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[국내논문] 금속 절삭공구에 대한 PVD 코팅기술의 동향
Tendency of PVD coating technology on Metal cutting tools 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.18 no.8 = no.125, 2001년, pp.11 - 17  

김종성 (발저스 한국코팅(유))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Industrial use of physical vapor deposition(PVD) has been widely expanded during last two decades, and in the mean time plasma assistance in PVD has become an essential tool in preparing compound films with dense microstructure. The principles of electron beam-based plating, balanced and unbalanced ...


참고문헌 (12)

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  8. E. Bergmann, Mechanical and Tribological properties of wear protection coatings produced by PVD methods;H. K.Pullker et al., Wear and Corrosion resistant coating by CVD and PVD, expert verlag, Ehningen, 1989 

  9. K. Tnshoff, A. Mohlfeld, T. Leyendecker, H. G. Fuss, G. Erkens, R. wenke, T. Cselle, M. Schwenk,, Wear mechanisms of $(Ti_{1-x},Al_x)N$ coatings in drilling, Surface and Coating Technology 94-95, 603-609, 1997 

  10. H. G. Prengel, A. T. Santhanam, R. M. Penich, P. C. Jindal, K. H. wendt, Advanced PVD-TiAlN coatings on carbide and cermet cutting tools, Surface and coatings Technol., 94-95, 597-602 

  11. N. N. Advertising paper of Shinko Kobeko Ltd., 1997 

  12. H.Zimmemann, Balinit Schichten die Lsung fur moderne Zerspanungsaufgaben 3rd VSM-Seminar, Neue Entwicklungen in der spanenden Bearbeitung, Regensdorf, Schwiez, 1999 

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