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[국내논문] Mg가 첨가된 GaN 박막에서 캐리어 전이의 열적도움과 전계유도된 터러링 현상
Thermally Assisted Carrier Transfer and Field-induced Tunneling in a Mg-doped GaN Thin Film 원문보기

한국재료학회지 = Korean journal of materials research, v.12 no.6, 2002년, pp.431 - 435  

정상근 ((주)에이티씨 기술연구소) ,  김윤겸 ((주)에이티씨 기술연구소) ,  신현길 ((주)에이티씨 기술연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The dark current and photocurrent(PC) spectrum of Mg-doped GaN thin film were investigated with various bias voltages and temperatures. At high temperature and small bias, the dark current is dominated by holes thermally activated from an acceptor level Al located at about 0.16 eV above the valence ...


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제안 방법

  • 34 eV, in GaN  and their photo-electric behaviors may be affected by bias and other conditions. In this work, we employed current-voltage (I-V) and PC techniques to study deep levels in Mg-doped GaN thin film. Two acceptor levels, Al and A2, were detected and holes transferred from A2 to Al by thermal activation followed by the field-induced tunneling between neighboring Mg-site are responsible for the bias-induced additional peak.
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참고문헌 (25)

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