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  • 154,597
  • 103,492
  • 49,931
  • 46,242
  • 44,825
  • 31,113
  • 23,794
  • 19,559
  • 18,005
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뇌졸중 환자들의 손의 파악력과 기민성 검사의 검사-재검사 재현성과 최저 실제 차이

박창식 (호원대학교 물리치료학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : This study investigated the test-retest reproducibility of two hand strength tests (grip and lateral pinch) and two dexterity tests (box and block test and nine hole peg test) of the paralyzed upper limb in stroke patients. Methods : This study was conducted from February 2024 to March 2024 with 66 subjects diagnosed with stroke who agreed to the study. Using a convenience sampling method that excluded shoulder pain and shoulder subluxation in stroke patients, the test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error measurement (SEM), smallest real difference (SRD), and SRD (%) of the four assessments according to the presence of elbow flexor spasticity were investigated. All tests were administered at 7 to 10 day intervals after the first assessment. Results : Comparing the ICCs of the grip strength, lateral pinch strength, NHPT, and BBT of stroke patients showed that the group without spasticity had higher ICC (0.89~0.98) than those with spasticity. The SEM (less than 20 % of the mean score), MDC (less than 20 % of the highest score), and MDC (%) (less than 30 %) of upper limb grip strength, lateral pinch strength, NHPT, and BBT in stroke patients without spasticity were identified as reliable and reproducible. However, in stroke patients with spasticity, the ICC was low in all assessments, and the SEM, SRD, and SRD (%) had high levels of measurement error. Conclusion : Elbow flexor spasticity in stroke patients was a variable affecting grip strength, lateral pinch strength, NHPT, and BBT reliability. High test-retest reliability was demonstrated in patients without elbow flexor spasticity. The SRD of 9.06 kg for grip strength, 2.18 kg for lateral pinch strength, 27.52 seconds for NHPT, and 7.82 for BBT in this study will serve as a baseline for changes in hand function.


본 연구의 목적은 뇌졸중 환자들의 어깨 통증 유무와 불완전탈구를 배제한 편의 표본 추출법을 이용하여 팔꿉관절 굽힘 강직 유무에 따른 손의 파악력, 외측 핀치력, 기민성 검사인 BBT, NHPT의 검사-재검사 신뢰도의 재현성과 최저 실제 차이를 검증하고자 하였다.

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U대학의 학생 성장 핵심역량 진단 도구 개발 사례

이명희 (위덕대학교 물리치료학과) , 김영숙 (위덕대학교 간호학과) , 박정언 (경북전문대학교 간호학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : The purpose of this study was to develop a core competency diagnostic tool suited to the circumstances of U university and to verify its validity. Methods : This study was conducted from September 1, 2022 to January 20, 2023. First, U university's core competencies were analyzed based on literature review and cases of other universities. Second, after reviewing the operational definitions of sub-competencies and confirming detailed components through research team meetings and expert interviews, questions for each primary sub-competency were written. Third, to verify the content validity of the first round of questions, a Delphi survey was conducted on 10 professors majoring in education at U university to construct the second round of questions. Based on this, factor analysis was conducted through a preliminary test on enrolled students to select the final questions. Results : During the first round of question development, 216 questions were developed. As a result of the Delphi survey, questions with a CVR value of less than 0.62 were deleted, and a total of 174 questions were selected as the second round of questions. As a result of a preliminary test for current students based on the second question, the Cronbach' 𝛼 value for each subarea was 0.84~0.97, confirming reliability. Additionally, as a result of factor analysis, the KMO scale was found to be 0.918 and the probability of significance was <.005, confirming that it was a suitable model for factor analysis. The overall cumulative explanatory power was found to be 53.0 %, and two questions were confirmed for each sub-competency in the areas of knowledge, skills, and attitude, resulting in a final 72 questions. Conclusion : The developed tool is expected to facilitate U university's competency-based curriculum operation and quality management, and the establishment of an online diagnostic system is necessary for effective and continuous management of the diagnostic tool.


본 연구는 변화된 사회적 요구에 부응하고 미래의 사회에 필요한 역량을 함양하기 위해 대학에서 설정한 핵심역량을 측정할 수 있는 진단 도구 개발을 목적으로 수행하였다

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The Effects of a Traditional Music Program on the Depression and Ego-Integrity Among Nursing Home Residents

Ryewon Ma (Dept. of Nursing, Kyungnam University)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : This study examines the effects of a traditional music program on depression and ego integrity among elderly nursing home residents. Given the limited social activities available in nursing homes, this study focuses on how traditional music interventions can improve the psychological and emotional well-being of nursing home residents. Methods : A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design was used. Forty-three elderly residents from a nursing home in Incheon, South Korea, were selected through convenience sampling. Participants were assigned to either the experimental group (n= 22) or the control group (n= 21). The experimental group participated in an eight-week traditional music program, while the control group received no intervention. Depression levels were assessed using the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD), and ego integrity was measured using a nurse-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Results : The results showed a significant reduction in depression among the experimental group who participated in the traditional music program compared to the control group (t= -1.863, p= .035). However, there was no significant improvement in ego integrity between the two groups (t= -1.863, p= .077). These findings suggest that the traditional music program was effective in alleviating depression but had limited impact on enhancing ego integrity in elderly residents. Conclusion : Traditional music programs can be a valuable non-pharmacological intervention to reduce depression among elderly nursing home residents. While the music program significantly decreased depression, its effect on ego integrity was not as profound, indicating that longer or more frequent interventions might be necessary to influence ego integrity. Further research is recommended to explore the long-term effects of traditional music therapy on psychological well-being in elderly populations, as well as its potential to enhance social interaction and improve overall quality of life in nursing home settings.


This study was aimed at reducing depression and improving ego integrity among the study participants

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말하기 문제에 영향을 미치는 위험요인 분석 : 국민건강영양조사 자료를 중심으로

정석희 (동서대학교 일반대학원 작업치료학과) , 윤태형 (동서대학교 작업치료학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : This study aimed to identify the key factors influencing speaking problems in the elderly using data from the 2022 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods : Data from the 2022 KNHANES were analyzed to assess speaking problems in older adults. Of the 6,265 participants, 4,596 individuals aged <65 years and 387 non-respondents were excluded. The analysis included 1,282 individuals aged ≥65 years. The analysis focused on variables, such as income level, chewing ability, and hearing capacity, and other demographic and lifestyle factors. Results : Lower-income individuals reported approximately twice as much discomfort in speaking as those from higher-income households(odds ratio[OR] = 2.00, p= .017). Individuals experiencing chewing difficulties showed an approximately 30-fold increase in speaking discomfort than those without chewing ability (OR= 29.57, p<.000). Additionally, individuals with hearing discomfort experienced nearly twice the level of speaking discomfort as those without hearing discomfort (OR= 1.67, p= .032). Other variables examined, including sex, age, household size, education, marital status, smoking, alcohol consumption, walking habits, presence of diseases, and stress levels, were not statistically significant in influencing speaking discomfort. Conclusion : The findings suggest that intervention programs to prevent a decline in speaking problems among the elderly should be developed and improved. Such programs should focus on screening and identifying at-risk groups, particularly those with chewing and hearing difficulties, and address individual health factors. Future research should explore additional variables that may be associated with speaking problems in the elderly to enhance the effectiveness of preventive measures and iterventions.


본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 데이터를 기반으로 노인의 말하기 문제에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인을 규명하고자 한다

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포화 불균일성을 고려한 육계사 쿨링패드 시스템 성능 평가

박지연 (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam National University) , 최락영 (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam National University) , 이세연 (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam National University) , 홍세운 (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam National University) , (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam National University) , 이채린 (Department of Rural and Bio-systems Engineering & Education and Research Unit for Climate-Smart Reclaimed-Tideland Agriculture (BK21 four), Chonnam Na) , 박진선
한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers

Heat stress in broiler houses during the summer can lead to reduced feed intake and feed efficiency, ultimately resulting in decreased productivity. To mitigate heat stress, cooling pads utilizing the evaporative cooling effect have been introduced in commercial broiler houses. In this study, the performance of cooling pads in an actual broiler house was evaluated, and a wind tunnel equipment was designed to precisely analyze their performance. The results revealed that in the broiler house with long cooling pads, the uneven distribution of water led to a decrease in cooling efficiency. Specifically, cooling efficiency was 81% when the cooling pads were wet enough but decreased to 49.6% as the water supply to the cooling pads was not proper. Furthermore, wind tunnel experiments showed that as the airflow speed increased from 0.64 m·s-1 to 1.86 m·s-1, the temperature reduction decreased from 8.3 ℃ to 6.6 ℃. However, the mass transfer coefficient and heat transfer coefficient increased by 0.0019 m·h-1 and 37.32 W·m-2·K-1, respectively, indicating more active evaporation and greater heat removal due to higher airflow speed. Additionally, as relative humidity increased, the temperature reduction significantly decreased. When water was unevenly distributed across the cooling pad, the temperature reduction and cooling efficiency in areas without water were significantly reduced. These findings highlight the importance of maintaining uniform water distribution over the cooling pads to ensure desired cooling effects.


따라서 본 연구에서는 실제 육계사에서 사용되고 있는 쿨링패드의 냉각 효과를 현장 실험과 실내 실험으로 평가하고, 쿨링패드의 불충분한 포화도에 따른 냉각 성능의 변화를 분석하고자 하였다

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물리치료사의 업무 관련성 다리부종과 통증에 대한 림프마사지의 효과

강민지 (경성대학교 물리치료학과) , 한진태 (경성대학교 물리치료학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose: This study investigates the effects of leg manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) on work-related leg edema and pain in physical therapists. It aims to determine the appropriateness of leg lymph massages as a therapeutic approach for treating work-related leg issues, thereby contributing to the understanding of treatment effectiveness. Methods: Physical therapists objectively measured work-related leg edema and pain using a smart tape measure and VAS before and after applying MLD. The intervention involved 20 MLD sessions, each lasting 10 minutes, conducted daily over 4 weeks. The difference in leg circumference and pain levels were then re-measured and compared. Results: As a result of this study, the changes in leg circumference and pain before and after MLD were performed in the subjects as follows. In the comparison before and after the MLD intervention, there were significant differences in both leg circumference and pain (p<.05). Conclusion: This study showed significant differences in ankle, calf, knee, thigh circumference and pain in the 6 parts of the leg after 20 leg lymph massages for 4 weeks (p<.05). Based on the results of this study, we investigated the effects of MLD on work-related leg swelling and pain in physical therapists and compared whether there were differences in leg swelling and pain before and after MLD. The results showed that both leg swelling and pain were significantly reduced, indicating that MLD is suitable for reducing leg swelling and pain. It may suggest that it can be applied in designing intervention programs to reduce work-related leg swelling and pain in physical therapists.


따라서 본 연구는 물리치료사를 대상으로 물리치료사의 작업 관련성 다리부종과 통증에 대한 다리 림프마사지의 효과를 알아보고, 나아가 물리치료사뿐만 아니라 작업 관련성 다리부종과 통증을 호소하는 사람들에 대한 치료적 접근 시 다리 림프마사지의 적용이 치료의 효과적인 측면에서 고려사항으로 적합한지에 대해 알아보고자 시행하였다.

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남강댐 지역 Chl-a의 시공간적 분포특성 및 수질인자와의 상관관계 분석

김상민 (Department of Agricultural Engineering (Insti. of Agric. and Life Sci.), Gyeongsang National University) , 이승학 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University)
한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers

This study investigates the relationship between Chl-a concentration and various water quality factors, including temperature, nutrients (TN, TP), TOC, COD, and BOD, in the Namgang Dam region from 2007 to 2023. The correlation analysis between Chl-a and water quality parameters was conducted using the Pearson method, and the cluster analysis of Chl-a was performed using the average linkage method. At Namgang Dam Site 1, Chl-a concentration shows positive correlations with TOC (0.300), TP (0.302), BOD (0.272), and water temperature (0.309). At Site 2, Chl-a shows positive correlations with water temperature (0.273), COD (0.229), TP (0.379), and TOC (0.295). At Site 3, Chl-a concentration has significant positive correlations with COD (0.265), TOC (0.304), TP (0.277), and water temperature (0.302), indicating that these factors play important roles in the growth of phytoplankton. A strong correlation between Chl-a and both TOC and TP, with TP being a major contributor to algal growth, suggesting that phosphorus is a key limiting factor. Conversely, dissolved oxygen (DO) showed a negative correlation, indicating that as algal growth progresses, DO levels decrease, potentially impacting aquatic health negatively. Spatial distribution analysis showed that Chl-a levels were lower upstream and increased significantly downstream, influenced by reduced flow, higher temperatures, and nutrient inflow from agricultural and industrial activities. Dendrogram analysis indicated that certain sites along the Deokcheon and Namgang rivers exhibited similar Chl-a patterns, forming clusters, while the Geungho River site was distinct, suggesting unique water quality characteristics. These findings provide critical insights for predicting and managing algal blooms in the Namgang Dam area, emphasizing the importance of tailored regional water quality management strategies.


따라서 본 연구는 2007년부터 2023년까지의 남강댐 수질 관측 자료를 바탕으로 Chl-a 농도와 주요 수질 인자간 상관관계를 분석하고 남강 유역 23개 지점의 자료로부터 Chl-a 공간 분포 특성을 분석하고자 한다.

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움직임이 감소된 넓적다리두갈래근의 근육 두께와 근막 가동성에 대한 연부조직가동술의 즉각적인 효과

박근태 (경성대학교 물리치료학과) , 한진태 (경성대학교 물리치료학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : This study was designed to investigate the immediate effects of soft tissue mobilization on the posterior thigh muscles and fascia in subjects with reduced lumbar and pelvic mobility, Our focus was on the immediate impact, and we aimed to determine the changes in muscle thickness and fascial mobility within a short timeframe. Methods : Thirty-eight subjects with reduced lumbar and pelvic girdle mobility in a forward bending posture participated in this study. Soft tissue mobilization using an instrument was applied to the subjects once for approximately 5 minutes. Muscle thickness and fascial mobility were measured before and after the application of soft tissue mobilization using an ultrasound imaging device (Veneu 50, GE Healthcare, UK), and the measurements were compared. Paired t-tests were used to compare the values before and after the application of soft tissue mobilization. Results : The results of comparing the values measured before and after the application of soft tissue mobilization were as follows. When measured in a relaxed position, the thickness of the posterior thigh muscles significantly increased. The thickness of the fascia decreased (p<.05). When measured in the contracted position, the thickness of the posterior thigh muscles increased, and the thickness of the fascia also decreased (p<.05). When measured in the FWB position, the thickness of the muscle increased, and the thickness of the fascia decreased (p<.05). Conclusion : The results of this study have significant implications. When soft tissue mobilization was applied to the posterior thigh muscles, the thickness of the muscle showed positive changes, and the fascia showed increased mobility. This suggests that it is effectively positively changes the muscle thickness and fascia mobility of soft tissues with reduced contractile force due to stiffness. In addition, when soft tissue mobilization is applied to the posterior thigh muscles, it can help increase the mobility of the lumbar, pelvic girdle. and thoracolumbar fascia, which could further enhance the understanding and application of soft tissue mobilization in rehabilitation.


따라서 본 연구는 연부조직가동술의 적용 전과 적용 후 넓적다리두갈래근의 근육 두께와 근막 가동성의 변화를 비교하여 허리와 골반의 움직임에 대한 연구 자료를 제시하고자 한다.

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강우 유출수 활용 대체농업용수 시스템의 적용 가능 대상지 선정을 위한 국내 이수취약 중산간 밭농업 단지 추출 연구

최지은 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University) , 김시호 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University) , 이정은 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University) , 김영진 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration) , 장민원 (Department of Agricultural Engineering (Institute of Agriculture and Life Science), Gyeongsang National University) , 황세운 (Department of Agricultural Engineering (Institute of Agriculture and Life Science), Gyeongsang National University)
한국농공학회논문집 = Journal of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers

Climate change is leading to an increase in agricultural droughts, with small-scale upland farming areas particularly vulnerable due to their lack of distinct water sources. These scattered mid-mountain regions are especially susceptible to agricultural droughts because they do not have well-defind sources for water extraction. This study aims to identify small-scale upland farming areas in Korea that are vulnerable to agricultural drought and in need of alternative agricultural water sources. To achieve this, evaluation criteria and indicators for irrigation-vulnerable agricultural areas were established, and these areas were extracted and quantitatively presented in terms of area and number of locations. The extracted irrigation-vulnerable agricultural areas cover an area of 10,330.7 ha and consist of a total of 2,635 village-scale farming locations, with the highest concentration of these areas in Gyeonggi-do. Based on this, an altitudinal analysis was conducted, and it was found that areas in Gangwon-do showed a lower rate of area reduction per 100 m elevation interval, while areas in Gyeonggi-do exhibited a higher rate of area reduction. This indicates that the target areas in Gangwon-do are located at relatively higher altitudes, while those in Gyeonggi-do are situated at lower altitudes. The results of this study are expected to serve as foundational data for selecting priority sites for the on-site application of alternative agricultural water systems in the future. Future studies may additionally be conduted to assess the effectiveness and economic viability of applying alternative agricultural water systems to irrigation-vulnerable agricultural areas.


본 연구에서는 강우 유출수를 활용한 대체농업용수 적용 사업의 우선순위 대상지를 선정하기 위하여 중산간 농업지역을 포함한 국내 이수취약 밭 농업지역의 평가 기준을 제안하고, 각 기준에 부합하는 대상지역에 대한 정량적 결과를 제시하고자 한다.

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5세, 6세 아동 및 성인이 산출한 말소리의 정확성 및 시간적 특성

강은영 (호원대학교 작업치료학과)
Journal of the Korean Society of Integrative Medicine = 대한통합의학회지

Purpose : This study analyzed the accuracy and temporal characteristics of speech sounds produced by 5- and 6-year-old children and adults. Methods : A total of 75 people participated in this study, including 25 5-year-old children, 25 6-year-old children, and 25 adults. We collected speech sound data using the picture-naming test. We analyzed speech intelligibility, percentage of consonants correct (PCC) at the word level, PCC according to articulatory complexity, initial consonant duration, duration of vowels following initial consonants, and word duration. Results : In the 5-year-old children, speech intelligibility, PCC at the word level, PCC according to articulatory complexity were significantly lower than those of the 6-year-old children and adults. There were significant differences in the duration of glottalized alveolar fricatives and the duration of vowels following glottalized alveolar fricatives between 5- and 6-year-old children. The voice onset time of plosives, duration of aspirated affricates, and duration of liquids were significantly longer for 5- and 6-year-old children than in the adults. For 5- and 6-year-old children, the duration of the following vowel for all consonants was significantly longer than for adults. The duration of words with high and low levels of phonetic complexity decreased with age. Conclusion : The accuracy of speech sound production in 5-year-old children was lower than that of 6-year-old children, and The former showed a lack of sufficient speech motor control to articulate glottalized alveolar fricatives. When producing segmental sounds and words, the 5- and 6-year-old children had lower speech motor control than adults. It was found that articulatory complexity affects the accuracy of production of consonants in 5-year-old children. The findings from this study contribute to a foundation of understanding normal speech characteristics and motor development in 5- and 6-year-old children.


본 연구의 목적은 청지각 및 음향학적 평가 방법으로 5세, 6세 아동과 성인이 산출한 말소리의 정확성과 시간적 특성을 알아보는 것이다
