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전해조건에 따른 아연-크롬합금 도금층의 조성 및 조직특성
Composition and Microstructure of Electroplated Zinc-Chromium Alloy according to Electrolysis Conditions 원문보기

한국표면공학회지 = Journal of the Korean institute of surface engineering, v.35 no.4, 2002년, pp.232 - 240  

안덕수 (포항종합제철 기술연구소) ,  김대영 (영남대학교 재료금속공학부) ,  예길촌 (영남대학교 재료금속공학부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The composition and the microstructure of the Zn-Cr alloys electroplated in chloride bath with EDTA were studied according to electrolysis conditions. The cathode current efficiency decreased with increasing both Cr/(Cr+Zn) ratio and current density. The Cr content of the alloy deposits increased wi...


참고문헌 (13)

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  2. A.Watson, Y.J. Su and C.U. Chisholm: Trans. Inst. Metal Finish., 7 (11) (1993) 15 

  3. A.Brenner : Electrodeposition of alloys. 1, 2, Academic press (1963) 

  4. Y. Lin, T. Ohgail : 表面技術, 47 (10) (1996) 868 

  5. T.Akiyama, S.Kobayashi, and H.Fukushima : J. Appl. Electrochem., 30 (2000) 817 

  6. Nakazawa, et al: U.S.Patent, 5,616,232, Apr, (1997) 

  7. A.Watson, M.R. el Sharif, and C.U.Chisholm : Trans. Inst. Met. Finishing, 64 (1986) 149 

  8. M.R. el Sharif and C.U.Chisholm: ibid, 66 (1988) 34 

  9. T.Urakawa et al.: U.S.Patent 5,458,764, Oct. 17 (1995) 

  10. POSCO : KR Patent 99-226912 (1999) 

  11. D.J.Levy and W.R.Momyer : J. Electrochem. Soc. 118 (1971) 1563 

  12. N.V.Mandich : Plating Surf. Finish., 84 (1997) 108 

  13. S.Hashimoto, S.Ando, T.Urakawa and M. Sagiyama : J. Japan Inst. Met., 62 (1)(1998) 9 

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