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[학위논문] (A) study on the characteristics of Graphology depending on Sasang Constitution
四象體質別 筆體 特性 硏究 원문보기

조남경 (경희대학교 대학원 임상한의학과 사상체질의학전공 국내석사)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper


This thesis investigated connections between Sasang Constitution and graphology to identify significant differences in graphological analysis among the types of Sasang constitution.


This study was conducted with 210 subjects, each with confirmed constitution recruited from the 2nd and the 3rd "Constitution case recruitment"(Jan, 2008 through Jan, 2009) conducted at ○○ Oriental Clinic participating in the ‘Lee Jema Project’. The questionnaires were shipped and collected via mail or directly when the subjects visited the clinic. As a result, total of 131 subjects (52 male, 79 female) were studied. The illiterates and the subjects with irregular graphology due to diseases(ex. ...


#Graphology Sasang Constitution Lee Jema Project Choi Rin 

학위논문 정보

저자 조남경
학위수여기관 경희대학교 대학원
학위구분 국내석사
학과 임상한의학과 사상체질의학전공
지도교수 김종열,김달래
발행연도 2010
총페이지 53 p.
키워드 Graphology Sasang Constitution Lee Jema Project Choi Rin
언어 kor
원문 URL http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T11988983&outLink=K
정보원 한국교육학술정보원

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