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[미국특허] Compressor bleed systems in turbomachines and methods of extracting compressor airflow 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02C-006/08
  • F02C-009/18
  • F04D-029/54
출원번호 US-0082524 (2016-03-28)
등록번호 US-10227930 (2019-03-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Saxena, Swati
  • Rao, Ajay Keshava
  • Selmeier, Rudolf Konrad
  • Bennett, Grover Andrew
  • Jothiprasad, Giridhar
  • Bourassa, Corey
  • Pritchard, Byron Andrew
출원인 / 주소
대리인 / 주소
    GE Global Patent Operation
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 24


A compressor assembly for a turbomachine includes a compressor wall including circumferentially spaced stator vanes defining at least one row of stator vanes. The at least one row of stator vanes defines at least one stator passage therein. Each stator vane includes a leading edge, an opposite trail


1. A compressor assembly for a turbomachine, said compressor assembly comprising: a compressor wall comprising a plurality of circumferentially spaced stator vanes substantially defining at least one row of stator vanes, said at least one row of stator vanes defining at least one stator passage ther

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24)

  1. Meindl Thomas (Nussbaumen CHX) Meylan Pierre (Neuenhof CHX) Zierer Thomas (Wettingen CHX), Appliance for extracting secondary air from an axial compressor.
  2. Dale Bradley Elliott ; Peter Nicholas Szucs ; Nicholas Damlis ; Kenneth Paul Onderko, Bifurcated splitter for variable bleed flow.
  3. Mårtensson, Hans; Nilsson, Martin, Bleed structure for a bleed passage in a gas turbine engine.
  4. Feulner, Matthew R.; Merry, Brian D.; Chandler, Jesse M.; Suciu, Gabriel L.; Staubach, Joseph B., Combined stability and customer bleed with dirt, water and ice rejection.
  5. Seed Bernard E. (Nottingham GB2), Compressor and air bleed system.
  6. Muny, Richard Martin, Compressor bleed case.
  7. Burge Joseph C. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Compressor bleed manifold for a gas turbine engine.
  8. Munsell, Peter M.; Biederman, Bruce P; Nicolson, Matthew D; Dube, David P., Compressor stator inner diameter platform bleed system.
  9. Exley John T. (Milford CT) Kuintzle Charles (Monroe CT), Diffuser vane cusp bleed aperture with automatic ejector control device.
  10. Tibbott, Ian; Jackson, Dougal, Dirt particle separator device for use in a gas turbine engine.
  11. Hall Kenneth B. (Jupiter FL) Auxier Thomas A. (Palm Beach Gardens FL) Brown Wesley D. (Jupiter FL), Dirt removal means for air cooled blades.
  12. O'Neill, Lisa; Pietraszkiewicz, Edward F.; Silverman, Richard; Beckwith, Barry, Dirt separator for compressor diffuser in gas turbine engine.
  13. Bertuccioli, Luca; Easom, Bruce H.; Smolensky, Leo A.; Burlatsky, Sergei F.; Gottung, Eric J.; Sloan, Michael A.; Hinman, III, Lewis G., Electrostatic particulate separation system and device.
  14. Touyeras, Armel, Engine compressor, particularly aircraft jet engine compressor, fitted with an air bleed system.
  15. Kojima, Katsuhisa; Ueda, Yasutoshi; Sonoda, Takashi; Terazaki, Masao, Gas turbine.
  16. Proctor, Robert; Montgomery, Julius John; Epstein, Michael Jay; Barbe, Roger Owen; Sam, Hai Buu; Ogzewalla, James Bernar; Kemp, Andrew David; Doloresco, Bryan Keith, Gas turbine engine bleed scoops.
  17. McGreehan William F. (West Chester OH) Fintel Bradley W. (Fairfield OH) Lammas Andrew J. (Maineville OH), High pressure compressor flowpath bleed valve extraction slot.
  18. Breeze-Stringfellow Andrew ; Szucs Peter N. ; Wood Peter J., High recovery multi-use bleed.
  19. Martel, Alain C.; Gekht, Eugene, Particle separator and separating method for gas turbine engine.
  20. Damle, Sachin V.; Adjan, Bachar; Fregoe, Jerry Mar Philip, Stator assembly including bleed ports for turbine engine compressor.
  21. Roundy, James S.; Ball, Larry K.; Kincheloe, Todd A., Systems for filtering particles from an airflow.
  22. Liang, George, Turbine blade with trailing edge bleed slot arrangement.
  23. Liang, George, Turbine vane with dirt separator.
  24. Guemmer, Volker, Turbomachine with fluid removal.
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