본 연구는 도심 호수공원의 야생조류 서식을 위한 생태적 개선방안을 제안하고자 광교호수공원을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 연구대상지인 광교호수공원은 경기도 수원시에 위치한 광교신도시 내 근린공원으로서 과거에는 원천유원지로 이용되었던 지역이다. 연구는 야생조류의 서식특성을 분석하여 조성 전·후의 서식변화를 비교·분석하였다. 개선방안은 야생조류의 서식특성에 따라 관리방향을 설정하고 출현종의 변화가 심한 물새류 서식지를 중심으로 제시하였다. 야생조류의 출현 현황조사는 봄철, 여름철, 겨울철에 걸쳐 3차례 현장조사를 실시하였고, 출현 종수, 개체수를 조사하였다. 서식특성은 채이길드, 번식길드로 유형화 하였고, ...
본 연구는 도심 호수공원의 야생조류 서식을 위한 생태적 개선방안을 제안하고자 광교호수공원을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 연구대상지인 광교호수공원은 경기도 수원시에 위치한 광교신도시 내 근린공원으로서 과거에는 원천유원지로 이용되었던 지역이다. 연구는 야생조류의 서식특성을 분석하여 조성 전·후의 서식변화를 비교·분석하였다. 개선방안은 야생조류의 서식특성에 따라 관리방향을 설정하고 출현종의 변화가 심한 물새류 서식지를 중심으로 제시하였다. 야생조류의 출현 현황조사는 봄철, 여름철, 겨울철에 걸쳐 3차례 현장조사를 실시하였고, 출현 종수, 개체수를 조사하였다. 서식특성은 채이길드, 번식길드로 유형화 하였고, 종다양도, 우점도, 균재도를 분석하였다. 조성 전·후 출현현황을 비교하여 공원 조성에 따른 야생조류 서식변화를 분석하였다. 야생조류 출현현황은 봄철 22종 162개체, 여름철 25종 446개체, 겨울철 24종 403개체가 출현하였다. 출현종의 유형은 봄철은 물새류 6종, 산새류 16종, 여름철은 물새류 11종, 산새류 14종, 겨울철은 물새류 4종, 산새류 29종이었다. 전체적으로 산새류의 출현은 다양한 반면, 물새류의 출현은 단순하고 계절별 출현변화도 심하였다. 딱다구리류, 지빠귀류 등 산새류는 기존 산림지역에서 다양하게 출현하여 공원 내 산림은 생태적으로 양호하였다. 길드별 야생조류 출현현황에서 채이길드는 관목 9종, 물가 8종, 수관 7종, 수면 5종, 수간 4종, 맹금류와 인가가 각 2종이었다. 봄철은 수관(5종)과 수간(4종), 관목(4종)이 많았으며, 여름철은 물가(8종), 수관(7종)이 많았다. 겨울철은 관목(9종), 수관(5종)이 많았다. 봄철과 겨울철에는 수관과 관목채이종이 많았으나 여름철에는 물가채이종이 많았다. 번식길드는 교목수관 13종, 관목림 7종, 나무구멍 6종, 비번식종5종, 습지초지 4종, 땅위 2종, 바위틈 1종이었다. 봄철은 교목수관(8종), 나무구멍(6종)이 많았으며, 여름철은 교목수관(12종), 나무구멍(4종)이 많았다. 겨울철은 교목수관(6종), 관목림(6종)이 많았다. 번식길드는 교목수관번식종이 계절별 출현현황에서 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였으며, 습지초지번식종은 다양하지 못하였다. 광교호수공원의 종다양도는 0.970∼1.147로 서울시 월드컵공원(2.561∼2.652)과 길동자연생태공원(2.074∼2.544)에 비해 낮아 야생조류의 종다양성 향상을 위한 개선이 필요하였다. 조성 전·후 토지이용 유형의 변화는 녹지가 조성 이전 공원면적의 53.76%, 조성 이후 공원면적의 53.66%로 녹지면적은 큰 차이가 없으나 녹지의 구성요소에서 조성 이전에는 논경작지, 과수원, 초지, 산림 등으로 구성되었으나, 조성 이후는 조경수식재지, 초지, 나지, 산림으로 구성되어 야생조류의 서식환경은 크게 훼손되었다. 조성 전·후 야생조류의 출현변화는 조성 이후 봄철 9종, 여름철 12종이 감소하였으나, 개체수는 봄철 37개체, 여름철 177개체가 증가하였다. 출현종은 조성 이후 논경작지, 과수원, 저습지 등 야생조류 서식환경의 훼손과 주변 시가화 및 공원 내 서식환경의 단순화로 출현종이 감소하였다. 특히 호수, 저습지, 하천의 훼손 및 변화가 심한 수환경 토지이용 지역 출현종이 많이 감소하였으며, 검은댕기해오라기, 쇠오리, 청둥오리, 알락할미새, 백할미새 등은 출현하지 않았다. 조성 이후 개체수의 증가는 흰뺨검둥오리, 붉은머리오목눈이 등 특정의 서식밀도가 높았기 때문으로 종다양도는 낮아졌다. 공원이용 편의를 위하여 설치된 수공간과 산림 경계부 사이의 산책로 및 공원시설물은 수변녹지의 연결을 차단하고 야생조류 서식환경을 훼손하여 공원 내 물새류의 출현에 영향을 미쳤다. 야생조류 서식을 위한 관리방향은 산림성 야생조류의 출현이 다양한 산림지역은 보전 및 관리하고, 훼손된 수환경 지역은 물새류 서식환경개선으로 하였다. 관리구역은 공원이용지역, 숲보전지역, 물새서식지개선지역으로 구분하였다. 공원이용지역은 이용위주의 계획으로 조경수식재지를 중심으로 하부 관목림 보완 등을 제시하였다. 숲보전지역은 비교적 잘 보전된 기존산림의 지속적인 관리를 위하여 산책로의 동선관리, 외래종 관리가 필요하였다. 물새서식지개선지역은 공원 내 다양한 물새류의 출현이 가능한 산림과 저수지가 연접한 신대저수지 지역, 하천이 유입되는 원천저수지 지역, 물총새가 출현하는 하천 지역에 대하여 물새류 서식을 위한 수변환경 개선방안을 제안하였다.
본 연구는 도심 호수공원의 야생조류 서식을 위한 생태적 개선방안을 제안하고자 광교호수공원을 대상으로 연구를 실시하였다. 연구대상지인 광교호수공원은 경기도 수원시에 위치한 광교신도시 내 근린공원으로서 과거에는 원천유원지로 이용되었던 지역이다. 연구는 야생조류의 서식특성을 분석하여 조성 전·후의 서식변화를 비교·분석하였다. 개선방안은 야생조류의 서식특성에 따라 관리방향을 설정하고 출현종의 변화가 심한 물새류 서식지를 중심으로 제시하였다. 야생조류의 출현 현황조사는 봄철, 여름철, 겨울철에 걸쳐 3차례 현장조사를 실시하였고, 출현 종수, 개체수를 조사하였다. 서식특성은 채이길드, 번식길드로 유형화 하였고, 종다양도, 우점도, 균재도를 분석하였다. 조성 전·후 출현현황을 비교하여 공원 조성에 따른 야생조류 서식변화를 분석하였다. 야생조류 출현현황은 봄철 22종 162개체, 여름철 25종 446개체, 겨울철 24종 403개체가 출현하였다. 출현종의 유형은 봄철은 물새류 6종, 산새류 16종, 여름철은 물새류 11종, 산새류 14종, 겨울철은 물새류 4종, 산새류 29종이었다. 전체적으로 산새류의 출현은 다양한 반면, 물새류의 출현은 단순하고 계절별 출현변화도 심하였다. 딱다구리류, 지빠귀류 등 산새류는 기존 산림지역에서 다양하게 출현하여 공원 내 산림은 생태적으로 양호하였다. 길드별 야생조류 출현현황에서 채이길드는 관목 9종, 물가 8종, 수관 7종, 수면 5종, 수간 4종, 맹금류와 인가가 각 2종이었다. 봄철은 수관(5종)과 수간(4종), 관목(4종)이 많았으며, 여름철은 물가(8종), 수관(7종)이 많았다. 겨울철은 관목(9종), 수관(5종)이 많았다. 봄철과 겨울철에는 수관과 관목채이종이 많았으나 여름철에는 물가채이종이 많았다. 번식길드는 교목수관 13종, 관목림 7종, 나무구멍 6종, 비번식종5종, 습지초지 4종, 땅위 2종, 바위틈 1종이었다. 봄철은 교목수관(8종), 나무구멍(6종)이 많았으며, 여름철은 교목수관(12종), 나무구멍(4종)이 많았다. 겨울철은 교목수관(6종), 관목림(6종)이 많았다. 번식길드는 교목수관번식종이 계절별 출현현황에서 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였으며, 습지초지번식종은 다양하지 못하였다. 광교호수공원의 종다양도는 0.970∼1.147로 서울시 월드컵공원(2.561∼2.652)과 길동자연생태공원(2.074∼2.544)에 비해 낮아 야생조류의 종다양성 향상을 위한 개선이 필요하였다. 조성 전·후 토지이용 유형의 변화는 녹지가 조성 이전 공원면적의 53.76%, 조성 이후 공원면적의 53.66%로 녹지면적은 큰 차이가 없으나 녹지의 구성요소에서 조성 이전에는 논경작지, 과수원, 초지, 산림 등으로 구성되었으나, 조성 이후는 조경수식재지, 초지, 나지, 산림으로 구성되어 야생조류의 서식환경은 크게 훼손되었다. 조성 전·후 야생조류의 출현변화는 조성 이후 봄철 9종, 여름철 12종이 감소하였으나, 개체수는 봄철 37개체, 여름철 177개체가 증가하였다. 출현종은 조성 이후 논경작지, 과수원, 저습지 등 야생조류 서식환경의 훼손과 주변 시가화 및 공원 내 서식환경의 단순화로 출현종이 감소하였다. 특히 호수, 저습지, 하천의 훼손 및 변화가 심한 수환경 토지이용 지역 출현종이 많이 감소하였으며, 검은댕기해오라기, 쇠오리, 청둥오리, 알락할미새, 백할미새 등은 출현하지 않았다. 조성 이후 개체수의 증가는 흰뺨검둥오리, 붉은머리오목눈이 등 특정의 서식밀도가 높았기 때문으로 종다양도는 낮아졌다. 공원이용 편의를 위하여 설치된 수공간과 산림 경계부 사이의 산책로 및 공원시설물은 수변녹지의 연결을 차단하고 야생조류 서식환경을 훼손하여 공원 내 물새류의 출현에 영향을 미쳤다. 야생조류 서식을 위한 관리방향은 산림성 야생조류의 출현이 다양한 산림지역은 보전 및 관리하고, 훼손된 수환경 지역은 물새류 서식환경개선으로 하였다. 관리구역은 공원이용지역, 숲보전지역, 물새서식지개선지역으로 구분하였다. 공원이용지역은 이용위주의 계획으로 조경수식재지를 중심으로 하부 관목림 보완 등을 제시하였다. 숲보전지역은 비교적 잘 보전된 기존산림의 지속적인 관리를 위하여 산책로의 동선관리, 외래종 관리가 필요하였다. 물새서식지개선지역은 공원 내 다양한 물새류의 출현이 가능한 산림과 저수지가 연접한 신대저수지 지역, 하천이 유입되는 원천저수지 지역, 물총새가 출현하는 하천 지역에 대하여 물새류 서식을 위한 수변환경 개선방안을 제안하였다.
With a view to making proposals to improve the ecosystem of wildbird habitats in lake parks of urban areas, this study is designed to explore the Gwanggyo Lake Park, Suwon. Nestled in Suwon city, Gyeonggi Province, the Gwanggyo Lake Park (as a research area) used to be the site of Woncheon Resort in...
With a view to making proposals to improve the ecosystem of wildbird habitats in lake parks of urban areas, this study is designed to explore the Gwanggyo Lake Park, Suwon. Nestled in Suwon city, Gyeonggi Province, the Gwanggyo Lake Park (as a research area) used to be the site of Woncheon Resort in the past, but now it plays as a neighborhood park in Gwanggyo New City. This study aimed to analyze the inhabitance characteristics of wildbirds and to compare the transition before and after the park construction. To conclude the proposal for the habitats enhancement, management directions were decided in accordance with the characteristics of wildbird species. Especially, focuses were put on the habitats of water birds which shows fluctuation of inhabitance. To grasp the wild bird species appearing in the park, three times of field studies (spring, summer, and winter) were conduced to identify the species and their population. Characteristics of inhabitance were categorized to a foraging guild and a breeding guild to analyze species diversity, dominance and evenness. Comparison was made before/after the park construction to analyze the influences of park on the habitat transformation of wild birds. The study showed 162 birds (22 species) appearing in spring, 446 birds (25 species) in summer, and 403 birds (24 species) in winter. It also demonstrated 6 species of waterfowls and 16 species of mountain birds in spring, 11 species of waterfowls and 14 species of mountain birds in summer, and 4 species of waterfowls and 29 species of mountain birds in winter, leading us to the interpretation that various species of mountain birds appeared in general, but few species of waterfowls were observed, and also appearing species were fluctuated by seasons. A variety of mountain birds including woodpeckers and thrushes appeared in the existing mountain areas. and it's safe to say that forest ecosystem in the park was well conserved. The foraging guild showed the wild birds appearing in various places: shrubs and bushes (9 species), shore of lake (8 species), tree crown (7 species), water surface (5 species), tree trunk (4 species). It also observed 2 species of predatory birds and 2 species close to human dwelling. To put it in each season, the birds inhabited in the tree crown (5 species), on the tree trunk (4 species), and in shrubs and bushes (4 species) in spring, while they appeared on the shore of lake (8 species), and in the tree crown (7 species) in summer. In winter, the species observed in the shrubs and bushes (9 species) were more than in the tree crown (5 species). The study proved more species foraged in the tree crown and shrubs/bushes in spring and winter, while more species were foraged on the shore of lake in summer. Meanwhile, the breeding guild discovered birds breeding in various places, as well: the tree crown (13 species), the shrubs and bushes (7 species), the tree hole (6 species), the wetland and grassland (4 species), the land surface (2 species), and the crack of rock (1 species). In addition, 5 non-breeders were found. In spring, the species nesting in the tree crown were the highest (8 species) followed by those in the tree hole (6 species) while in winter, tree crown was the biggest breeding place (12 species) followed by the tree hole (4 species). In winter, many birds reproduced in the tree crown (6 species) and in the shrubs/bushes (6 species). In case of breeding guild, species propagating in the tree crown had lion's share, but species breeding in the wetland and grassland were not diverse. Species diversity of Gwanggyo Lake Park was 0.970∼1.147 lower than that of Seoul Worldcup Park (2.561∼2.652) and of Gildong Ecological Park (2.074∼2.544), requiring more efforts to improve the species diversity of wildfowls. Comparison was made before/after the park construction to figure out that green space accounted for 53.76% of park size before the construction and for 53.66% after the construction, showing little difference. However, the green space consisted of agricultural lands, orchards, grasslands, and forests before the park construction while it's comprised with landscape plants areas, grasslands, vacant lots, and forest, demonstrating that the habitat environment of wildfowls had been damaged greatly. After the park construction, the bird species decreased in spring (9 species) and in summer (12 species), but their population increased in spring (37) and in summer (177). After the construction, the species inhabiting in the park dwindled, driven by the damage of wildfowls habitats (including agricultural lands, orchards, and wetlands), by build-up areas, and by simplification of habitat environment in the park. Particularly, the birds which reduced the most were the species inhabiting in the highly-damaged lakes, wetlands, and streams and in the areas with fluctuating hydro-environment. Some species never appeared: striated herons. common teals, mallards, white wagtails, and black-backed wagtails. After the park construction, species diversity went down because the habitat density of certain species was high such as spot-billed ducks and vinous-throated parrotbill. For the convenience of park users, trails and park facilities were installed between the water space and forests, fragmenting the riparian green spaces, undermining the habitat environment for wildbirds, and affecting the appearance of waterfowls. For better habitat of wildbirds, this study proposes the management direction to conserve and manage the forest areas (in which various wildbirds appear) and to enhance the habitat environment of waterfowls in damaged areas. The management zone is also categorized, in this study, into 'Park Use Zone', ' Forest Conservation Zone', and 'Waterfowls Habitat Improvement Zone'. In case of Park Use Zone, the study proposes to foster more shrubs and bushes focusing on the areas with landscape plants, according to the plan to use. In terms of Forest Conservation Zone, layout of trails and foreign species shall be managed, as suggested by the study, to continue to conserve the comparatively well-preserved forest. As to Waterfowls Habitat Improvement Zone, some methods to enhance the riparian environment are proposed in this study, encompassing the forests within the park where various water birds can inhabit, the Sindae reservoir areas, the Woncheon reservoir areas to which streams inflow, and the stream areas in which kingfishers appear.
With a view to making proposals to improve the ecosystem of wildbird habitats in lake parks of urban areas, this study is designed to explore the Gwanggyo Lake Park, Suwon. Nestled in Suwon city, Gyeonggi Province, the Gwanggyo Lake Park (as a research area) used to be the site of Woncheon Resort in the past, but now it plays as a neighborhood park in Gwanggyo New City. This study aimed to analyze the inhabitance characteristics of wildbirds and to compare the transition before and after the park construction. To conclude the proposal for the habitats enhancement, management directions were decided in accordance with the characteristics of wildbird species. Especially, focuses were put on the habitats of water birds which shows fluctuation of inhabitance. To grasp the wild bird species appearing in the park, three times of field studies (spring, summer, and winter) were conduced to identify the species and their population. Characteristics of inhabitance were categorized to a foraging guild and a breeding guild to analyze species diversity, dominance and evenness. Comparison was made before/after the park construction to analyze the influences of park on the habitat transformation of wild birds. The study showed 162 birds (22 species) appearing in spring, 446 birds (25 species) in summer, and 403 birds (24 species) in winter. It also demonstrated 6 species of waterfowls and 16 species of mountain birds in spring, 11 species of waterfowls and 14 species of mountain birds in summer, and 4 species of waterfowls and 29 species of mountain birds in winter, leading us to the interpretation that various species of mountain birds appeared in general, but few species of waterfowls were observed, and also appearing species were fluctuated by seasons. A variety of mountain birds including woodpeckers and thrushes appeared in the existing mountain areas. and it's safe to say that forest ecosystem in the park was well conserved. The foraging guild showed the wild birds appearing in various places: shrubs and bushes (9 species), shore of lake (8 species), tree crown (7 species), water surface (5 species), tree trunk (4 species). It also observed 2 species of predatory birds and 2 species close to human dwelling. To put it in each season, the birds inhabited in the tree crown (5 species), on the tree trunk (4 species), and in shrubs and bushes (4 species) in spring, while they appeared on the shore of lake (8 species), and in the tree crown (7 species) in summer. In winter, the species observed in the shrubs and bushes (9 species) were more than in the tree crown (5 species). The study proved more species foraged in the tree crown and shrubs/bushes in spring and winter, while more species were foraged on the shore of lake in summer. Meanwhile, the breeding guild discovered birds breeding in various places, as well: the tree crown (13 species), the shrubs and bushes (7 species), the tree hole (6 species), the wetland and grassland (4 species), the land surface (2 species), and the crack of rock (1 species). In addition, 5 non-breeders were found. In spring, the species nesting in the tree crown were the highest (8 species) followed by those in the tree hole (6 species) while in winter, tree crown was the biggest breeding place (12 species) followed by the tree hole (4 species). In winter, many birds reproduced in the tree crown (6 species) and in the shrubs/bushes (6 species). In case of breeding guild, species propagating in the tree crown had lion's share, but species breeding in the wetland and grassland were not diverse. Species diversity of Gwanggyo Lake Park was 0.970∼1.147 lower than that of Seoul Worldcup Park (2.561∼2.652) and of Gildong Ecological Park (2.074∼2.544), requiring more efforts to improve the species diversity of wildfowls. Comparison was made before/after the park construction to figure out that green space accounted for 53.76% of park size before the construction and for 53.66% after the construction, showing little difference. However, the green space consisted of agricultural lands, orchards, grasslands, and forests before the park construction while it's comprised with landscape plants areas, grasslands, vacant lots, and forest, demonstrating that the habitat environment of wildfowls had been damaged greatly. After the park construction, the bird species decreased in spring (9 species) and in summer (12 species), but their population increased in spring (37) and in summer (177). After the construction, the species inhabiting in the park dwindled, driven by the damage of wildfowls habitats (including agricultural lands, orchards, and wetlands), by build-up areas, and by simplification of habitat environment in the park. Particularly, the birds which reduced the most were the species inhabiting in the highly-damaged lakes, wetlands, and streams and in the areas with fluctuating hydro-environment. Some species never appeared: striated herons. common teals, mallards, white wagtails, and black-backed wagtails. After the park construction, species diversity went down because the habitat density of certain species was high such as spot-billed ducks and vinous-throated parrotbill. For the convenience of park users, trails and park facilities were installed between the water space and forests, fragmenting the riparian green spaces, undermining the habitat environment for wildbirds, and affecting the appearance of waterfowls. For better habitat of wildbirds, this study proposes the management direction to conserve and manage the forest areas (in which various wildbirds appear) and to enhance the habitat environment of waterfowls in damaged areas. The management zone is also categorized, in this study, into 'Park Use Zone', ' Forest Conservation Zone', and 'Waterfowls Habitat Improvement Zone'. In case of Park Use Zone, the study proposes to foster more shrubs and bushes focusing on the areas with landscape plants, according to the plan to use. In terms of Forest Conservation Zone, layout of trails and foreign species shall be managed, as suggested by the study, to continue to conserve the comparatively well-preserved forest. As to Waterfowls Habitat Improvement Zone, some methods to enhance the riparian environment are proposed in this study, encompassing the forests within the park where various water birds can inhabit, the Sindae reservoir areas, the Woncheon reservoir areas to which streams inflow, and the stream areas in which kingfishers appear.
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