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비보정(un-calibrated) 영상으로부터 중간영상 생성을 위한 뷰 몰핑
View Morphing for Generation of In-between Scenes from Un-calibrated Images

정보과학회논문지 : 시스템 및 이론 v., 32 no.1 2005년, pp.1 - 8  

황용호 (중앙대학교) ,  홍현기 (중앙대학교) ,  송진영 (중앙대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Image morphing to generate 2D transitions between images may be difficult even to express simple 3D transformations. In addition, previous view morphing method requires control points for postwarping, and is much affected by self-occlusion. This paper presents a new morphing algorithm that can generate automatically in-between scenes from un-calibrated images. Our algorithm rectifies input images based on the fundamental matrix, which is followed by linear interpolation with bilinear disparity map. In final, we generate in-between views by inverse mapping of homography between the rectified images. The proposed method may be applied to photographs and drawings, because neither knowledge of 3D shape nor camera calibration, which is complex process generally, is required. The generated in-between views can be used in various application areas such as simulation system of virtual environment and image communication.

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