한국생명공학연구원 Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
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1999년 10월 과제시작과 함께 도입된 Crab-eating monkey와 Marmoset monkey를 바탕으로 국내최초로 연구용 영장류에 대한 연구기반구축을 위한 연구 사업이 시작되었다. 당초 3개년으로 계획되었던 본 사업은 2개년 사업으로 줄어들면서 연구범위 축소를 가져왔으나, 대부분의 분야에서 상당한 연구성과를 이루었다고 생각된다. 1, 동물중의 선택 및 번식학적 증식 2 . 각종 사육관련 자료확보 및 전문기술확립 3. 기술보급 및 국제교류 4. 당뇨병 동물모델의 개발 5. 영장류 뇌지도
1999년 10월 과제시작과 함께 도입된 Crab-eating monkey와 Marmoset monkey를 바탕으로 국내최초로 연구용 영장류에 대한 연구기반구축을 위한 연구 사업이 시작되었다. 당초 3개년으로 계획되었던 본 사업은 2개년 사업으로 줄어들면서 연구범위 축소를 가져왔으나, 대부분의 분야에서 상당한 연구성과를 이루었다고 생각된다. 1, 동물중의 선택 및 번식학적 증식 2 . 각종 사육관련 자료확보 및 전문기술확립 3. 기술보급 및 국제교류 4. 당뇨병 동물모델의 개발 5. 영장류 뇌지도 작성, 췌장의 조직학적 관찰 및 DB 구축 6. 영장류의 심전도상 및 주사용 약물마취 등의 기초 data 확립 7. 영장류 호흡기계 및 비뇨기계의 조직표본을 제작하여 Atlas 작성 이러한 각종 연구결과들은 국내최초의 연구용 영장류의 연구기반구축을 위한 자료로서 충분히 활용될 수 있을 것이며, 이들 결과를 바탕으로 2편 발표논문과 3편의 준비된 논문 등을 얻었으며, 특히 이를 바탕으로 2002-2004년, 3년에 걸쳐 건설하기로 결정하였다. (사업명: 국가영장류센터건설사업). 이러한 본 연구결과 및 국가영장류센터 건설확정 등은 향후 국가생명과학분야 발전은 물론, 바이오산업육성의 초석이 될 수 있을 것이다.
The development of basic and applied technology for primate research project had been started with introduction of 2 kinds of monkey (Crab-eating and Common marmoset) for the primate research, since October on 1999/ It was first times trial on primate research field in Korea. During the 2 years, we
The development of basic and applied technology for primate research project had been started with introduction of 2 kinds of monkey (Crab-eating and Common marmoset) for the primate research, since October on 1999/ It was first times trial on primate research field in Korea. During the 2 years, we have been taken 5 offspring Crab-eating monkeys and 33 offspring Marmoset monkeys. But, only 1 offspring monkey can breed from artificial nursing of 8 newborn Marmoset monkeys We have collected many reproduction results and breeding data with 2 kinds of monkeys: for example, animal genealogical tables, estrus cycle lists, body weights of all monkeys, smear checking after mating and standard feed & feeding protocol on pregnancy. Also, primate breeding and experimentation SOP updated on pregnancy diagnostic analysis we have gained special husband교 techniques on primate: artificial nursing with Marmoset monkey, pregnancy diagnosis withultra-sonicator and palpation test, basic primate experimentation techniques, likely capture, anesthesia and bleeding. On the other hand, we have established primate microbiological monitoring test techniques from Tsukuba Private Center(TPC) with sending a monitoring technician The many kinds of cage systems and data. likely 2 kinds of Crab-eating monkey cage. observation cage and transfer cage were tried at this project. we gathered number paper, photos, digital figures, other materials and methods about primate. Now, we are arranging and will supply to the users The international cooperation with TPC and the other primate centers in the several countries has been done continuous on this project. Dr. Fumiaki Cho, Dr. Takashi Yoshida from the TPC, Japan and Dr. Fraser Darling from the UK were invitation for the teaching of primate treatment and management techniques. And, we would like to get 30 African green monkeys (F2 generation,25 females and 5 males, 5∼12 years of old age) from the TPC until on February next year The Hallym University research groups of co-workers developed some blood biochemical markers and diabetic markers, as well as primate models for human diabetic study from the 2 kinds of primate. They can get many basic data with streptozotocin for type 1diabetic Marmoset model. And, many pathological sections and photos of brain, pancreas and heart with 2 kinds of monkey were taken and introduced with 1 sheet of CDThe Chungnam Natl University research groups of co-workers had taken many basic results of electrocardiograms and inhalation anesthesia with 2 kinds of monkeys. Also, they can get many pathological photos of respiratory and urogenital system With these results, we could have take the construction fund of National Primate Research Center(2002∼2004, about US $7.000,000).We have expected that these results will be a research base for use primate research field in Korea
목차 Contents
1. 요약문(국문)...6
2. SUMMARY(영문요약문)...8
3. 총괄...10
4. 주관연구기관...68
5. 제1공동연구기관...68
6. 제2공동연구기관...120
7. 참고자료...156
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