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[국내논문] 랫드에서 조각자(주엽) 나무 추출물인 Gleditschia-saponin의 경구 2주 반복투여 독성시험
Oral Toxicity Studies for 2 weeks of Gleditschia-saponin in Sprague-Dawley Rats 원문보기

한국독성학회지 v.18 no.3 2002년, pp.285 - 292  

김충희 (경상대학교) ,  하대식 (경상남도 보건환경연구원) ,  류재두 (국립동물검역원) ,  허정호 (경남 축산진흥연구소남부지소) ,  정명호 (경남 축산진흥연구소남부지소) ,  최영태 (에스에스바이오 테크 주식회사) ,  김종수 (경상대학교)

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The repeated toxicity of Gleditschia-saponin produced and provided by S.S. Bio-Tech Bench Co. was evaluated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Gleditschia-saponin was administered to rats by oral route at dose levels of high (180 mg/kg/day), medium (90 mg/kg/day) and low (45 mg/kg/day) once a day for 14 days. Saline was administered to another group of rats as control. Each group was consisted of 5 male and female rats. There were no dose-related changes in clinical findings, food and water consumption, organ weights, urine analysis, biochemical examination and hematological findings in all groups of animals treated with Gleditschia.- saponin, except body weights. Body weighs in male and female rats were increased significantly (p < 0.05) from day 4 to 14 in low, middle and high dose groups than control group. Body weight in high dose group was increased higher than control or low, middle dose groups on day 14. Gross and histopathological findings revealed no evidence of specific toxicity to Gleditschia.-saponin. Therefore, it was concluded that Gleditschia-saponin had no toxic or side effects in Sprague-Dawley rats in an repeated oral toxicity tests.

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