[국내논문]가숭어 (Liza haemotocheila)가 감염원으로 추정되는 광절열두조충 집단감염 Five human cases of Diphyllobothrium latum infection through eating raw flesh of redlip mullet, Liza haenatocheila원문보기
경기도 부천시에 거주하는 5명의 주민이 1996년 2월경에 노량진 수산시장에서 가숭어 (Liza haematocheila)글 구입하여 함께 회로 먹고 편절배출을 주소로 1997년 2월에 인하대학교 의괴대학 기생충학효실을 찾아왔다. 이들은 모두 조충의 편절이 자연배출된 경험이 있었다고 하였으려 복통 소화녈량 두통 어지러움증 및 복부 불쾌감 등의 증상을 호소하였으나 혈액검사 소견을 모두 정상범위 내에 있었다. 공복 상태인 환자들에게 praziquantel 15 mg/kg를 단회 투여하고 악 30분 후에 하제 (magnesium sulfate. 30 g)를 투여한 후 충체 수집을 시도하였던 바. 3명으로부터 각각 투절이 포함긴 310 cm와 340 cm 길이의 충체와 두절이 없는 약 100 cm 길이 의 충체를 검출하였다 검출된 충란 및 충체들의 형태학적 소견들을 종합해 보았을 때 광절열두조 충 (Diphyllobothrium Inturn)으로 동정되었고. 환자들의 과거력과 증례발생의 시점 등의 종합적 인 성황을 미루어 보아 가숭어가 감염원이었을 것으로 추정되었다.
경기도 부천시에 거주하는 5명의 주민이 1996년 2월경에 노량진 수산시장에서 가숭어 (Liza haematocheila)글 구입하여 함께 회로 먹고 편절배출을 주소로 1997년 2월에 인하대학교 의괴대학 기생충학효실을 찾아왔다. 이들은 모두 조충의 편절이 자연배출된 경험이 있었다고 하였으려 복통 소화녈량 두통 어지러움증 및 복부 불쾌감 등의 증상을 호소하였으나 혈액검사 소견을 모두 정상범위 내에 있었다. 공복 상태인 환자들에게 praziquantel 15 mg/kg를 단회 투여하고 악 30분 후에 하제 (magnesium sulfate. 30 g)를 투여한 후 충체 수집을 시도하였던 바. 3명으로부터 각각 투절이 포함긴 310 cm와 340 cm 길이의 충체와 두절이 없는 약 100 cm 길이 의 충체를 검출하였다 검출된 충란 및 충체들의 형태학적 소견들을 종합해 보았을 때 광절열두조 충 (Diphyllobothrium Inturn)으로 동정되었고. 환자들의 과거력과 증례발생의 시점 등의 종합적 인 성황을 미루어 보아 가숭어가 감염원이었을 것으로 추정되었다.
A total of 32 human diphyllobothriasis cases have been reported so far in Korea, exclud- ing 21 egg-positive cases from stool examinations. Authors experienced five more human cases of DiphHllobothrium latum infection, especially infected due to eating raw flesh of redlip mullet, Lizc hoematocheiln....
A total of 32 human diphyllobothriasis cases have been reported so far in Korea, exclud- ing 21 egg-positive cases from stool examinations. Authors experienced five more human cases of DiphHllobothrium latum infection, especially infected due to eating raw flesh of redlip mullet, Lizc hoematocheiln. Five cases were neighbors residing in the Puchon area, Kyonggi-do, who ate raw mullets (L. hQematocheila) in a party in February 1996. The mul- lets were purchased at the Noryangjin fisheries market in Seoul. All of cases (2 males and 3 females) were 35 to 43 years old and healthy with the body weight range of 56-62 kg. They complained about gastrointestinal trouble and abdominal discomfort, but were in normal ranges of their hematology and urinalysis data. None revealed any sign of anemia The patients experienced natural discharge of a chain of segments before, and showed diphyllobothriid eggs in their stool specimens when they visited our laboratory. They were administered with praziquantel (15 mg/kg of body weight) and 30 g of magnesium sulfate as a purgative. Two whole worms with the scolices (310-340 cm in length; 8-13 mm in width) were expelled each from two out of five cases after anthelmintic treatment, and the others expelled the parts of strobilae without scolex. The worms were identified as D. Ictum, based on the following biological characters. external morphologies, coiling of uterus, the number of uterine loops, position of genital opening, morphologies of cirrus, cirrus sac and seminal vesicle on the histological sections, position of vagina and uterine pore , and microscopical and SEM morphologies of the eggs.
A total of 32 human diphyllobothriasis cases have been reported so far in Korea, exclud- ing 21 egg-positive cases from stool examinations. Authors experienced five more human cases of DiphHllobothrium latum infection, especially infected due to eating raw flesh of redlip mullet, Lizc hoematocheiln. Five cases were neighbors residing in the Puchon area, Kyonggi-do, who ate raw mullets (L. hQematocheila) in a party in February 1996. The mul- lets were purchased at the Noryangjin fisheries market in Seoul. All of cases (2 males and 3 females) were 35 to 43 years old and healthy with the body weight range of 56-62 kg. They complained about gastrointestinal trouble and abdominal discomfort, but were in normal ranges of their hematology and urinalysis data. None revealed any sign of anemia The patients experienced natural discharge of a chain of segments before, and showed diphyllobothriid eggs in their stool specimens when they visited our laboratory. They were administered with praziquantel (15 mg/kg of body weight) and 30 g of magnesium sulfate as a purgative. Two whole worms with the scolices (310-340 cm in length; 8-13 mm in width) were expelled each from two out of five cases after anthelmintic treatment, and the others expelled the parts of strobilae without scolex. The worms were identified as D. Ictum, based on the following biological characters. external morphologies, coiling of uterus, the number of uterine loops, position of genital opening, morphologies of cirrus, cirrus sac and seminal vesicle on the histological sections, position of vagina and uterine pore , and microscopical and SEM morphologies of the eggs.
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