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[국내논문] 마우스에서 뇌관류법과 정맥투여법에 의하여 흰쥐 트란스페린 단일항체의 체내동태 및 혈액-뇌 관문 투과성의 검토
The Determination of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and Pharmacokinetics of a Rat Transferrin Receptor Monoclonal Antibody by Brain Perfusion Method and Intravenous Injection Technique in Mice 원문보기

The journal of applied pharmacology : the official journal of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology, v.10 no.1, 2002년, pp.37 - 42  

강영숙 (숙명여자대학교 약학대학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Brain drug targeting through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in vivo is possible with peptidornirnetic monoclonal antibodies that undergo receptor-mediated transcytosis through the BBB. Monoclonal antibody to the rat transferrin receptor, such as the OX26 was studied in rats as a transport vector thro...


참고문헌 (22)

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  21. Triguero, D., Buciak, J. B. and Pardridge, W. M. (1990). Capillary depletion method for quantifying blood-brain barrier transcytosis of circulating peptides and plasma proteins. J. Neurochem., 54, 1882-1888 

  22. Wu, D., Yang, J. and Pardridge, W. M. (1997). Drug targeting of a peptide radiopharmaceutical through the primate b100d-brain barrier in vivo with a monoclonal antibody to the human insulin reccptor. J. CIin. Invest., 100, 1804-1812 

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