본 論文의 硏究目的은 生産現場에서 適用할 JIT SYSTEM 導入에 의한 現管理에 관한 內容을 考察하였다. JIT SYSTEM은 1970년대 後半부터 하나의 企業 經營哲學으로 日本, 美國등 全 世界에서 많이 거론되면서 부터 利用 되고 있다. 戰後 日本의 工業化 과정에서 시작된 System으로 도요다 自動車 회사에서 浪費를 除去하는 過程에서 생성된 在庫官理 技法이다. 硏究節次는 먼저 JIT SYSTEM에 대한 理論的 考察을 한 다음 導入할때 나타나는 問題點을 調査하고 結果를 分析하여 유용성을 判斷한다. 특히 공정재고 管理에 있어서 ...
본 論文의 硏究目的은 生産現場에서 適用할 JIT SYSTEM 導入에 의한 現管理에 관한 內容을 考察하였다. JIT SYSTEM은 1970년대 後半부터 하나의 企業 經營哲學으로 日本, 美國등 全 世界에서 많이 거론되면서 부터 利用 되고 있다. 戰後 日本의 工業化 과정에서 시작된 System으로 도요다 自動車 회사에서 浪費를 除去하는 過程에서 생성된 在庫官理 技法이다. 硏究節次는 먼저 JIT SYSTEM에 대한 理論的 考察을 한 다음 導入할때 나타나는 問題點을 調査하고 結果를 分析하여 유용성을 判斷한다. 특히 공정재고 管理에 있어서 JIT SYSTEM을 適用할 때는 基本的인 여건을 갖추고 있는지의 與否를 考察해야 한다. 事例 硏究을 통하여 JIT SYSTEM의 目視管理 제도를 비롯한 諸般 하위System을 直接 硏究, 分析하였다. 또한 工程所要時間과 在庫量 變化, 在庫回轉率등을 比較, 分析하여 JIT SYSTEM의 導入與否를 판단한다
본 論文의 硏究目的은 生産現場에서 適用할 JIT SYSTEM 導入에 의한 現管理에 관한 內容을 考察하였다. JIT SYSTEM은 1970년대 後半부터 하나의 企業 經營哲學으로 日本, 美國등 全 世界에서 많이 거론되면서 부터 利用 되고 있다. 戰後 日本의 工業化 과정에서 시작된 System으로 도요다 自動車 회사에서 浪費를 除去하는 過程에서 생성된 在庫官理 技法이다. 硏究節次는 먼저 JIT SYSTEM에 대한 理論的 考察을 한 다음 導入할때 나타나는 問題點을 調査하고 結果를 分析하여 유용성을 判斷한다. 특히 공정재고 管理에 있어서 JIT SYSTEM을 適用할 때는 基本的인 여건을 갖추고 있는지의 與否를 考察해야 한다. 事例 硏究을 통하여 JIT SYSTEM의 目視管理 제도를 비롯한 諸般 하위System을 直接 硏究, 分析하였다. 또한 工程所要時間과 在庫量 變化, 在庫回轉率등을 比較, 分析하여 JIT SYSTEM의 導入與否를 판단한다
The purpose of this study was to consider the application of the J I T system and operations control in the workplace. The order of my research was first to do a theoretical study of the JIT system, then to inquire into the problems that appear on its application, to analysis its results and to esti...
The purpose of this study was to consider the application of the J I T system and operations control in the workplace. The order of my research was first to do a theoretical study of the JIT system, then to inquire into the problems that appear on its application, to analysis its results and to estimate its utility by surveying a company as a model. The results observed in the analysis of case study which was made by the direct analysis of the various subsystems such as the eye check control system of the JIT system, cycle time, variation of the quantity of inventory and contrast of the inventory turnover, can be summarized as follows. (1) Eye - check control system must be implemented to know the information about the products that must be produced before the process and the necessary products after the process in the JIT System. (2) To be successful in implementing the eye-check control system in industry that applies the JIT System, the T.Q.C. System is essential.. (3) Small-group-type tool allocation must be made such that reduction of inventory, shortening of the transportation distance and continuous flow production may be possible. (4) To make cycle time short, the lot size must be reduced, and work prparation time must also be minimized. (5) To deal with many components in a multi-type production system is difficult with only a general eye - check control system. Therefore a computerized scheduling and inventory control system must be inplemented. Also, it was possible to see the effect on the application of the J.I.T System in the "S" Electronic Aircon Business Department. 1) From the top management to workers at the lower level, all members had a positive participation and will. 2) All employees had a desire for revolutionary improvement and creative ideas. 3) There was good relationship and comummunication between the top manager and suborganization members, followed by the development of middle manager's capability. As the implemented case study in this research was done limiting to only a specific business, it cannot be applied to all industries.
The purpose of this study was to consider the application of the J I T system and operations control in the workplace. The order of my research was first to do a theoretical study of the JIT system, then to inquire into the problems that appear on its application, to analysis its results and to estimate its utility by surveying a company as a model. The results observed in the analysis of case study which was made by the direct analysis of the various subsystems such as the eye check control system of the JIT system, cycle time, variation of the quantity of inventory and contrast of the inventory turnover, can be summarized as follows. (1) Eye - check control system must be implemented to know the information about the products that must be produced before the process and the necessary products after the process in the JIT System. (2) To be successful in implementing the eye-check control system in industry that applies the JIT System, the T.Q.C. System is essential.. (3) Small-group-type tool allocation must be made such that reduction of inventory, shortening of the transportation distance and continuous flow production may be possible. (4) To make cycle time short, the lot size must be reduced, and work prparation time must also be minimized. (5) To deal with many components in a multi-type production system is difficult with only a general eye - check control system. Therefore a computerized scheduling and inventory control system must be inplemented. Also, it was possible to see the effect on the application of the J.I.T System in the "S" Electronic Aircon Business Department. 1) From the top management to workers at the lower level, all members had a positive participation and will. 2) All employees had a desire for revolutionary improvement and creative ideas. 3) There was good relationship and comummunication between the top manager and suborganization members, followed by the development of middle manager's capability. As the implemented case study in this research was done limiting to only a specific business, it cannot be applied to all industries.
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