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[국내논문] 모발성장요소에 대한 녹나무추출물의 항산화능 및 단백질 발현 효능
Antioxidative Activity and Protein Expression Effects of the Extracts from Cinnamomum camphora on the Hair-growth Relevant Factors 원문보기

아시안뷰티화장품학술지 v.14 no.1 2016년, pp.18 - 29   http://dx.doi.org/10.20402/ajbc.2016.0010

조솔 (남부대학교) ,  김옥환 (남부대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: This study has been conducted with the aim of providing practical materials for development of an anti-hair loss agent and hair growth promotor that utilizes natural ingredients replacing medications through experimental methods testing growth factor protein expression promotion effect from the Cinnamomum camphora. Methods: We extracted the active ingredients using distilled water, ethanol, methanol, ethanol-ultrasonic, methanol-ultrasonic, and supercritical extraction methods. We then evaluated the antioxidant activity and selected the most efficient extract. This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of C. camphora extract to human hair follicle dermal papilla cells (HFDPC) using the MTT assay and the promoting effect of C. camphora extract on protein expression of hair-growth relevant factors using western blotting. Results: Among the six C. camphora extracts, the highest extraction yield was recovered in the methanol-ultrasonic extract (2.0378%), the total polyphenol was highly recovered in the ethanol-ultrasonic extract (50.248 mg/g), and the total flavonoid content was maximized in the methanol-ultrasonic extract (5.907 mg/g). The electron-donating ability was elevated in the methanol-ultrasonic extract (96.34%), and the high nitrite-scavenging activity was shown in the supercritical extract (37.59%). No cytotoxicity was observed in HFDPC treated with methanol-ultrasonic extract from C. camphora up to 500 μg/ml. The treatment of methanol-ultrasonic extract from C. camphora (100 μg/mL) into HFDPC significantly promoted the protein expression of PDGF-β (42%) and IGF (64%) compared to the control, while the protein expression of VEGF, KGF, hGH, and EGF were not significantly different. Conclusion: Therefore, it is estimated that the methanol-ultrasonic extract from C. camphora could be used as a functional antioxidant and as a hair-growth promoting material.

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