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면역억제를 이용한 자가면역 치료 기술
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NTIS 바로가기2022.02.18
면역억제를 이용한 자가면역 치료 기술
VOCs, 16S rRNA, ANN, BTX, E. coli, actinomycetes, Coliforms, White rot fungi, synthetic dye, 중금속 오염물질
Fomitella fraxinea, Armillaria mellea, Basidiomycetes, Brown rice, Mycelium, Pine needles, Rhus verniciflua, Rubus coreanus Miq., Turmeric, mushroom
<TEX>${\gamma}$</TEX>-2CaO·SiO<TEX>$_2$</TEX>, Bioceramics, Calcium phosphate, DV-X<TEX>${\alpha}$</TEX> method, Hydration reaction, Hydroxyapatite, Silicate ion, Silicon nitride, calcium sulfoaluminate, hydration
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 = Practica oto-rhino-laryngologica
v.79 no.3
,pp. 457
- 459
, 1986
, 0032-6313
, The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
(영남대학교 대학원)
, xiv, 148 p.
, 영남대학교 대학원
, 국내박사
(이화여자대학교 대학원)
, vi, 26p.
, 이화여자대학교 대학원
, 국내석사
미국(US) | 등록 | 출원인 : The Foundation for the Study of Asthma and Related Diseases (Boston MA 02); | 출원번호 : US-0903025 ( 1978-05-04 ) | 특허번호 : US-4163778 (1979-08-07) | IPC : A61K-035/36; A61K-039/00
한국(KO) | 공개 | 출원인 : 로슈 글리카트 아게; | 출원번호 : 10-2013-7020753 ( 2013-08-06 ) | 공개번호 : 10-2013-0118941 (2013-10-30) | IPC : A61K-039/395; A61K-047/48; A61K-045/06; A61P-035/00 | 법적상태 : 거절
한국(KO) | 공개 | 출원인 : 메모리얼 슬로안 케터링 캔서 센터; | 출원번호 : 10-2022-7039192 ( 2022-11-09 ) | 공개번호 : 10-2022-0156663 (2022-11-25) | IPC : C12N-005/0783; A61K-039/00; A61P-035/00; C07K-014/705; C07K-014/725; C07K-016/28; C07K-016/30 | 법적상태 : 공개
| 2022-08-24
| 2022-08-09
| 2022-07-25
면역억제 관련 ScienceON 국내특허 검색 결과를 내보내기(대량다운로드)하여 COMPAS 국내특허 분석 서비스로 분석한 자료입니다.
Immunosuppression is a reduction of the activation or efficacy of the immune system. Some portions of the immune system itself have immunosuppressive effects on other parts of the immune system, and immunosuppression may occur as an adverse reaction to treatment of other conditions. In general, deliberately induced immunosuppression is performed to prevent the body from rejecting an organ transplant. Additionally, it is used for treating graft-versus-host disease after a bone marrow transplant, or for the treatment of auto-immune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome, or Crohn's disease. This is typically done using medications, but may involve surgery (splenectomy), plasmapheresis, or radiation. A person who is undergoing immunosuppression, or whose immune system is weak for some other reasons (chemotherapy or HIV), is said to be immunocompromised.
(면역치료)면역 치료는 항암 분야를 중심으로 급격히 성장 중
출처 : https://finance.naver.com/research/industry_read.naver?nid=28609