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[국내논문] 宛委閣의 전적수집과 문화적 의미에 대한 고찰
Study on Collecting of Wanwui-gak's Books and Its Cultural Meaning

서지학보 no.32 2008년, pp.57 - 75  

박용만 (한국학중앙연구원)

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Publishing and distributing of literary works and books is the cultural measure to understand the culture of the time. However, the cultural acts, which are as much important as publishing the literary works and books, is a series of management realm after publishing, such as keeping, managing and reading of books. These researches for collecting books has an important meaning as the cultural measure of the time beyond the study of the book collector himself. The appearance of Jangseo-ru, a library building in latter period of Joseon dynasty, has close connection with the time's, philosophical and historical situation such as the expansion of outlook on the world, discovery of identity, inflow of foreign civilization, accumulation and making use of wealth.Collection and keeping of books is not being satisfied with a simple preference, but has a special meaning in that it provides the base of developing scientific learning. In the space composed as such, learned men gathered, forming a group while exchanging their learning and poetries and proses, expanding it to the center of culture. Though it was a hiding place of Lee Ha-gon, Wanwui-gak became the place as splendid as can be, to a group of learned men and poets with its housed books and scenery surrounding it. Wanwui-gak was the center of local culture that housed great quantity of books and curios. Viewing the fact that it was a representing book collecting library then Joseon and kept great quantity of Chinese books which were hard to get, the meaning of Wanwui-gak is greater. Because of this, Wanwui-gak was the cultural space where a number of scholars and literary men gathered, not only in those days but also until the end of Josean, and at the end of Joseon it was the place of seclusion to intellectuals like Jeong In-bo, Hong Seung-heon, Jeong In-pyo and Lee Jong-hyeong. In this point, Wanwui-gak should be revaluated as the Jangseo-ru, which has meaning in historic and cultural way, beyond the function of library that simple housed a lot of books.

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