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[국내논문] 스크롤 압축기 윤활시스템의 수치해석과 실험
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Studies on Lubricating System of Scroll Compressor 원문보기

한국정밀공학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, v.21 no.2 = no.155, 2004년, pp.108 - 115  

이진갑 (경기공업대학 자동화시스템과) ,  김종봉 (LG전자 디지털 어플라이언스 사업본부 연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Experiment and analytical studies on the oil supply characteristics of scroll compressor have been presented. For a scroll compressor, oil supply system consisting of individual lubricating element such as pumps, oil passages and sliding surfaces has been modeled by equivalent electric circuit. By s...


참고문헌 (6)

  1. Asanuma, H., Itami, T., IShikawa, H., 'An experimental study of the shaft oil supply mechansism of a rotary compressor,' Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue Univ., pp.383-390,1984 

  2. Itoh,T., Kobayahi,H., Fujitani,M., Murata,N., 'Study on the oil supply system for rotary compressors,' Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdur Univ., pp. 505-514, 1992 

  3. Kim, H. J., Lee, E. S., Kwag, S. H., Yun,K. W., Min,K. K., 'A Study on the oil supply system for rotary compressors,' Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdur Univ., pp. 153-160 

  4. Drost, R. T. and Quesada, J. F., 'Analytical and experimental investigation of a scroll compressor lubrication system,' Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdur Univ., pp. 551-560, 1992 

  5. Bernardi, J., 'CFD simulation of a scroll compressor oil pumping system,' Proceedings of the International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdur Univ., pp. 707-714, 2000 

  6. Pinkus, O., Sternlicht, B., 'Theory of hydrodynamic lubrication,' McGraw-Hill, 1961 

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