[국내논문]질소(窒素) 및 삼요소(三要素) 균형시비(均衡施肥)가 벼의 냉해(冷害)에 미치는 영향(影響) Effect of Nitrogen and Balanced Application of NPK on the Low Temperature Injury of Paddy Rice원문보기
In 1980, the abnormal low temperature was lasted during the late stage of rice growing season, thus low temperature injury occurred severely. The severity of the injury and nutrition absorption were investigated. The result obtained were summarized as follows: 1. It was considered that the severe lo...
In 1980, the abnormal low temperature was lasted during the late stage of rice growing season, thus low temperature injury occurred severely. The severity of the injury and nutrition absorption were investigated. The result obtained were summarized as follows: 1. It was considered that the severe low temperature injury of rice was caused by the low temperature and shorts of sunshine in the late growing season of rice, especially, the minimum air temperature which was lasted for a few days below critical reproductive growing temperature in the meiosis stage affected high the injury. 2. The low tmperature injury was lightened in the no nitrogen applied plot, and becoming severe with high nitrogen levels, but the balanced application of NPK lessened the low temperature injury. 3. The low temperature injury was more severe in Indica and Japonica hybrid than in Japonica cultivar, and the injury was shown as sterilizing, degraded spiklets, ill emerging of head and inhibition of nutrition absorption, etc. 4. Under the low temperature condition, $SiO_2$ content of rice plant was significantly reduced according to the increase of nitrogen levels. 5. Under the low temperature condition, the optimum application amount of nitrogen for Milyang 23, was 13, 6 kg/10a, this was approximately 10kg/10a smaller than average in usual year. The highly reduced rice yield was resulted from the cool injury, and the reducing rate of yield was larger in Indica and Japonica hybrid cultivar than in Japonica cultivar.
In 1980, the abnormal low temperature was lasted during the late stage of rice growing season, thus low temperature injury occurred severely. The severity of the injury and nutrition absorption were investigated. The result obtained were summarized as follows: 1. It was considered that the severe low temperature injury of rice was caused by the low temperature and shorts of sunshine in the late growing season of rice, especially, the minimum air temperature which was lasted for a few days below critical reproductive growing temperature in the meiosis stage affected high the injury. 2. The low tmperature injury was lightened in the no nitrogen applied plot, and becoming severe with high nitrogen levels, but the balanced application of NPK lessened the low temperature injury. 3. The low temperature injury was more severe in Indica and Japonica hybrid than in Japonica cultivar, and the injury was shown as sterilizing, degraded spiklets, ill emerging of head and inhibition of nutrition absorption, etc. 4. Under the low temperature condition, $SiO_2$ content of rice plant was significantly reduced according to the increase of nitrogen levels. 5. Under the low temperature condition, the optimum application amount of nitrogen for Milyang 23, was 13, 6 kg/10a, this was approximately 10kg/10a smaller than average in usual year. The highly reduced rice yield was resulted from the cool injury, and the reducing rate of yield was larger in Indica and Japonica hybrid cultivar than in Japonica cultivar.
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