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[국내논문] 3%C-18%Cr-1%Mo-2%Ni-1%Mn 고크롬백주철의 탄화물 및 기지조직에 미치는 불안정화열처리의 영향
The Effect of Destabilization Heat Treatment on the Carbide and Matrix Microstructures of 3%C-18%Cr-1%Mo-2%Ni-1%Mn High Chromium Cast Iron 원문보기

한국재료학회지 = Korean journal of materials research, v.13 no.9, 2003년, pp.581 - 586  

류성곤 (계명대학교 신소재공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

3%C-18%Cr-1%Mo-2%Ni-1%Mn high chromium cast iron was casted and destabilized at temperatures of 900, 1000 and $1100^{\circ}C$ for 1, 2, 4 and 8hr under $N_2$atmosphere to observe the effect of destabilization temperature and time on the carbide and matrix structures. In as-cast...


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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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가설 설정

  • 4) The effect of destabilization time on the secondary carbide and matrix structure was very weak compared with that of destabilization temperature. The ranges of the amount of austenite in the matrix from 1 to 8 hr destabilization heat treatment were: 3.
  • 3) More austenite was formed in the matrix with the higher destabilization temperature. The amounts of austenite in the matrix were 4.
  • 5) The equilibrium concentration of C and Cr in austenite was already reached within Ihr during destabilization treatment. After an attainment of the equilibrium concentration of C and Cr in austenite, no further more secondary carbide was precipitated from the matrix.
본문요약 정보가 도움이 되었나요?

참고문헌 (14)

  1. W. A. Fairhust and K.Rohring, Foundry Trade Journal, 136 385 (1974) 

  2. J. D. Watson, P. J. Mutton and I. R. Sare, Metals Fourum, 3, 74 (1980) 

  3. K. Yamaguchi and Y. Matsubara, J. of Japan Foundrymens Society(JFS), 62, 43 (1990_ 

  4. Y. Matsubara, N. Sasaguri and M. Hashimoto in Proceedings of The 4th Asian Foundry Congress(Queensland, Australia, October 1996), ed. K.D.Lakeland, p251 

  5. K. Shimizu, N. Sasaguri and Y. Matsubara, Proceedings of The 4th Asian Foundry Congress(Queensland, Australia, October 1996), ed. K. D. Lakeland, p283 

  6. Y. Matsubara and N. Sasaguri, J. of Japan Foundry Engineering Society(JFS), 68, 1099 (1996) 

  7. Y. Honda and Y. Matsubara, Proceedings of The 5th Asian Foundry Congress(Nanjin, China, September, 1997), ed. G. Sun, p192 

  8. S. K. Yu and Y. Matsubara, in Proceedings of The 4th Asian Foundry Congress(Queensland, Australia, October 1996), ed. K. D. Lakeland, p291 

  9. K. H. Zum Gahr and G. H. Eldis, Wear, 64, 175 (1980) 

  10. J. T. H. Pearce, AFS Trans., 92, 599 (1984) 

  11. R. S. Jackson, JISI, 208, 163 (1970) 

  12. S. K. Yu, KFS Spring Presentation(1994), p115 

  13. S. K. Yu and C. R. Loper, AFS Trans., 96, 811 (1988) 

  14. C. P. Tong, T. Suzuki and T. Umeda, JFS, 62, 344 (1990) 

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