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Numerical Calculation of Minimum Ignition Energy for Hydrogen and Methane Fuels 원문보기

KSME international journal, v.18 no.5, 2004년, pp.838 - 846  

Kim, Hong-Jip (Korea Aerospace Research Institute) ,  Chung, Suk-Ho (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University) ,  Sohn, Chae-Hoon (Department of Aerospace Engineering, Chosun University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Minimum ignition energies of hydrogen/air and methane/air mixtures have been investigated numerically by solving unsteady one-dimensional conservation equations with detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms. Initial kernel size needed for numerical calculation is a sensitive function of initial pressure...


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제안 방법

  • Based on the relation between quenching distance and minimum ignition energy (Lewis and von Elbe, 1987), the present study is to test a simple method of determining minimum ignition energy numerically by tilizing quenching distance as initial kernel size for energy input. Although the complex modeling of ignition processes can be found in some literature (Sher et al, 1992 ; Akram, 1996), this study adopts simple models and one-dimensional approach, focusing on the macroscopic prediction of minimum ignition energy. This approach is still alive since it has many advantages (Akram and Lundgren, 1996).
  • , 1952). Based on the relation between quenching distance and minimum ignition energy (Lewis and von Elbe, 1987), the present study is to test a simple method of determining minimum ignition energy numerically by tilizing quenching distance as initial kernel size for energy input. Although the complex modeling of ignition processes can be found in some literature (Sher et al, 1992 ; Akram, 1996), this study adopts simple models and one-dimensional approach, focusing on the macroscopic prediction of minimum ignition energy.
  • 7 demonstrate satisfactory agreement in the minimum ignition energy between the numerical and the experimental results (Lewis and von Elbe, 1987). These results for the effects of pressure and equivalence ratio substantiate the validity of the adoption of quenching distance as the radius of ignition energy source in determining the minimum ignition energy numerically.
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참고문헌 (22)

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  22. Williams, F. A., 1985, Combustion Theory, 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA, p. 268 

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