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다산 정약용의 강진 유배와 문학적 형상화 -『소설 목민심서』, 『다산』을 중심으로
A Study on Dasan Jeong Yak-yong's exile in Gangjin and Literary Formation 원문보기

현대문학의 연구 no.68 2019년, pp.197 - 236   http://dx.doi.org/10.35419/kmlit.2019..68.007

김명석 (성신여자대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The research is aimed at a long-term study of contents related to Dasan on the 200th anniversary of Dasan Jeong Yak-yong's surrender and the 200th anniversary of the publication of the book “Mokminsimseo”. In this paper, Jeong Yak-yong was the primary character and the historical development process of modern novels was generalized. Hwang In-kyung's “The Novel Mokminsimseo” and Han Seung-won's “Dasan” were among many novels, and they analyzed in earnest how the 18-year-old life of Gangjin, which is considered to be an important time in the life of Dasan, was shaped in the novel.First, the two works showed the boundaries of Dasan's thought. It shows the contrast between Confucianism and literature before the exile, and shows how diverse ideas of the East and West, including Confucianism and Buddhism, permeated into the ideas of Dasan. Second, the two pieces are seeking to rediscover human fertility by introducing the core of Dasan's education and the love of fertility through the people they met in exile.

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