요약 肝損傷에 대한 荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 효과에 관한 실험 연구 한수진 우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 지도교수 : 송정모
荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 간 독성에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위해, CCl4 및 d-galactosamine에 의한 급성 간독성시 AST 및 ALT치의 변화, α-naphthylisothiocyanate에 의한 담즙울체시 혈중 bilirubin양의 변화, ethyl alcohol 유발성 혈중 ...
요약 肝損傷에 대한 荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 효과에 관한 실험 연구 한수진 우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 지도교수 : 송정모
荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 간 독성에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위해, CCl4 및 d-galactosamine에 의한 급성 간독성시 AST 및 ALT치의 변화, α-naphthylisothiocyanate에 의한 담즙울체시 혈중 bilirubin양의 변화, ethyl alcohol 유발성 혈중 triglyceride 및 요소질소양 등을 살펴본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
1. HJT 및 DJT는 CCl4에 의해 증가된 AST 및 ALT치를 감소시키지 못하였으나, D-GalN에 의해 증가된 AST 및 ALT치를 감소시켰으며 ANIT에 의해 유발된 담즙울체시 증가된 혈중 total bilirubin양을 감소시켰다. 또한 HJT 및 DJT는 ethyl alcohol에 의해 증가된 혈중 triglyceride를 감소시켰고 ethyl alcohol에 의해 증가된 혈중 urea nitrogen을 감소시켰다. 2. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯은 D-GalN에 의한 급성 간손상 및 담즙울체시 간손상, alcohol성 간 손상을 회복시키는 작용이 있으며, 荊防地黃湯 작용이 獨活地黃湯의 작용 보다 약간 강력한 것으로 사료된다.
요약 肝損傷에 대한 荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 효과에 관한 실험 연구 한수진 우석대학교 대학원 한의학과 지도교수 : 송정모
荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯의 간 독성에 미치는 영향을 관찰하기 위해, CCl4 및 d-galactosamine에 의한 급성 간독성시 AST 및 ALT치의 변화, α-naphthylisothiocyanate에 의한 담즙울체시 혈중 bilirubin양의 변화, ethyl alcohol 유발성 혈중 triglyceride 및 요소질소양 등을 살펴본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.
1. HJT 및 DJT는 CCl4에 의해 증가된 AST 및 ALT치를 감소시키지 못하였으나, D-GalN에 의해 증가된 AST 및 ALT치를 감소시켰으며 ANIT에 의해 유발된 담즙울체시 증가된 혈중 total bilirubin양을 감소시켰다. 또한 HJT 및 DJT는 ethyl alcohol에 의해 증가된 혈중 triglyceride를 감소시켰고 ethyl alcohol에 의해 증가된 혈중 urea nitrogen을 감소시켰다. 2. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 荊防地黃湯 및 獨活地黃湯은 D-GalN에 의한 급성 간손상 및 담즙울체시 간손상, alcohol성 간 손상을 회복시키는 작용이 있으며, 荊防地黃湯 작용이 獨活地黃湯의 작용 보다 약간 강력한 것으로 사료된다.
The Effect of Hyungbangjihwang-tang and Dokhwaljihwang-tang on the Liver Injury in Rats and Mice
Han, su-jin Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Woosuk University (Directed by Prof. Song, Jeong-Mo O.M.D., Ph.D.)
The ...
The Effect of Hyungbangjihwang-tang and Dokhwaljihwang-tang on the Liver Injury in Rats and Mice
Han, su-jin Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Woosuk University (Directed by Prof. Song, Jeong-Mo O.M.D., Ph.D.)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of Hyungbangjihwang-tang(HJT) and Dokhwaljihwang-tang(DJT) on the liver injury in rats and mice.
Methods The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats and mice induced by CCl4 were measured by AST and ALT value. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats induced by D-galactosamine were measured by AST and ALT value. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats induced α-naphthylisothiocyanate were measured by total bilirubin. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in mice induced ethyl alcohol were measured by serum triglyceride level. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in mice induced ethyl alcohol were measured by serum urea nitrogen level.
AST and ALT value in CCl4-induced liver injury in rats were not significantly reduced in single administration of HJT and DJT group compared to that of CCl4-treated group. AST and ALT value in CCl4-induced liver injury in mice were not significantly reduced in repeated-administration of HJT and DJT group compared to that of CCl4-treated group. AST and ALT value in d-galactosamine-induced liver injury in rats were reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of d-galactosamine-treated group. Total bilirubin in ANIT-induced cholestasis in rats was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of ANIT-treated group. Serum triglyceride level in ethyl alcohol-administered mice was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of EtOH-treated group. Serum urea nitrogen level in ethyl alcohol-administered mice was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of EtOH-treated group.
Hyungbangjihwang-tang and Dokhwaljihwang-tang has the recovering effects on the d-galactosamine-induced liver injury and ANIT-induced cholestasis, ethyl alcohol-induced liver injury. So it is required to study about the mechanism of these herbs by experiment.
The Effect of Hyungbangjihwang-tang and Dokhwaljihwang-tang on the Liver Injury in Rats and Mice
Han, su-jin Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Woosuk University (Directed by Prof. Song, Jeong-Mo O.M.D., Ph.D.)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of Hyungbangjihwang-tang(HJT) and Dokhwaljihwang-tang(DJT) on the liver injury in rats and mice.
Methods The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats and mice induced by CCl4 were measured by AST and ALT value. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats induced by D-galactosamine were measured by AST and ALT value. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in rats induced α-naphthylisothiocyanate were measured by total bilirubin. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in mice induced ethyl alcohol were measured by serum triglyceride level. The Effect of HJT and DJT on the liver injury in mice induced ethyl alcohol were measured by serum urea nitrogen level.
AST and ALT value in CCl4-induced liver injury in rats were not significantly reduced in single administration of HJT and DJT group compared to that of CCl4-treated group. AST and ALT value in CCl4-induced liver injury in mice were not significantly reduced in repeated-administration of HJT and DJT group compared to that of CCl4-treated group. AST and ALT value in d-galactosamine-induced liver injury in rats were reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of d-galactosamine-treated group. Total bilirubin in ANIT-induced cholestasis in rats was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of ANIT-treated group. Serum triglyceride level in ethyl alcohol-administered mice was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of EtOH-treated group. Serum urea nitrogen level in ethyl alcohol-administered mice was significantly reduced in HJT and DJT group compared to that of EtOH-treated group.
Hyungbangjihwang-tang and Dokhwaljihwang-tang has the recovering effects on the d-galactosamine-induced liver injury and ANIT-induced cholestasis, ethyl alcohol-induced liver injury. So it is required to study about the mechanism of these herbs by experiment.
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