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NTIS 바로가기엘라스토머 = Elastomer, v.35 no.4, 2000년, pp.281 - 287
김공수 (충북대학교 화학공학부) , 김태경 (충북대학교 화학공학부) , 오중걸 (충북대학교 화학공학부) , 김상기 (충북대학교 화학공학부)
Waterborne polyurethane(PU) microgel dispersions were synthesized with different mole ratio of polytetramethylene glycol(PTMG) to dimethylol propionic acid(DMPA). Particle size distribution, thermal and mechanical properties of the PU microgels were investigated. Particle size of the microgels was d...
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