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Kafe 바로가기주관연구기관 | 충남대학교 Chungnam National University |
연구책임자 | 김세빈 |
참여연구자 | 강석구 , 김동준 , 어수형 |
보고서유형 | 최종보고서 |
발행국가 | 대한민국 |
언어 | 한국어 |
발행년월 | 2019-08 |
과제시작연도 | 2019 |
주관부처 | 산림청 Korea Forest Service |
연구관리전문기관 | 한국임업진흥원 Korea Forestry Promotion Institute |
등록번호 | TRKO201900017818 |
과제고유번호 | 1405003865 |
사업명 | 임업기술연구개발(R&D) |
DB 구축일자 | 2019-08-31 |
키워드 | 산림비즈니스.산림복합경영.임분관리.소경재.단기소득임산물.forest business.multiple forest management.stand management.small size timber.Non-Timber Forest Product. |
본 연구사업을 통하여 단기소득 임산물 및 목재 부산물을 활용한 신소득 창출을 도모하고 맞춤형 임분관리 및 산림융복합 경영 시스템을 개발하여 국내에 적용 가능한 융복합형 산림비지니스를 제시하였다.
총 4개의 핵심과제로 구성되어 있으며 제1핵심과제에서는 산림 신(新)소득 창출형 산림융복합경영시스템을 구축하고자 산림융복합산업의 개념 정립 및 법제도 분석을 통하여 지원체계를 개발하고 휴양치유형 산촌생태마을을 통한 산림융복합형경영시스템을 개발하였다.
제2핵심과제에서는 단기소득임산물 기반의 산림 신(新)소득 창출을 고
본 연구사업을 통하여 단기소득 임산물 및 목재 부산물을 활용한 신소득 창출을 도모하고 맞춤형 임분관리 및 산림융복합 경영 시스템을 개발하여 국내에 적용 가능한 융복합형 산림비지니스를 제시하였다.
총 4개의 핵심과제로 구성되어 있으며 제1핵심과제에서는 산림 신(新)소득 창출형 산림융복합경영시스템을 구축하고자 산림융복합산업의 개념 정립 및 법제도 분석을 통하여 지원체계를 개발하고 휴양치유형 산촌생태마을을 통한 산림융복합형경영시스템을 개발하였다.
제2핵심과제에서는 단기소득임산물 기반의 산림 신(新)소득 창출을 고도화하기 위하여 단기소득임산물의 가공기술 및 제품을 개발하였으며, 단기소득임산물의 마케팅 전략을 수립하였다.
제3핵심과제에서는 목재기반의 산림 신(新)소득 창출을 고도화하기 위하여 Wood Roasting 기술을 기반으로 한 고효율 연료 및 Bio 건조기술 그리고 벌채목 지엽부산물을 이용한 친환경 지류의 첨가제 등을 개발하였으며, 소경간벌재의 고도이용 및 용도개발을 위한 특허 등록 및 제품화 그리고 기술이전을 실시하였다.
제4핵심과제에서는 산림복합경영 임분관리 시스템을 개발하기 위하여 임분특성에 따른 단기소득임산물 분포 특성과 산채류 자생지의 식생, 입지환경 및 종자 특성을 분석하고 단기소득임산물 재배 및 생산기술을 개발하였다. 또한 임분 특성을 고려한 산림휴양 변화 및 임목형 단기소득 임산물에 대한 생장특성을 분석하였다.
(출처 : 요약서 5p)
Purpose & Contents
① Making Multi-Forest Management System for New Forest Business
▪ Establishing the concept of integrated forestry business
▪ Analysis on the integrated forestry business status and legal system
▪ Analysis of forest business type and discovery of business model
▪ Dev
Purpose & Contents
① Making Multi-Forest Management System for New Forest Business
▪ Establishing the concept of integrated forestry business
▪ Analysis on the integrated forestry business status and legal system
▪ Analysis of forest business type and discovery of business model
▪ Development of support system for forestry industry through convergence
▪ Field application and strategy of forestry industry through convergence
▪ Organization for promoting awareness of Korea and job system analysis for educational demands
② Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Forest Products
▪ Status and basic survey of short-term income forest products
▪ Cultivation and Processing Characteristics of short-term income forest products
▪ Advancement of production technology of short-term income forest products
▪ Proof and evaluation of production technology
▪ Development of integrated management technology for short-term income forest products
③ Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Wood Products
▪ Developed Wood Roaster to build a research infrastructure that can manufacture high-efficiency fuel in a short period of time
▪ Design and development of materials for woodworking education that have not been completed to date
▪ Securing the technology of dividing and materializing the by-products of the by-products of the by-product streams
▪ Improving wood self-sufficiency and utilization rate
▪ Improving social awareness of forest cultivation projects through the effective use of forest gardening by-products(approximately 4.5 million cubic meters)
▪ Improving forest income through the development of materialization technology utilizing forest waste materials
④ Development of Forest Stand Management System for the Integrated Forest Business
▪ Analysis of the status of forest management for integrated forest business
▪ Selection of stand management research sites and field data collection
▪ Database development of forest stand characteristics for a site-specific forest stand management system
▪ Indices development of forest stand characteristics for a site-specific forest stand management system
▪ Establishment and promotion of optimum forest management system
① Making Multi-Forest Management System for New Forest Business
▪ Establishing the concept of integrated forestry business
▪ Presentation of differences with agriculture using forest business conditions and data
▪ Research on laws for activating integrated forestry business
▪ Analysis of forest business problems and development of improvement solutions
▪ Governance system Establishment between the owner of a mountain, region, administration
▪ Organization for promoting awareness of Korea and job system analysis for educational demands
▪ Development of an integrated forestry business model and evaluation indices
▪ Development of a support system for the forestry industry through convergence
▪ Analysis on the management components of forestry business body by growth phase
▪ Reorganization of the Legal System for the Integrated Forestry Business
② Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Forest Products
▪ Selection and identification of strains for development of beverage using short-term income forest products
▪ Development of technology to improve storage stability of sap for beverage
▪ Development of sap beverage with added functional material and improved storage stability
▪ Development of beverage base containing dietary fiber using short-term income forest products
▪ Development of functional beverage containing dietary fiber and GABA
▪ Consumer perception and preference for short-term income forest products
▪ Survey on distribution of short-term income forest products
▪ Analysis of consumer needs for short-term income forest products
▪ Development of marketing and branding strategy of short-term income forest products
▪ Development of measures to enhance consumer satisfaction of short-term income forest products
③ Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Wood Products
▪ Basic survey on the utilization characteristics of small-scale wood and by-products
▪ Development of pre-treatment and sexual enhancement technology for altitude utilization
▪ Development of equipment and key technology for advanced use
▪ Development and characterization of value added use
▪ Developed and manufactured industrial use
④ Development of Forest Stand Management System for the Integrated Forest Business
▪ Environmental factor and distribution characteristics of short-term incomes in physiognomy community
▪ Investigation on possible cultivation forest product(wild vegetables) for short-term incomes including vegetation, environmental factors and seed characteristics
▪ Development of cultivation manual for short-term income forest products through cultivation environment analysis
▪ Development of technologies of inoculation production and formation of mycorrhiza and fairy ring for edible natural mushrooms
▪ Finding out functions and preference of forest recreation
▪ Research on characteristics of demands on forest recreation
▪ Deriving main stand characteristics affecting stand growth (carbon stock), wildlife and plant diversity as a recreational factor of forests
▪ Research on growth characteristics for tree species of short-term income forest products
Expected Contribution
① Making Multi-Forest Management System for New Forest Business
▪ Finding the problems of the related laws, such as basic forest rules and laws on the promotion of forestry and mountain villages, and suggesting the revision of the laws for activating integrated forestry business
▪ Suggestion of itemized support system (production-distribution-sales) depending on whether included in forest product income source support list
▪ Practical use of research results by field application to integrated forestry experimental area (e.g., Mt. Oseosan in Hongseong-gun)
▪ Application of the evaluation indices to various integrated forestry sites and measurement of the outcomes
▪ Establishment of an educational system for future counter-urbanization using job analysis and suggestion of a forestry business system for recreation and healing
▪ Policy development and execution for foresters and vitalizing local economy by trying the sixth industrialization in the forestry sector of Hongseong-gun
② Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Forest Products
▪ Extension of sales owing to increase of sap production and storage technology development
▪ Import substitution of products for the prevention from diabetes, obesity and hypertension
▪ Diversity of dietary life due to development of food using various forest products
▪ Utilization of industrial materials to enhance the added value of forest products containing GABA
▪ Development of effective distribution and marketing strategies of short-term income forest products
▪ Increase in sales of forest products through the establishment of distribution and marketing strategies
▪ Development of functional products that are differentiated while meeting the preferences for each demand group
▪ Activation of forest products market through establishment and marketing of effective and reliable distribution system of short-term income forest products
③ Enhancement of New Income Creation Based on Wood Products
▪ Improving forest income through the development of materialization technology utilizing forest waste materials
▪ Improvement of forest conservation and forest management by utilizing forest waste residues in forestry
▪ Reinforce character education by developing woodworking education materials and promoting woodworking education
▪ Improving forest value and enhancing awareness by increasing the utilization of forest products
▪ Mechanization and industrialization of timber collection
▪ Manufacture manual and standard modules for woodworking Kyobo materials
▪ Activation of domestic products other than raw materials and fuel
▪ Improving the utilization rate of domestic resources and increasing the economic efficiency of forests by utilizing the materialization technology of by-products of by-products
④ Development of Forest Stand Management System for the Integrated Forest Business
▪ Recommendation for cultivation environment and ecological characteristics through environmental factors of short-term income forestry products to agroforestry and forest households
▪ Contributing to income increase of local residents by providing basic data on cultivation techniques, breeding methods, and cultivation environment of short-term income forest products
▪ Contribute to enhancing income of residents and forestry workers by providing information on growth characteristics for tree species of short-term income forestry products
▪ It can be used as basic data for the forest management to increase public benefits such as forest recreaction, biodiversity and carbon storage
(출처 : SUMMARY 10p)
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