This thesis investigated connections between Sasang Constitution and graphology to identify significant differences in graphological analysis among the types of Sasang constitution.
This study was conducted with 210 subjects, each with confirmed constitution recruited from the 2nd and the 3rd "Constitution case recruitment"(Jan, 2008 through Jan, 2009) conducted at ○○ Oriental Clinic participating in the ‘Lee Jema Project’. The questionnaires were shipped and collected via mail or directly when the subjects visited the clinic. As a result, total of 131 subjects (52 male, 79 female) were studied. The illiterates and the subjects with irregular graphology due to diseases(ex. ...
This thesis investigated connections between Sasang Constitution and graphology to identify significant differences in graphological analysis among the types of Sasang constitution.
This study was conducted with 210 subjects, each with confirmed constitution recruited from the 2nd and the 3rd "Constitution case recruitment"(Jan, 2008 through Jan, 2009) conducted at ○○ Oriental Clinic participating in the ‘Lee Jema Project’. The questionnaires were shipped and collected via mail or directly when the subjects visited the clinic. As a result, total of 131 subjects (52 male, 79 female) were studied. The illiterates and the subjects with irregular graphology due to diseases(ex. stroke) or alcohol consumption were excluded.
Two methods were used for Graphology analysis: numerical measurement and analysis based on graphology. Direct measurement by Vernier Calipers was used for numerical measurement and category scoring list was used for graphological analysis.
Results and Conclusions
1. The serifs(삐침) and the letter ‘나’ had significant difference in the numerical measurement method. The serifs were present significantly in Soyangin group (P<0.001). There was significant difference of serifs between Soyangin and Tae-eumin groups and between Soyangin and Soeumin groups. Also the letter ‘나’ had significant difference among the constitution groups(p=0.049). Further multiple comparison test suggested possible classification between Soyangin and Soeumin groups using the letter ‘나’. 2. The Chi-square test of direction of lines("Line") showed greater significant difference between the types(p=0.011). The Soyangin group tended to be more optimistic, having average of 1.3 lines whereas most of the Soeumin group stayed stable, having average of 1.05 lines. It was possible to infer descending Qi of Soeumin and ascending Qi of Soyangin from these results. 3. In Graphological analysis, the ‘letter intervals’ and ‘line intervals’ categories were found inconsistent with Sasang Constitutional Medicine theory. However, for categories of ‘size’, ‘shape’, ‘flexibility’, ‘regularity’, similarities were found between graphology and Sasang Constitutional Medicine theory through assignment of the types of Sasang Constitution. 4. From the record that Lee Jema made Choi Rin write letters to judge his constitution in detail, I assumed that Lee Jema used graphology as an ancillary method to judge constitution.
Keywords : Graphology, Sasang Constitution, Lee Jema Project, Choi Rin
This thesis investigated connections between Sasang Constitution and graphology to identify significant differences in graphological analysis among the types of Sasang constitution.
This study was conducted with 210 subjects, each with confirmed constitution recruited from the 2nd and the 3rd "Constitution case recruitment"(Jan, 2008 through Jan, 2009) conducted at ○○ Oriental Clinic participating in the ‘Lee Jema Project’. The questionnaires were shipped and collected via mail or directly when the subjects visited the clinic. As a result, total of 131 subjects (52 male, 79 female) were studied. The illiterates and the subjects with irregular graphology due to diseases(ex. stroke) or alcohol consumption were excluded.
Two methods were used for Graphology analysis: numerical measurement and analysis based on graphology. Direct measurement by Vernier Calipers was used for numerical measurement and category scoring list was used for graphological analysis.
Results and Conclusions
1. The serifs(삐침) and the letter ‘나’ had significant difference in the numerical measurement method. The serifs were present significantly in Soyangin group (P<0.001). There was significant difference of serifs between Soyangin and Tae-eumin groups and between Soyangin and Soeumin groups. Also the letter ‘나’ had significant difference among the constitution groups(p=0.049). Further multiple comparison test suggested possible classification between Soyangin and Soeumin groups using the letter ‘나’. 2. The Chi-square test of direction of lines("Line") showed greater significant difference between the types(p=0.011). The Soyangin group tended to be more optimistic, having average of 1.3 lines whereas most of the Soeumin group stayed stable, having average of 1.05 lines. It was possible to infer descending Qi of Soeumin and ascending Qi of Soyangin from these results. 3. In Graphological analysis, the ‘letter intervals’ and ‘line intervals’ categories were found inconsistent with Sasang Constitutional Medicine theory. However, for categories of ‘size’, ‘shape’, ‘flexibility’, ‘regularity’, similarities were found between graphology and Sasang Constitutional Medicine theory through assignment of the types of Sasang Constitution. 4. From the record that Lee Jema made Choi Rin write letters to judge his constitution in detail, I assumed that Lee Jema used graphology as an ancillary method to judge constitution.
Keywords : Graphology, Sasang Constitution, Lee Jema Project, Choi Rin
#Graphology Sasang Constitution Lee Jema Project Choi Rin
학위논문 정보
경희대학교 대학원
임상한의학과 사상체질의학전공
53 p.
Graphology Sasang Constitution Lee Jema Project Choi Rin
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