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[국내논문] The Effects of Combination of Functional Beverage(Garcinia Cambogia, L-Carnitine, and Soy Peptide) and Exercise on the Improvement of Body Fat 원문보기

The journal of applied pharmacology : the official journal of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology, v.11 no.2, 2003년, pp.99 - 108  

Kim, Kyung-Soo (Department of Family Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ,  Jung, Ju-Hae (Department of Family Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ,  Song, Chan-Hee (Department of Family Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ,  Sung, Bong-Ju (Korea Sports Science Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background: There is abundance of studies on the decrease in body fat through limited calorie intake or exercise; however, studies focusing simultaneously on functional foods and exercise are rare. This study was aimed to identify the effects of combination of a functional beverage and exercise on b...


참고문헌 (33)

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