Part Ⅰ. 토양 인의 신속 측정 가능성 시험 Measurement of soilphosphorus(P) that affects crop growth is important in regard to determining the amount of P to be top-dressed. Although numerous methods to measure soil P are available, they mostly implemented in a lab and require considerable time for analyzing. The objective of this study was to find a rapid way for Lancaster colorimetry to analyze soil P effectively and rapidly in a field. 20 soil samples each in Jinju and Geochang, Geongnam were collected and the experiment was conducted based on Lancaster. The colorimetric process can be divided into three stages: ...
Part Ⅰ. 토양 인의 신속 측정 가능성 시험 Measurement of soilphosphorus(P) that affects crop growth is important in regard to determining the amount of P to be top-dressed. Although numerous methods to measure soil P are available, they mostly implemented in a lab and require considerable time for analyzing. The objective of this study was to find a rapid way for Lancaster colorimetry to analyze soil P effectively and rapidly in a field. 20 soil samples each in Jinju and Geochang, Geongnam were collected and the experiment was conducted based on Lancaster. The colorimetric process can be divided into three stages: extraction, filtration and color development. To find reduced optimum extraction time, the soils were blended with a mixer at intervals of 30sec for 30sec to 2min. Syringe filters with the sizes of 0.45, 1 and 2㎛ and a syringe compressor were used for speed up of filtration. The extracted solutions with reagents were soaked in the bath with 30, 40 or 50℃ at intervals of 30sec for 30sec to 2min for optimum rapid color development. Combined Rapid Lancaster(CRL) method was performed for the soil samples using the best results from each process, which was 30sec blending using a mixer, 0.45㎛ syringe filter and absorbance measurement after 2min immersion at 50℃. As a result of the CRL method, R2 for Jinju soil and Geochang soil showed 0.791 and 0.936 respectively when compared to the standard Lancaster method. Since there was no statistically significant difference between Lancaster and the CRL, it was considered that the CRL method could be used to analyze soil P as a substitute for Lancaster. Future study will be conducted with wet field soils in various regions. as a result of measuring phosphorus of wet Jinju field soil by using CRL, R2value was found to be 0.737 and it showed significance level of 0.05. This reveals that there is no significant difference and the field soil phosphorus can be analyzed by using the integrated rapid measuring method. Part Ⅱ. 토양 인 측정을 위한 반자동 시스템 개발 및 신뢰성 분석 With the increase in global attention on soil data construction and mapping, many researches on rapid non-destructive soil analysis technology are currently being carried out. There are several researches conducted on the methods for real-time measuring phosphorus by using soil phosphorus measuring equipment in fields but it is not commercialized to be used in practice. Thus, it is significant to develop an equipment to rapidly measure phosphorus and introduce it in precision farming. For this objective, the research created semi-automatic system in each level based on rapid measurement test result conducted in Part 1 in order to perform another test using field soil. And based on this test result, the research attempted to construct an integrated semi-automatic system. By comparing soil phosphorus measures in the integrated semi-automatic system and the standard method, the research tested if the standard method can be substituted. In order to compare the values measured by using the integrated semi-automatic system and the standard method in each level, the research conducted the semi-automatic system in one level and conducted the standard method with other levels. As a result of the comparison, R2 value for solely using semi-automatic leaching system was revealed to be 0.985, R2 value for solely using semi-automatic filtration system was revealed to be 0.817 and R2 value for solely using semi-automatic coloring system was revealed to be 0.893. Thus, all values had no significant statistical difference and it was found that the standard method in each level can be substituted. Moreover, when comparing phosphorus values of integrated semi-automatic system and standard method, R2 value was 0.837 which had no significant statistical difference and it was revealed that it is possible to measure soil phosphorus in field by using integrated semi-automatic system.
Part Ⅰ. 토양 인의 신속 측정 가능성 시험 Measurement of soil phosphorus(P) that affects crop growth is important in regard to determining the amount of P to be top-dressed. Although numerous methods to measure soil P are available, they mostly implemented in a lab and require considerable time for analyzing. The objective of this study was to find a rapid way for Lancaster colorimetry to analyze soil P effectively and rapidly in a field. 20 soil samples each in Jinju and Geochang, Geongnam were collected and the experiment was conducted based on Lancaster. The colorimetric process can be divided into three stages: extraction, filtration and color development. To find reduced optimum extraction time, the soils were blended with a mixer at intervals of 30sec for 30sec to 2min. Syringe filters with the sizes of 0.45, 1 and 2㎛ and a syringe compressor were used for speed up of filtration. The extracted solutions with reagents were soaked in the bath with 30, 40 or 50℃ at intervals of 30sec for 30sec to 2min for optimum rapid color development. Combined Rapid Lancaster(CRL) method was performed for the soil samples using the best results from each process, which was 30sec blending using a mixer, 0.45㎛ syringe filter and absorbance measurement after 2min immersion at 50℃. As a result of the CRL method, R2 for Jinju soil and Geochang soil showed 0.791 and 0.936 respectively when compared to the standard Lancaster method. Since there was no statistically significant difference between Lancaster and the CRL, it was considered that the CRL method could be used to analyze soil P as a substitute for Lancaster. Future study will be conducted with wet field soils in various regions. as a result of measuring phosphorus of wet Jinju field soil by using CRL, R2 value was found to be 0.737 and it showed significance level of 0.05. This reveals that there is no significant difference and the field soil phosphorus can be analyzed by using the integrated rapid measuring method. Part Ⅱ. 토양 인 측정을 위한 반자동 시스템 개발 및 신뢰성 분석 With the increase in global attention on soil data construction and mapping, many researches on rapid non-destructive soil analysis technology are currently being carried out. There are several researches conducted on the methods for real-time measuring phosphorus by using soil phosphorus measuring equipment in fields but it is not commercialized to be used in practice. Thus, it is significant to develop an equipment to rapidly measure phosphorus and introduce it in precision farming. For this objective, the research created semi-automatic system in each level based on rapid measurement test result conducted in Part 1 in order to perform another test using field soil. And based on this test result, the research attempted to construct an integrated semi-automatic system. By comparing soil phosphorus measures in the integrated semi-automatic system and the standard method, the research tested if the standard method can be substituted. In order to compare the values measured by using the integrated semi-automatic system and the standard method in each level, the research conducted the semi-automatic system in one level and conducted the standard method with other levels. As a result of the comparison, R2 value for solely using semi-automatic leaching system was revealed to be 0.985, R2 value for solely using semi-automatic filtration system was revealed to be 0.817 and R2 value for solely using semi-automatic coloring system was revealed to be 0.893. Thus, all values had no significant statistical difference and it was found that the standard method in each level can be substituted. Moreover, when comparing phosphorus values of integrated semi-automatic system and standard method, R2 value was 0.837 which had no significant statistical difference and it was revealed that it is possible to measure soil phosphorus in field by using integrated semi-automatic system.
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