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[국내논문] 정수압 조건에서 변형률 변화가 섬유강화 복합재의 층간분리인성에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구
An investigation of the strain rate effect on the delamination toughness of fiber-reinforced composites in the hydrostatic pressure condition 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.22 no.11 = no.176, 2005년, pp.99 - 103  

하성록 (경희대학교 기계공학과) ,  이경엽 (경희대학교 테크노공과대학) ,  김현주 (한국해양연구원) ,  정동호 (한국해양연구원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

It is generally accepted that fracture toughness of fiber-reinforced polymer composites is affected by strain rate in an atmospheric pressure condition. For a present study, the strain rate effect on the fracture toughness of fiber-reinforced laminated composites in the hydrostatic pressure conditio...


참고문헌 (13)

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  9. Zinoviev, P. A., Tsvetkov, S. V., Kulish, G. G., Berg V. D. and Schepdael L. V., 'Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional Organic-fiber-reinforced Plastics under Hydrostatic Pressure,' Compos. Sci. Technol., Vol. 58, pp. 31-39, 1998 

  10. Rhee, K. Y., 'Hydrostatic Pressure Effect on the Fracture Toughness of Unidirectional(O-deg) Graphite /Epoxy Laminated Composites,' J. of Composite Materials, Vol. 34, pp. 599-613, 2000 

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  12. Rhee, K. Y., Park, S. J., Lee, M. K. J. H., 'On the Application of n-factor Approach to Determine Compressive Fracture Toughness of Fiber-Reinforced Composites under Hydrostatic Pressure Environment,' Composite Science and Technology, Vol. 63, pp. 829-837, 2003 

  13. Lee, J. H. and Rhee, K. Y., 'Compressive Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy Composites under High Pressure Environment-Strain Rate Effect,' J. Korea Society of Precision Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 148-153, 2004 

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