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[국내논문] Case Study of the Viability of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Nharira-Lancashire, Zimbabwe 원문보기

Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, v.14 no.8, 2001년, pp.1098 - 1105  

Francis, Joseph (Zimbabwe Open University) ,  Sibanda, Simba (Department of Animal Science, University of Zimbabwe)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

There is little information on smallholder dairy farming in Zimbabwe. With such inadequate knowledge, no meaningful decisions on how to improve these systems can be made. A study was, therefore, carried out in Nharira communal area and Lancashire small-scale commercial area to provide information on...


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문제 정의

  • This study was a first attempt in this country to assess the viability (based on gross margin: GM analysis) of dairy farming using farm-level data, obtained through farmer-participatory monitoring. A detailed discussion of how GM analysis was carried out for dairy farms in NhariraLancashire and its outputs is presented.
  • This study was a first attempt in this country to assess the viability (based on gross margin: GM analysis) of dairy farming using farm-level data, obtained through farmer-participatory monitoring. A detailed discussion of how GM analysis was carried out for dairy farms in NhariraLancashire and its outputs is presented.
  • Alam, Yasmin, Sayeed and Rahman (1995) observed that rich farmers owning mini dairy farms in Bangladesh relied more on paid hired labour than family labour. Assuming that these authors* observation would always hold, it may be inferred that the results obtained in this study highlighted the high social status of the dairy farmers in Nharira and Lancashire. It is also possible that the farmers were busy elsewhere, for example doing of& farm jobs.
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