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[국내논문] 긴발줄새우 (십각목, 생이하목, 징거미새우과)의 제1조에아 유생과 징거미새우과 유생의 형태
First Zoea of Palaemon ortmanni (Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) Hatched in the Laboratory, with Notes on the Larval Morphology of the Palaemonidae 원문보기

한국동물분류학회지 = The Korean journal of systematic zoology, v.18 no.2, 2002년, pp.181 - 189  

Yang, Hoi-Jeong (Nakdong River Research Institute, Silla University) ,  Ko, Hyun-Sook (Department of Life Sciences, Silla University)


긴발줄새우 제1조에아 유생기의 형태적인 특징을 상세히 재기재 및 도시하였다. 줄새우속 제1조에아 유생은 제1소악 내지에 1개의 말단 강모와 제2소악 내지에 2+1의 강모를 가져 징거미새우아과내 징거미새우속, Leptocarpus속 Leander 속, Leanderite속, Brachycarpus속보다는 Palaemonetes속에 더욱 가깝다. 한국 연안에 보고된 줄새우속, 징거미새우속, 예쁜이해면속살이새우속의 조에아유생 검색표를 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The first zoeal stage of Palaemon ortmanni (Rathbun, 1902) is re-described and illustrated in detail from laboratory-hatched material. The first zoeas of Palaemon are more closely related to those of Palaemonetes than to Macrobrachium, Leptocarpus, Leander, Leanderites, and Brachycarpus by having th...


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  • tenuicornis, of which endopod of maxillule is bilobed and armed with 14-1 setae, the endopod of the maxillule of Macrobrachium, Leptocarpus, Palaemon, and Palaemonetes is not bilobed and armed with seta or two spines terminally. Of the last four genera recognized, the first zoeas of Palaemon, however, share with those of Palaemonetes by having long terminal seta on the endopod of maxillule. The first zoeas of Macrobrachium and Leptocarpus have two short spines on the endopod of maxillule.
  • The first zoeas of Macrobrachium and Leptocarpus have two short spines on the endopod of maxillule. Therefore, it is suggested that Palaemon is more closely related to Palaemonetes than to Macrobrachium, Leptocarpus, Leander, Leanderites, and Brachycarpus.
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