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[학위논문] 유아교육기관에서의 자유선택활동 운영 실태비교 및 교사의 인식연구 원문보기

이서경 (군산대학교 교육학과(유아) 국내석사)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study was conducted to examine the differences in operation conditions about free-play activities at preschool education institutions according to the related variables of preschool teacher, understand the current situations of free-play activities at preschool education institutions and find the effective direction in free-play activities at current preschool education institutions by analyzing teacher’s understanding about free-play activities. Specific study subjects according to study objective are as follows. 1. How are the operation conditions about free-play activities at preschool education institutions? 1-1) How are the differences between preschool education institutions in free-play activities operation plans? 1-2) How are the differences between preschool education institutions in free-play activities operation execution? 1-3) How are the differences between preschool education institutions in free-play activities operation evaluation? 2. How are the teachers’ understanding about free-play activities at preschool education institutions? 2-1) How are the conditions of teacher’s role and attitude in free-play activities at preschool education institutions? 2-2) What are the difficulties the teachers aware in free-play activities at preschool education institutions? 3. How are the improvement plans about free-play activities at preschool education institutions? Question survey was conducted for this study ...

학위논문 정보

저자 이서경
학위수여기관 군산대학교
학위구분 국내석사
학과 교육학과(유아)
발행연도 2015
언어 kor
원문 URL http://www.riss.kr/link?id=T13970789&outLink=K
정보원 한국교육학술정보원

관련 콘텐츠

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