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[국내논문] 초거대 언어 모델을 기반으로 한 AI 대화 인터페이스 -AI 대화 모델의 현황과 언어적 연구의 모색-
AI Dialogue Interface based on Large Language Models - The state of the art AI dialogue models and seeking linguistic research topics - 원문보기

國語學 no.105 2023년, pp.345 - 374   http://dx.doi.org/10.15811/jkl.2023..105.010

이경님 (LG유플러스) ,  조은경 (서강대학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This article investigates dialogue models for linguistic interactions between humans and machines along with ‘artificial intelligence’ and Large language models being topics in the academic and various scientific fields and seeks linguistic research topics. Dialogue systems have been developed in the interaction between humans and machines with other information such as voice and vision rather than relying only on text language, hence the research direction is going to go for considering multimodal and better interaction. If we focus on the linguistic aspect of the conversation system, there are still many areas that need to be developed by linguistic topics related to conversation context utilizing deep learning methodology for better natural conversation. The most recent dialogue model ChatGPT shows that the large language models have become groundbreaking resources for developing linguistic artificial intelligence and the dialogue interface based on them. Prompt Engineering is an easy method to utilize ChatGPT’s large language models and dialogue interface to control dialogue contexts with a researcher’s purpose.

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