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재결정 위상의 분산적 구성과 비구조적 피어투피어 망에서의 효율적 검색
Distributed Construction of the Recrystallization Topology and Efficient Searching in the Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Network

정보과학회논문지 : 정보통신 v., 35 no.4 2008년, pp.251 - 267  

박재현 (중앙대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, we present a distributed topology control algorithm for constructing an optimized topology having a minimal search-time in unstructured peer-to-peer network. According to the proposed algorithm, each node selects the best nodes having higher hit-ratio than other nodes as many as the number being exponentially proportional to the hit-ratio of the node itself, and then it connects to them. The ensemble behavior of the proposed algorithm is very similar to the recrystrallizing phenomenon that is observed in nature. There is a partial order relationship among the hit-ratios of most nodes of constructed topology. Therefore once query message visits a node, it has a higher hit-ratio than the node that was visited last by the message. The query message even sent from freeloader can escape to the node having high hit-ratio by one hop forwarding, and it never revisits any freeloader again. Thus the search can be completed within a limited search time. We also propose the Chain-reactive search scheme using the constructed topology. Such a controlled multicasting reduces the query messages by 43 percent compared to that of the naïve Gnutella using broadcasting, while it saves the search time by 94 percent. The search success rate of the proposed scheme is 99 percent.

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