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[국내논문] Development and Testing of Satellite Operation System for Korea Multipurpose Satellite-I 원문보기

ETRI journal, v.22 no.1, 2000년, pp.1 - 11  

Mo, Hee-Sook (ETRI) ,  Lee, Ho-Jin (ETRI) ,  Lee, Seong-Pal (Satellite Communications System Department, Radio and Broadcasting Technology Laboratory, ETRI)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Satellite Operation System (SOS) has been developed for a low earth orbiting remote sensing satellite, Korea Multipurpose Satellite-I, to monitor and control the spacecraft as well as to perform the mission operation. SOS was designed to operate on UNIX in the HP workstations. In the design of S...

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • The SOS test was conducted to demonstrate its capabilities, and to verify whether it satisfies the intended specifications. The trace-driven data set prepared a priori was used to test SOS.
  • The results were displayed on the monitor or in the event message log. The subsystem test was preceded by the module tests using static simulator, to verify correctness of individual modules of SOS. After verifying the telemetry functions with a fixed pattern of telemetry, which was known, SOS was connected with the KOMPSAT-I dynamic simulator for simulated telemetry processing and telecommand processing, where telemetry was provided via LAN.
  • The subsystem test was preceded by the module tests using static simulator, to verify correctness of individual modules of SOS. After verifying the telemetry functions with a fixed pattern of telemetry, which was known, SOS was connected with the KOMPSAT-I dynamic simulator for simulated telemetry processing and telecommand processing, where telemetry was provided via LAN. Note that the KOMPSAT-I dynamic simulator (SIM) is another subsystem of MCE and verified via its own test tools before its usage for SOS verification.
  • The TCPB test items comprise of command generation and transmission, validation of real-time, absolute-time, and relative timed commands for OBC, RDU and ECU on-board processor. This test was also performed utilizing the KOMPSAT-I simulator focusing more on functional aspects rather than on the quantitative characterization. Of course it also showed a good performance as in TMPB, ibr transmitting various types of telecommand groups in a given time slot.
  • Of course it also showed a good performance as in TMPB, ibr transmitting various types of telecommand groups in a given time slot. For functional verification, selected telecommands according to a mission scenario were transmitted to the KOMPSAT-I simulator and corresponding verifications were tested for the correctness of respective processes and response timing.
  • System test was conducted to veriiy that the complete MCE system meets its functional, peribrmance, and interface requirements from an operational point of view. Test cases were developed according to daily operation scenarios, LEOP operation activities, and short-term or long-term activities. In daily operations, contact operation and non-contact operation test cases were tested separately.
  • They were also checked up in a realistic way with the actual telemetry data files recorded during the satellite integration and test. Through a repeated test for normal cases and abnormal cases, for which the simulator acts as a test tool and harness, all the MCE functional and performance requirements were successfully verified and were qualified to go ahead to the KOMPSAT-I level testing.
  • The end-to-end test was conducted to qualify MCE as an element of the KOMPSAT-I ground segment ready to provide required support for KOMPSAT-I flight operation. In other words, the objectives of this test were to demonstrate the flight readiness of the KOMPSAT-I ground system and to verify end-to-end command and telemetry data flow between spacecraft and MCE It was intended to verify the adequacy of MCE spacecraft command planning and preparation capability, as well as message and information communication with the ground station elements. The flight model of KOMPSAT-I was connected with MCE ground system via either RF or direct line for this test.
  • The project was funded by the Ministry of Inibrmation and Communications of Korea as a part of R&D activity related to the KOMPSAT-I program. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Hyundai Space and Aircraft Co. who contributed in implementing the KOMPSAT-I SOS software.
  • From the subsystem level to systemlevel testing, test plans and accordingly generated test procedures were prepared and subsequent testing activities have been carried out along with the integration of subsystems into system. After the MCE level verification, KOMPSAT system level verification including RF compatibility test and end-to- end test were conducted with the satellite on the ground for a full compatibility of interface and data verification. Figure 11 shows the test hierarchy and configuration of the system from the view of SOS, where various test tools were applied respectively or in combination according to verification level and test phase: static simulator, dynamic simulator, flight software test bed, and flight model KOMPSAT-I.

대상 데이터

  • The SMB test items included security check function for essing of the stored telemetry data and telemetry display. The important issue of robustness was achieved by testing TMPB against the erroneous event occurrences of telemetry frame in terms of format error, broken frames, and missing frames.


  • It has been confirmed that the real-time processing performance of SOS exceeds much more than required. All the functions as well as the databases were verified completely in an end-to-end test with the flight model of KOMPSAT-I. Currently, the SOS has been successfully used for the KOMPSAT-I ground control system.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (1)

  1. Landis, S.J., Mulholland, J.E.. Low cost satellite ground control facility design. IEEE aerospace and electronic systems magazine, vol.8, no.6, 35-49.

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