas,GBX, Air freshener container.
  37. Harbutt, Richard Paul; Greene, Kevin Joseph; Herman, Thomas Edward, Air freshener device.
  38. Reedy,Michael Herschel; Pennington,Stephen Craig; Hagan,J. Mark, Air inlet grille.
  39. Reedy,Michael Herschel; Pennington,Stephen Craig; Hagan,J. Mark, Air inlet grille.
  40. Serge Gon.cedilla.alves CA; Martin Gamelin CA, Air inlet/exhaust port.
  41. Adair, Joel E.; Beland, Rene Maurice; Crapser, James R.; Eagleton, C. Scott; Gasper, Thomas P.; Gruber, Dennis W.; Harwig, Jeffrey L.; Varanasi, Padma Prabodh, Air purifier.
  42. Kim, Young Jo; Maeng, Kyoung Hwa; Lee, Sul Ki, Air purifier.
  43. Haynes, Gerald D., Air register.
  44. Pearson Allen,GB2, Air treatment apparatus.
  45. Hauville, Stephan; Hauville, Antoine, Air treatment device.
  46. Schanzenbach, Bernd Armin, Air vent.
  47. Webb Walter L., Air vent.
  48. Lafond, Sébastien, Air ventilation grill.
  49. Kato,Manabu; Tsuji,Kaichi, Air-conditioner.
  50. Kuno Toshio (Fukuoka JPX) Shindo Yoshikazu (Fukuoka JPX) Kuno Yukio (Fukuoka JPX) Ueno Takeshi (Fukuoka JPX) Torimi Akira (Saga JPX) Mori Yoji (Fukuoka JPX), Air-conditioning duct apparatus with twistable duct vanes.
  51. Mulchi Charles L. (New Carrolton MD), Air-pollution filter and face mask.
  52. Webb Walter L., Airway vent.
  53. Noro, Junichi; Saito, Yuichi; Sato, Kyuichi, Antenna.
  54. Noro, Junichi; Tsuyuki, Shinji, Antenna.
  55. Noro,Junichi; Sato,Kyuichi, Antenna.
  56. Ikeda, Eiji, Antenna chassis.
  57. Foss, Stephen W.; Keser, Dieter; Tefft, Alan; Sawvell, Jr., Robert V.; Brown, Steven R.; Goodwin, Jr., Gordon; Cashin, Arthur H.; Parlier, James M.; Goudreault, Kim, Anti-microbial fiber and fibrous products.
  58. Huang,Chi Chuan, Aromatic device.
  59. Paustian, John K.; Glotzbach, Patrick J.; Manson, Larry J., Automatic control for an air conditioner.
  60. Vetu, Dennis Gabriel; Zhang, Hong, Automotive air purifier.
  61. Iyengar Ranga G. ; Burman Jeffrey L. ; Sherer Gary E., Baking pan.
  62. Tom, Lawrence, Bath fan and heater with cover having adjustable luver or depressible fastener and depressible release.
  63. Tom, Lawrence, Bath fan grill and lens cover.
  64. Gigola Antonio (Via IV°Novembre ; 3 25046 Cazzago San Martino (Brescia) ITX), Blackout panels.
  65. Angelo Arlotta CA; David Kiesekamp CA; Bevin Schmidt CA, Blade for louvered ventilation panel.
  66. Arlotta Angelo,CAX ; Kiesekamp David,CAX ; Schmidt Bevin,CAX, Blade for louvered ventilation panel.
  67. Pilger, Allan, Boot hanger mounting bracket.
  68. Copeland,Kemisha A., Bread pan.
  69. Mora Ludwin, Canopy luminaire assembly.
  70. Ungar, William D, Cartridge lid for use with a filter respirator mask.
  71. Salamone Dante A. (586 East St. East Weymouth MA 02188), Catch basin grate.
  72. Walker Robert W. (Loveland CO), Ceiling air diffuser or the like.
  73. Herbst,Walter; Hartman,John D., Ceiling exhaust fan.
  74. Park, Sang Woong; Park, Sang Il; Lee, Seo Haeng, Ceiling fan with light.
  75. Pan Lian,TWX, Ceiling light.
  76. Clyde-Mason Jean (Hollywood CA), Ceiling light fixture.
  77. Johnson Dennis E. (Grafton WI) Malmsten Scott P. (West Bend WI), Ceiling lighting fixture.
  78. Jones Roy (Ontario CA), Ceiling lighting fixture.
  79. Galeazzi Giuliano,ITX ; Aliprandi Roberto,ITX ; Rusignuolo Giorgio,ITX ; Vecchi Gianluca,ITX, Ceiling mounted air conditioning apparatus.
  80. Hitoshi Miura JP, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  81. Miura, Hitoshi, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  82. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  83. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  84. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  85. Shigeto Yamanaka JP; Hitoshi Miura JP; Kenji Kojima JP, Ceiling recessed type ventilating fan.
  86. Koury, Steffen; Metaxatos, Paul; Miyake, Hiroshi, Ceiling ventilating fan.
  87. Miyake, Hiroshi, Ceiling ventilating fan.
  88. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ceiling ventilating fan.
  89. Miura,Hitoshi; Yamamoto,Masaki; Miyake,Hiroshi, Ceiling ventilator.
  90. Bales David W. (Manchester MO) Roth James E. (DeSoto MO), Ceiling-mounted outlet box for conditioned air.
  91. Yazici Muammar,CAX, Centrifugal fan unit with vertical rotation axis.
  92. Castor Dennis B. (Cincinnati OH) Harper John W. (Hamilton OH), Combination ceiling light and vent grille.
  93. Jonas Kenneth J. (Hartford WI) Lazar Ralph M. (Skokie IL) Wolbrink David W. (Hartford WI), Combination deodorizer and light.
  94. Ivey Charles W. (Hope Mills NC), Combination heater-light-ventilator unit.
  95. Rhee, Shin W., Combination light fixture and lens assembly.
  96. Castor Dennis B. (Cincinnati OH) Pettit Harold R. (Independence KY), Combined ceiling light and vent intake for bathroom and the like.
  97. Joss Michael S., Combined electro luminescent light and outlet.
  98. Calkins,Scot R., Combined fan assembly and shroud.
  99. Anderson Leroy E. (Detroit Lakes MN), Combined fresh air make-up and temperature control unit.
  100. Schuler Norman F. (West Chester OH), Combined lens and grill cover for a bathroom exhaust fan with integral light fixture.
  101. Vamberszky Klaus (Bregenz ATX) Zanini Marco (Milan ITX) Mosterts Sebastiano (Somma Lombardo ITX), Combined trim and diffuser panel for recessed lighting fixture.
  102. Wimbock Peter,DEX, Combined ventilating and lighting unit for a kitchen ceiling.
  103. Millen Frank (Gaffney SC), Composite equipment support pad.
  104. Wijaranakula Nancy G. (Clark WA), Container for odor adsorbing materials.
  105. Burg Klaus (Teaneck NJ), Continuous sheet material or the like.
  106. Rogov Vladimir (San Diego CA), Control panel faceplate.
  107. Kim, Young Soo; Groene, Ralf; Reed, Anthony, Cooling unit.
  108. Gammell John S. (Sparks NV), Cover for an inlet grill on an air conditioner.
  109. Petak, Randy; Shaw, Jeffrey, Covers for outlet boxes.
  110. Alexander, Kathryn E., Cross-flow fan.
  111. Sudmalis, Roland, Cutting board.
  112. Brown Carlton E., Deflection register for air conditioning system device.
  113. Friedman,Pamela; Brown,Colin William; Gohil,Kishen; Naish,Guy Edward, Device for dispensing volatile liquids.
  114. LeMay, Frank A.; Bermudez, Pedro J., Diffuser.
  115. Wefler,Mark E., Diffuser.
  116. Shapiro James (Placentia CA), Diffuser for a recessed lighting fixture.
  117. Diamond, Steven Samuel, Diffuser panel face plate.
  118. Tomasulo, Antonietta; Sordo, Walter; Deflorian, Stefano, Diffusing evaporator of active substances.
  119. Ungar, William D, Din cap front cover for use with a filter respirator mask.
  120. Hoyt Earl (Franklin Lakes NJ) Patel Manharbhai K. (Saddle Brook NJ), Dispenser for air treating material.
  121. Meyers,David O.; Carreno,Alfredo D.; Loose,Suzanne M., Display doorbell chime cover.
  122. Albritton, Charles W.; Kaepernick, William A.; Karst, Daniel L.; Roell, Robb R.; McDonald, Richard G., Door chime assembly and method.
  123. Meyers,David O.; Carreno,Alfredo D.; Loose,Suzanne M.; Gehring,Donovan M., Doorbell chime cover.
  124. Lablaine,Bruno, Dynamic dispenser.
  125. Nakamura, Kazushige; Kayama, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Kazuhisa; Hidekuma, Teppei; Nishimura, Tsuyoshi, Electric blower and electric cleaner using same.
  126. Haaf, Oliver; Maschke, Matthias; Best, Dieter; Sauer, Thomas; Bundschuh, Sebastian; Beck, Sven; Engert, Markus; Schoene, Jürgen, Electric fan.
  127. Joss Michael S., Electro luminescent light with clock window.
  128. Marischen Joseph E., Electroluminescent night light.
  129. Marischen Joseph E. (Austin TX), Electroluminescent night light.
  130. Shulman Burt H. (Beacon NY), Electroluminescent night light.
  131. Spechts Lee (Billerica MA) Tirrell Paul (Uxbridge MA), Electronics cabinet venting louver door panel.
  132. Ganse Thomas (1025 Oakdale La. Lemoore CA 93245), Element for user in a heating and air conditioning ductwork system.
  133. Crawford Larry C. (Redmond WA), Energy managment microprocessing training system providing instruction for the programming and computerization of mechan.
  134. Luter ; II Robert J. ; Bickel Randall Allen, Exhaust fan.
  135. Penlesky Robert G. (Waukesha WI) Wolbrink David W. (Hartford WI) Jonas Kenneth J. (Hartford WI) Kuhnke Thomas A. (Campbellsport WI), Exhaust fan for bathrooms and the like.
  136. Penlesky, Robert G.; Karst, Daniel L.; Zakula, Mirko, Exhaust fan muffler.
  137. Lin, Wen-Hsiang; Ye, Long-Sing; Lin, Yueh-Shan; Liu, Te-Chung, Exhaust fan with LED.
  138. Deng,Chaohua, Exhaust system panel.
  139. Deng, Chaohua, Exhaust system panel unit.
  140. Blanchard,Normand, Exhaust vent cover.
  141. Pilon,Christian; Lebeuf,Jean Fran?ois, Face of an air ventilation housing.
  142. Saucier, M?lanie, Face plate for a ventilation control unit.
  143. Irwin, Bryan Andrew; Unnikrishnan, Aparna; Westphal, Nathan R., Faceplate for a dispenser.
  144. Mecker, Alex, Faceplate for a dispenser.
  145. Thurlkill, Clifford K., Fan blade scent dispersing system.
  146. Penlesky, Robert G.; Cotterman, Jesse D., Fan cover.
  147. Vladika,Brett, Fan cover.
  148. Deng, Ping-Chuan; Liang, An-Gang; Sun, Zheng-Heng, Fan device.
  149. Herbst, Scot, Fan enclosure with grille.
  150. Wolbrink David W. (Hartford WI) Otte Dieter W. (Rubicon WI), Fan for ventilation.
  151. Shapiro, Barry, Fan grill.
  152. Bargiel, Michael, Fan grille.
  153. Berkman, Peter D.; Pischke, Jeffrey Jon; Malaker, Michael, Fan grille.
  154. Hsu,Shih Tzung; Lin,Chih Hua; Hsieh,Shang Pei, Fan grille.
  155. Roland, David H., Fan grille.
  156. Sinur,Richard R.; Hoshino,Kiyoshi, Fan grille.
  157. Kamada, Masashi; Ohnishi, Tadashi; Kato, Manabu; Ishihara, Hiroki; Fujiwara, Tatsuo; Yamamoto, Masaki, Fan guard of blower unit and air conditioner.
  158. Mann Wilford R. (Niles MI), Fan housing.
  159. Barnhart ; David A. ; Loftin ; Gordy E., Fan housing assembly.
  160. Barnhart David A. (Madiera OH) Kroger John E. (Centerville OH) Walters David A. (Middletown OH), Fan housing unit and mounting device therefor.
  161. Hoshino, Kiyoshi; Jacak, Corey S.; Talayko, Arthur, Fan light cover.
  162. Roland,David H., Fan light cover.
  163. Vladika,Brett, Fan light cover.
  164. Roland,David H., Fan light grille.
  165. Sinur,Richard R.; Hoshino,Kiyoshi, Fan light grille.
  166. Vladika, Brett, Fan light grille.
  167. Felter John V. (P.O. Box 7464 Houston TX 77008) Bond John A. (P.O. Box 7464 Houston TX 77008) Rudine Kenneth M. (P.O. Box 7464 Houston TX 77008), Fans for use with turbine ventilators, and methods and apparatus for supporting the same.
  168. Aveldson,Jason L.; Holmquist Brown,Thomas W.; Eyberg,Jeffrey A., Filter cartridge inlet grill pattern.
  169. Sarnosky Joseph R. (Fort Atkinson WI) Wolbrink David W. (Hartford WI), Filter for ductless range hood.
  170. Platt, Keith, Filter frame.
  171. Platt, Keith, Filter frame.
  172. Suzuki, Takahiro; Kikuhara, Yoshihito; Kanbara, Hisashige, Filter sheet for a cell collecting cartridge.
  173. Lazzara,Croix B., Fire pit.
  174. Melancon, Malcom R.; Melancon, Sedgie F., Flange for connecting fan to manway.
  175. Spiegel, Bill, Flex port base for swimming pool and spa heat pumps.
  176. Lewis, Andre Anton; Duke, Ryan, Flexible container cover.
  177. Cook Robynn M. (Long Beach CA), Floor fan.
  178. Brattoli,Pietro, Food service tray.
  179. Negrão, Rogério Ferreira; Nehring, Guilherme; Monteiro Del Arco Barros, Tammy, Front panel for an air conditioner.
  180. Phillips, Brian J., Front panel for an air conditioner.
  181. Bynum,Stephen A.; Anderson,James Burr, Front portion of a lamp module.
  182. Johnson Kenneth O. (Rte 5 ; River Haven St. Cloud MN 56301), Gas cleaning unit.
  183. Esty James A. ; Muzikant Boris L., Grill for an air handling apparatus.
  184. Adrian, John R.; Coffey, Brent Elliott; Hollingsworth, Jesse Allen; Jonas, Kenneth John; Pringle, David L., Grille.
  185. Adrian,John R.; Coffey,Brent E.; Hollingsworth,Jesse Allen; Jonas,Kenneth J.; Pringle,David L., Grille.
  186. Hoshino, Kiyoshi; Jacak, Corey S.; Jonas, Kenneth J., Grille.
  187. Hoshino, Kiyoshi; Zakula, Mirko; Karst, Daniel L., Grille.
  188. Jacak, Corey S.; Zakula, Mirko, Grille.
  189. Jacak,Corey Scott, Grille.
  190. Jacak,Corey Scott; Roell,Robb R., Grille.
  191. Jacak,Corey Scott; Zakula,Mirko, Grille.
  192. Zakula, Mirko; Hoshino, Kiyoshi; Jacak, Corey S., Grille.
  193. Zakula, Mirko; Jacak, Corey S., Grille.
  194. Zakula, Mirko; Jacak, Corey S., Grille.
  195. Zakula, Mirko; Jacak, Corey Scott; Karst, Daniel L., Grille.
  196. Zakula,Mirko; Jacak,Corey Scott, Grille.
  197. Koury,Steffen; Metaxatos,Paul; Miyake,Hiroshi, Grille for a ceiling ventilating fan.
  198. Koury,Steffen; Metaxatos,Paul; Miyake,Hiroshi, Grille for a ceiling ventilating fan.
  199. Taras Michael F. ; Lare ; Jr. Walter E. ; Marks Patrick C. ; Wood Richard J., Grille for a refrigeration or air conditioning unit.
  200. Wormington Garold L. (600 S. Scenic Springfield MO 65802), Heat exchanger.
  201. Martel, Alain, Heat recovery air exchanger.
  202. Franklin John (London CAX) Grinbergs Peter K. (Dorchester CAX) Miles Grant W. (London CAX), Heat recovery ventilator.
  203. Grinbergs Peter K. (Dorchester CAX) Miles Grant W. (London CAX), Heat recovery ventilator with room air defrosting feature.
  204. Assadi Masoud, Heat register.
  205. Koessler Juergen R. (19925 - 68th Ave. Langley ; British Columbia CAX V2Y 1H8), Heat register.
  206. Bradley J. Wilson, Heater grill.
  207. Chabot John (Drummondville CAX), Heater grill.
  208. Rossman Jon ; Hotaling Bryan, Heater housing.
  209. Parker, Danny; Hibbs, Bart, High efficiency solar powered fans.
  210. Reynolds, Christopher, Horticulture grow light housing.
  211. Bohanon ; Jr. Hoy R. (Muskogee OK), Housing for a ventilating fan.
  212. Bourgeois, Luc, Housing for a ventilation unit.
  213. Caronna Cosimo ; Matambo Thompson J. ; Burdette Danny R., Housing for an air conditioner condenser.
  214. Lin Sharon W. (La Canada CA), Housing for an electric fan or heater.
  215. Moore Devin L. (Decatur GA), Humidifier.
  216. Horng, Alex; Chen, Chien-Chih; Lin, Cheng-Wei; Wu, Shih-Ting, Illuminating ventilator.
  217. Bae, Jae Buem, Indoor unit in air conditioner.
  218. Wahl, Andrew C. F., Infuser basket.
  219. Wahl, Andrew C. F., Infuser basket.
  220. Santeler, Donald A.; Hallock, Robert W., Insulating sleeve.
  221. McClelland, Kevin; Williams, Steve; Cranstone, Colin Arthur, Integrated filter and airbox.
  222. Whiting, Kraig P.; Campagna, Cary J., Interior light fixture.
  223. Nagahori,Masataka, Interior unit for an air conditioner.
  224. Sinur,Richard R.; Wellnitz,Brian R.; Davis,Gregg M.; DeBord,Jeffrey T.; Hsu,Paul E.; Juratovac,Diana W.; Perkins,Jay F., Kitchen hood.
  225. Funnell, II, Richard W.; Sadtler, Graham, Kitchen ventilation hood.
  226. Kim, Eunhwa; Lim, Dong Nyung, LED lamp module.
  227. Katz, Kenneth; Levy, Josef, LED light.
  228. Kong, Kyung-Il; Kim, Han Gyoul; Kim, Hwayoung; Hyun, Ji Yeon, LED light.
  229. Howard, Kenneth A.; Smith, Matthew S., LED night-light with square illuminator.
  230. Pyle, Zach, Lamp.
  231. Ivey Charles W. (Hope Mills NC) Wilson David G. (Fayetteville NC) Thorne Clarence R. (Fayetteville NC), Lamp, reflector and grille interlock assembly.
  232. Caroli Italo (Montreal NY CAX) Tienken Alfred G. (Syracuse NY), Lens for hazard warning lamp or similar article.
  233. Prijic, Nevenka, Light cover.
  234. Egawa, Kazuo; Takahara, Yuichiro; Kawashima, Seiko; Saito, Akiko; Oyaizu, Tsuyoshi; Arimura, Takeshi, Light emitting diode module.
  235. Egawa, Kazuo; Takahara, Yuichiro; Kawashima, Seiko; Saito, Akiko; Oyaizu, Tsuyoshi; Arimura, Takeshi, Light emitting diode module.
  236. Itiravivong,Ravi, Light fixture.
  237. Kim,Hyunchul; Pennington,Stephen, Light fixture.
  238. Lecluze, Michel, Light fixture.
  239. Sabernig, Robert, Light fixture.
  240. Sabernig, Robert, Light fixture.
  241. Soderman, Daryl; Stepps, Dale B.; Sutherland, Mark, Light fixture.
  242. Van Belle Paul D., Light vent unit.
  243. Boyer, John D.; Hutchens, Daniel; Wright, Travis Montgomery, Lighting.
  244. Apetauer, Stephan; Moeker, Thomas; Schlee, Burkhard, Lighting fixture.
  245. Benensohn, Sanford H., Lighting fixture.
  246. Benensohn, Sanford H., Lighting fixture.
  247. Benensohn,Sanford H., Lighting fixture.
  248. Johnson Dennis E. (Grafton WI) Malmsten Scott P. (West Bend WI), Lighting fixture mountable on an overhead support.
  249. Nelson Eugene (Wynnewood PA), Limousine advertising sign.
  250. Maierhofer Max (Germantown WI), Louver grease filter.
  251. Charlebois, Éric; Martel, Sébastien; Vermette, Danic; Piaud, Jean-Bernard; Verville, Marc-André , Louvered ventilation grille.
  252. Arlotta Angelo,CAX ; Kiesekamp David,CAX ; Schmidt Bevin,CAX, Louvered ventilation panel.
  253. Humphrey, Sharon K., Low-profile, ceiling-mounted fan.
  254. Janssen, Ramon, Luminaire.
  255. Janssen, Ramon, Luminaire.
  256. Janssen, Ramon, Luminaire.
  257. Minissi Paolo E. ; Ries Jack L., Luminaire.
  258. Wang, James P., Luminaire.
  259. Wauters, Tom, Luminaire.
  260. Wauters, Tom, Luminaire.
  261. van den Akker, Emmanuel, Luminaire.
  262. Fischer,Jerry F.; Wyatt,Michael D.; Dicola,Vincent C., Luminaire lens.
  263. Lillejord, John T.; Lillejord, Meredyth J.; Lillejord, Joel J.; Lillejord, Judd B., Metal valley wall panel.
  264. Foreman, Geoffrey H; Buckley, Robert J, Method and apparatus for attic fan power controller with remote control.
  265. Aarrestad, Glenn R. G.; Tyssø, Jorunn; Tøftum, Eva-Marit, Microphone.
  266. Patel Manhar K. (Saddle Brook NJ) Paulovich John M. (Hewitt NJ) Hoyt Earl (Woodstock NY) Lyons Michael (Nechanic Station NJ), Miniature dispenser for air treating material.
  267. Duma, Radu, Mirror.
  268. Duma, Radu, Mirror.
  269. Schuler Norman F., Modular cover.
  270. Israel Twito IL, Modular distributor for air conditioning systems.
  271. Penlesky, Robert G.; Karst, Daniel L., Modular ventilating exhaust fan assembly and method.
  272. Tang, Shih-Chuan, Multifunctional lamp.
  273. Pinchuk Rene C. (Kensington CA), Night light.
  274. Yuen John Se-Kit,HKX, Night light.
  275. Lovegrove, Ross, Ornament for light tube.
  276. Kobayashi Hiroshi,JPX ; Hatanaka Takehiro,JPX, Outdoor unit of air conditioner.
  277. Berg, Ola, Part in a ventilation system.
  278. Crosby Doyle, Pendant lamp.
  279. Ritman Joost R. (Bloemgracht 15-19 1016 KB Amsterdam NLX), Plate.
  280. Snyder,Darryl L., Poke through.
  281. Asselbergs Christophe K. J. (Bragg Creek CAX), Portable fan device for forced air heating.
  282. Coushaine,Charles M., Portable lamp.
  283. Sinur, Richard R.; Ruggles, Gregory T.; Wellnitz, Brian R., Range hood.
  284. Pahl Scott, Recessed lighting fixture trim.
  285. Pahl Scott, Recessed lighting fixture trim.
  286. Desborough Brian (Yroba Linda CA) Garrobo Ray (Alta Loma CA), Reflective pavement marker.
  287. Chen, Chien-Chih; Lin, Cheng-Wei, Register.
  288. Lin, Cheng-Wei; Huang, Ho-Ming; Su, Chia-Hung; Tsai, Chi-Tsung, Register.
  289. Deckert Dennis D. (Orlando FL), Register air-flow boosting device.
  290. Wojcik William (1430-C South Mint St. Charlotte NC 28203), Register cover.
  291. Jenkins,Bradley E., Register inlet apparatus for a central vacuum cleaning system.
  292. Brock James A. (Alexander AR), Retrofit louver for evaporative air coolers.
  293. Grubauer Emil (Wattens OE), Road-traffic stud.
  294. Van Belle Paul D., Roof fixture for ventilating and illuminating a vehicle.
  295. Takahashi, Nobuhiro; Yagyu, Takahiro; Harada, Kinsaku, Roof for power conditioning subsystem.
  296. O'Hagin,Carolina, Roof vent.
  297. Tsuji Masao (Germantown TN), Room air cleaner.
  298. Joshua A. Salazar, Rotatable air vent.
  299. Noro, Junichi, Satellite radio broadcast receiving antenna.
  300. Lambertz, Bodo W., Set of air vents for a jacket.
  301. Lee, Ji-Yoon, Sheet with pattern.
  302. Cohen Leon H. (150 Gould St. Needham Heights MA 02194), Shoe sole material.
  303. Warren, Ronald Michael; Naughton, Martin Lawrence; Purton, Arthur Joseph, Side panel of a heater.
  304. Gervasi,David, Sink cabinet tray.
  305. Keith, Walter A., Slim line moon light.
  306. Patel Manhar K. (Saddle Brook NJ) Okin Matthew S. (Creskill NJ), Small space odor neutralizer.
  307. Kapp, Nancy J.; Bennett, Charles H., Smoke and pollutant filtering device.
  308. Carney, Jean-Pierre; Stoltze, Holger; Lyman, Stephen; Root, Timothy D; Dibdin, Steven M; Fiebel, Bill; Zastawny, Mathieu, Speakerphone.
  309. Rashidi, Hamid, Square frame trim ring.
  310. Fritzsche Thomas,THX ; Binsukor Wisoot,THX, Steplight cover.
  311. Nelson Eugene (Wynnewood PA), Taxicab advertising sign.
  312. Nelson Jules (Philadelphia PA) Walker Jimmie (Audobon PA) Rossi Joseph J. (Philadelphia PA) Leotta Samuel S. (Conshohocken PA), Taxicab advertising sign.
  313. Chen, Pin Chun; Tu, His Ku; Chen, Shang Wu, Thin insertion type illumination assembly.
  314. Orr, Jr.,John S., Toaster tray.
  315. Cornelissen Tuur,BEX, Tray.
  316. Laurent Massaloux FR; Olivier Sidet FR, Tray.
  317. Powers E. Michael ; Goertzen Myron, Tray for a pet cage.
  318. Sonneman Robert A. (New York NY), Trim for processed lighting fixture or the like.
  319. Mockett Douglas A. J., Under sink liner.
  320. Fjellman, Oskar, Vacuum cleaner filter.
  321. Reick Mitrisin,Christian; Hasty,Robert K.; Remm,Tom; Thomas,Gordon, Vacuum system.
  322. Kouketsu, Masayuki; Itafuji, Hiroshi; Okada, Masayo, Vaporization device for a vaporization unit of a liquid control apparatus.
  323. Firestone Bruce Murray (Dunrobin CAX) Brazeau Scott Andre (Munster CAX), Vehicle sign carrier.
  324. Orendorff Gary R., Vent coupler.
  325. Jepson, Raymond, Vent grille.
  326. Renella Henry, Vented lid for an air freshener container.
  327. Craw,Gary J.; Karst,Daniel L.; Nemacheck,Christopher J.; Jonas,Kenneth J., Ventilating and heating apparatus with heater shielded by tapered discharge duct.
  328. Craw,Gary J.; Karst,Daniel L.; Nielsen,Patrick J., Ventilating and heating assembly.
  329. Craw,Gary J.; Karst,Daniel L.; Nielsen,Patrick J., Ventilating and lighting assembly.
  330. David M. Larson ; Robert G. Penlesky ; Daniel L. Karst ; Robert A. Chvosta ; Alan G. Klug ; Kevin P. Gahagan, Ventilating exhaust fan.
  331. Larson David M. ; Penlesky Robert G. ; Karst Daniel L. ; Chvosta Robert A. ; Klug Alan G. ; Gahagan Kevin P., Ventilating exhaust fan.
  332. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ventilating fan.
  333. Miyake,Hiroshi; Mase,Nobuyuki, Ventilating fan.
  334. Ukai Minoru (Aichi JPX) Sueta Eiji (Aichi JPX), Ventilating fan.
  335. Miyake, Hiroshi; Mase, Nobuyuki, Ventilating fan for a ceiling.
  336. Ukai Minoru (Gifu JPX) Nakata Hideaki (Aichi JPX), Ventilating louver.
  337. Yamanaka,Shigeto; Miura,Hitoshi, Ventilating louver.
  338. Yoshimoto Max K. (San Francisco CA), Ventilation cover.
  339. Mase, Nobuyuki; Takagaki, Keiji, Ventilation fan.
  340. Penlesky, Robert G.; Zakula, Mirko; Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey S., Ventilation fan.
  341. Sarnosky Joseph R. (Fort Atkinson WI) Wolbrink David W. (Hartford WI) Otte Dieter W. (Rubicon WI), Ventilation fan.
  342. Lin, Wen-Hsiang; Ye, Long-Sing; Lin, Yueh-Shan, Ventilation fan with LED.
  343. Hooijmaaijers,Antonius Johannes Cornelis, Ventilation grids.
  344. Anthony L. Schrank, Ventilation grill.
  345. Anthony L. Schrank, Ventilation grill.
  346. Jonas, Kenneth John; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilation grill.
  347. Jonas, Kenneth John; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilation grill.
  348. Jonas, Kenneth John; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilation grill.
  349. Jonas, Kenneth John; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilation grill.
  350. Jonas, Kenneth John; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilation grill.
  351. Schrank Anthony L., Ventilation grill.
  352. Schrank Anthony L., Ventilation grill.
  353. Sarkinen, Scott A.; Davidson, Scott A.; Halfen, Joseph A.; Somers, Micah T.; Amundsen, Neil T., Ventilation grill for attachment to an equipment enclosure door or panel.
  354. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Jacak,Corey Scott, Ventilation grille.
  355. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Jacak,Corey Scott; Kim,Hyunchul; Zakula,Mirko, Ventilation grille.
  356. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Jacak,Corey Scott; Zakula,Mirko; Kim,Hyunchul, Ventilation grille.
  357. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Jacak,Corey Scott; Zakula,Mirko; Kim,Hyunchul, Ventilation grille.
  358. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Zakula,Mirko; Coffey,Brent Elliott, Ventilation grille.
  359. Hollingsworth,Jesse A.; Zakula,Mirko; Coffey,Brent Elliott, Ventilation grille.
  360. Jacak,Corey Scott; Coffey,Brent Elliott; Adrian,John R., Ventilation grille.
  361. Jacak,Corey Scott; Song,Kibok; Moser,Anne C.; Perez,Daniel, Ventilation grille.
  362. Zakula, Mirko; Hollingsworth, Jesse A., Ventilation grille.
  363. Zakula,Mirko; Hollingsworth,Jesse A., Ventilation grille.
  364. Zakula,Mirko; Jacak,Corey Scott, Ventilation grille.
  365. Zakula,Mirko; Jacak,Corey Scott, Ventilation grille.
  366. Karst, Daniel L.; Adrian, John R.; Zakula, Mirko; Penlesky, Robert G., Ventilation system and method.
  367. Hott William M. (Dayton OH) Hundley John W. (New Lebanon OH), Ventilator device and mounting arrangement therefor.
  368. Wei-Chun Peng TW, Ventilator face panel.
  369. Wei-Chun Peng TW, Ventilator face panel.
  370. Wei-Chun Peng TW, Ventilator face panel.
  371. Wei-Chun Peng TW, Ventilator face panel.
  372. Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilator grill.
  373. Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilator grill.
  374. Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilator grill.
  375. Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilator grill.
  376. Jonas, Kenneth J.; Jacak, Corey Scott; Puffer, Benjamin Thorpe; Aleven, Michael J., Ventilator grill.
  377. Julien Michel (St-Nicphore CAX), Ventilator housing.
  378. Lagace Frederic (Drummondville CAX) Grondin Jean-Francois (Drummondville CAX) Cusson Pierre (St-Germain de Grantham CAX) Julien Michel (St-Nicphore CAX) Marcoux Daniel (Drummondville CAX), Ventilator housing.
  379. Lew Wing G., Wall access panel and cover plate.
  380. Price Edwin A. (16001 E. 11th Ave. Aurora CO 80011), Waste heat recovery device.
  381. Steiner Robert E. (St. Louis County MO) Savla Chandrakant V. (St. Louis County MO), Whole house fan.
  382. Steiner, Robert E.; Savla, Chandrakant V., Whole house fan.
  383. Olesen, Bent Ekfeldt; Andersen, Hans Gram, Window.
  384. Felix-Flender Cheryl, Window fan.
  385. Schnetzer Michel W. (San Diego CA) Wilber Clinton J. (San Diego CA) Jacobs Paul E. (La Jolla CA) Chintala Thomas J. (San Diego CA) Neppl Thomas J. (San Diego CA), Wireless local loop antenna.
  386. Cavero, Dio Climaco; Zastawny, Mathieu; Sanchez, Adam Sebastian; Root, Timothy D; Cremer, Marc; Carney, Jean-Pierre; Lyman, Stephen; Stoltze, Holger; Schau, Jonathan, Wireless microphone.
  387. Swales Staveley G. A. (Clifton Garage Morpeth ; Northumberland GB2), Wrist transmitter.

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