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Polyketide 이차대사물질의 생합성
Biosynthesis of Polyketide Secondary Metabolites 원문보기

생명과학회지 = Journal of life science, v.12 no.5 = no.54, 2002년, pp.632 - 648  

윤여준 (울산대학교 공과대학 생명화학공학부) ,  송재경 (선문대학교 자연과학부, 생체분자재설계연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The term polyketide defines a class of natural products synthesized through the successive condensation of small arboxylic acids, which results in products containing multiple carbonyl or hydroxyl groups, each separated by one arbon atom, as in the structural element CH$_2$C(=0)CH$_2...


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